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Posts posted by developerzero

  1. I would like to start off by apologizing if I've overstepped my bounds in what I've done, but I have my reasons as you'll see, so here goes:


    I was looking around on Steam earlier, when I decided to check and see if Nexus had a Steam Group; to my surprise, there was NOT one. So I checked to see if there was any chatter here on the Forums; again, nothing. So I decided to see if maybe it was private; nope, still available. At this point, I realized some little jerk might decide to have fun at the expense of nexusmods and create a group just to block them out, so here is what I did:


    I went ahead and created a Steam Group for both Nexus Mods and Skyrim Nexus. They can be found here:


    Nexus Mods



    Skyrim Nexus



    Both groups are currently Public, and anyone can join, discuss mods, chat, etc. If either start having problems (jerks joining and messing with people, etc) I might have to switch it to Private (just PM me here to join, or follow the link in my profile to Friend me on Steam), though I don't think it will come to that.


    Again, I apologize if I've overstepped my bounds in doing this, but I hope it will be a service to the community, and hope you all come and join the group(s).


    To the Mods: join the group and send me a PM here with your Steam name (to confirm you are a Mod), and I will gladly hand over ownership of the group(s) to you if you want (see here: https://support.steampowered.com/kb_article.php?ref=2092-QLZX-8453#transfer). I just wanted to make sure some jerk didn't grab the names before a nexusmods user did.


    Happy gaming,




    P.S. I also apologize for double-posting this, but I felt it was appropriate to post in both places.


    P.P.S. To the Mods: If you approve of this, please promote it to the fellow members of the community.

  2. I recommend downloading the Skyrim Performance Monitor, and run your Skyrim with it.




    Take a look after the CTD and tell me if your Maximum RAM is somewhere near 3GB.


    You see, Skyrim is a 32-bit program, which means it has a RAM cap in the neighborhood of 3GB, and when it exceeds that, CTD. This is simply the most likely problem, from my experience (after dependency issues, which will crash on the home screen, before even getting into the game).


    Alternatively, you could simply be hitting a rare conflict between mods (it happens). You can change "bEnableLogging=0" to "bEnableLogging=1" under [Papyrus] to turn on the debug logs. I don't know enough about INIs to make any other recommendations, though I'm sure someone more experienced can help.


    Also, you might as well leave Safety Load on, you never know when you might need it, and by the time you need it, it's too late.


    That's about all I can tell you, short of suggesting a comprehensive Modding package like Skyrim Beautification Project (http://www.skyrim-beautification-project.com).


    Good luck fixing your problem.

  3. I kinda went a little over (thanks to OS & mandatory Disk Drive), but this is pretty close to my current system that I built over the summer. With just a little more money and a couple of changes, you've got a top of the line system that will last you at least three years, and crush anything out now.




    Only things that really need to change are double the RAM, increase the HDD to 4TB, add an SSD as a Cache drive for the HDD, and get a better case/PSU. Should probably also get a liquid cooler for the CPU. Probably totals another $500 for all that. And in a year, you can add a second GTX760 in SLI with the first, and still be close to top of the line while saving a good amount of money.

  4. Sounds like you have a dependency issue (i.e. you have a mod that is dependent on another mod, which it isn't detecting).


    I've got a couple of suggestions for you:


    1) Download BOSS and run it. If you have the dependency file, but it's loading in the wrong order, this will fix it.


    2) Check back through your list of mods, and see if you're missing any dependencies.


    3) Disable all your mods, then enable them one at a time until it CTDs, and you've found the problem.


    4) Could be a driver issue. I was having problems with NVidia's latest drivers a month ago (don't know if it's the same one now or not).


    5) DROP THE CRACK!!! There is no reason to be running a cracked Skyrim, even if you own it legitimately.


    I apologize for not providing links, but Nexus is down right now.

  5. I just missed you in chat....


    What you're looking for is http://www.creationkit.com/IsCompleted_-_Quest


    Basically, what you can do is:

    if(GetQuest(<Quest ID for identifying quest>).IsCompleted())

    Do what you want if quest is completed



    Replace the <Quest ID ...> with the ID for either Prophet(Dawnguard) or Prophet(Vampire) to detemine if they chose one side or the other. If you need to see if they also completed Dawnguard, you can also check if Kindred Judgment is finished.





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