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About stebo104

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    United States

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  1. oh goodness yes, rebirth's moogles are the worst looking moogles in any ff game, soo much so that they don't even look like moogles, they should of used the ff14 moogle models
  2. I'm at the last stage of fort condor and unable to do it. Even with a "cheat sheet" telling me a placement order (and putting it on ez mode), I'm unable to win. Piano I don't even try to do as it's just stupid, so need a auto-play piano mod and a Fort Condor mod that makes placeing units free or unlimited fort condor AP.
  3. The person who operates the fallout 76 extension is not keeping up with updates. Can not get any mod to work through Vortex since Caravan update. Mod deployment does not put anything in Custom.ini, and even if I manually imput each of my mods into the custom.ini and in correct order, non of the mods will work.
  4. No matter what I do no mod for Fallout 76 will work if installed through Vortex. I don't know if it's due to the "community" tag that was put onto it's managed games. But pretty sure it is, as that's when Vortex stopped handleing mods for Fallout76. Only way for mods to work is to "manually" install each and every one of them out side of vortex.
  5. For Text chat: I do have newest SFE installed but no text chat ingame. I must be overlooking something. For evb76: No matter what i do with this mod, even following install instructions step by step. I Just can not get this mod to work. I've tried both the aio and separate files options. I tried deleting the nevernude files and then the nude files after reinstall (with going into focustom.ini and removing the .bsa's that go with it). I just do not know what i'm missing with this mod. I really want to get it working so can start using some of the clothing/armor mods that require it.
  6. I just switched my steam drive to a ssd and reinstalling game/mods. But when I get to where I go to make body morphs/template files with bodygengen.bat/.py apps, the morph/template files are no created. Anyone know what's going on?
  7. I am just now trying out Fallui while following the guide on youtube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=306g7_wV6Lg. There was a few mods on here I didn't want, and don't think they are the reason my game is acting up now. The problem I'm facing now is there's a light-blue/teal colored box showing up on different things such as floating health bar, rolling dam, workshop mod and when in chat mod with a npc. I am not sure if it's just a simple setting(s) I'm overlooking, just my mod/load order is messed up or just missing a mod that'll prevent this. Got some screen shots below along with mod list and load order i'm using down in attachments. https://ibb.co/JzWX4WG https://ibb.co/SNnXG6L https://ibb.co/hHgHBQ6 https://ibb.co/HpmxpdP
  8. no it was on the lake itself, but linked to the north side.
  9. I'm trying to find a mod that had put a settlement/player home on the lake north on sunshine tidings. Anyone know what this mod was called and even if we can still get it?
  10. Problem i'm facing is terrain not loading in fast enough, where i would end up in a empty field and sit there for 5-30 sec's before things start loading.
  11. Yo all, I and thinking of playing fo4 again, and wondering on a good mod setup going around sim settlement. Main problem I faced in the past (and main reason i stopped playing) is that objects would not load till i was in the middle of a empty field at times and it just got really annoying. I can not remember what mods i had as I had deleted everything, so i'll be starting with fresh install of both game and mods
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