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Everything posted by evermore

  1. I have seen some mention of an issue with the official HD texture pack causing issues with some mods because of the way things are loaded from it. Is this something that has since been fixed?
  2. Thanks guys, I'll be sure to check those out. I actually have used GIMP to create images for textures for a friend who was modding. I just made the images and sent to him though. If I remember correctly I had some trouble with the plugin. I am very good at image editing actually, so the textures will likely be the easy part for me. Will start with the simple stuff for sure. I am quite aware that (as with all things in life) it will take experience to do awesome stuff.
  3. Does anyone recommend and programs, guides, or w/e to get started on 3D modeling? Specifically I was interested in doing armor mods for Skyrim. Assume i am a complete neanderthal when it comes to 3D modeling and Skyrim modding! I am good at reading though, thanks for any recommendations yall!
  4. One of my characters can no longer jump. I have tried loading other saves on that computer, they work. I have tried loading that save on other computers, doesn't work. Something on the save file itself is such that it is not allowing any sort of jumping. I am utterly bamboozled as to what could cause this sort of issue. How the hell is there something on a save file that is causing this? It can't be a ini issue since the problem is with the save itself.
  5. One of my characters can no longer jump. I have tried loading other saves on that computer, they work. I have tried loading that save on other computers, doesn't work. Something on the save file itself is such that it is not allowing any sort of jumping. I am utterly bamboozled as to what could cause this sort of issue. How the hell is there something on a save file that is causing this? It can't be a ini issue since the problem is with the save itself.
  6. I would like to play a character that has a somewhat gimpy leg who staggers around a bit. I'm assuming this will require the CK and other tools to come out. But given those how difficult would it be to do, and how much interest would there be in it?
  7. Just think, once the Creation Kit is out: People we don't know will slave away for countless hours to provide high quality content to us for free, and in return we can badmouth them for supposive issues that arose with the mod when we improperly installed them because we were too lazy to read the instructions properly. not sure if not serious...
  8. This is helpful if you want more mannequins and don't mind using the console to add them in. http://www.thenexusforums.com/index.php?/topic/482475-tutorial-spawn-a-mannequin-base-id-89a85/
  9. Because I prefer the look of a redheaded female? Is that not enough?
  10. You have to play rather carefully on master before you get 100 enchanting/smithing, then you can start playing offensively again. Granted, you can certainly still get your ass kicked, should avoid the really nasty stuff. I recommend playing without using potions/scrolls, it is a fun challenge (assuming you don't mind dying and restarting =P) It also eliminates the alchemy/enchanting exploit. Even un-potion buffed enchanting is still damned strong tho, and the game certainly does get easier later on with master difficulty. The real challenge is getting to this point, I am starting off with a dual-wielding orc warrior with the no potions/master difficulty rule, and I have to be very careful, and very tricky about how I approach fights.
  11. I have been discussing Skyrim speed-runs with some friends for awhile, and we came out with a idea that will make things a bit more interesting. The idea is to have people attempt speed-runs of Skyrim with the following limitations: -Difficulty on master -Cannot use any food, potions, or scrolls The idea is to make the run more difficult, so that faster times will be more about strategy and less about precise execution. Right now I can't think of any exploits that would diminish the quality of the contest significantly, but if you know of some that might feel free to let me know. A big potential problem is that due to the length of the runs, it will be rather difficult to determine which runs are legit, especially due to the additional limitations. Thoughts/Suggestions/Concerns much appreciated. P.S. My memory fails me on this, what moment precisely defines the end of the main campaign? Is it the killing blow on the last boss? -Suggestions so far :Use in game date/time as opposed to real time
  12. After playing with a 2-handed hammer I have come to realize that they use the same sounds for some weapons that really should sound different. For example the standing power attack (when you go to the kill cutscene) it has a slicy sound that you would get from running someone through with a sword, not a hammer sound (Thump) This actually really bothers me, was wondering if anyone was working on a mod to add-in more differentiated weapon sounds. (Might be something we don't need the CK for?) On a completely unrelated note you shouldn't be decapitating people with a hammer, more like turning their heads into play-dough than a neat removal.
  13. It would, change it back when you switch characters. its kinda annoying, but having left click for left hand, and right click for right hand is super.
  14. This may just be my personal preference, but I think it is a good rule to follow in general as well. It is better to make a focused effort to make something of manageable scale with a high polish than something that is extremely huge. You can also add-on stuff later, if you try to do something big from the get-go initial quality will be lower and people with lose interest. Specifically to this project I think there should be an initial goal of doing 1 very specific area. Like just Winterfell. Having a really nice-looking winterfell, with NPCs with voice-acting and a quest or 2, would be more effective at drawing in additional people to the project than vast tracts of unfinished land, clumsy models of the cities and empty cities with silent NPCs. Someone who designed a really nice landmass for Westoros (or part of it) could probably attract a lot of people to start working on content for it. My point is looking at all the things that need to be done to create a full world as a monolithic effort will never get anywhere. Even just this landmass or a single city, or even the landmass for a single city is a huge amount of work (if it is to be done well). TL;DR: Quality is more impressive than Scale
  15. It is easy to remember Morrowind as the best of all of the elder scrolls because it was the first. (I am aware of the existence of Arena and Daggerfall) a lot of things have been changed around between Morrowind, Oblivion, and Skyrim, so any given player is bound to have liked the way Morrowind did some things the best. When we think of Morrowind we imagine Skyrim but with the things we liked about Morrowind swapped in. Last night I played Morrowind for some retro-gaming, which made the mental-gymnastics I had been doing obvious to myself. Sure it had the cool things I liked, but it also didn't have (insert huge amount of awesome stuff added in for Oblivion and Skyrim here.) I guess my point is, Morrowind was awesome and cool, and was RP-tastic to a brutally hardcore level, but lets not shortchange the advancements that have been made in the subsequent elder scrolls games. P.S. I'm not talking about visuals and animations, although those have improved quite a lot. :)
  16. Yo KaiIkaram I'm happy for you and imma let you finish but the spoilers sections is one of the best sections for this type of post of all time! OF ALL TIME!!!
  17. I am in general not afraid of fauna. I know how to handle poisonous snakes, no problem. I have also been trained to know how to chase bears away with a bean-bag gun. Spiders scare the s*** out of me, even small ones. Insects arent a problem. Once the CS is out I am considering making a mod that will change Spiders into Wasps or something that would realistically fit in.
  18. The wording on histskin, AR, and Highborn is that they increase their respective regeneration "tenfold." This clearly means that they multiplicitively (as you get more base regen the effect does more) scale along with the regeneration inherant to whatever your maximum health is. Base Health Regeneration is 0.7% of your maximum Health each second. Base Magicka Regeneration is 3.0% of your maximum Magicka each second. Base Stamina Regeneration is 5.0% of your maximum Stamina each second. So these would be 7%, 30%, and 50% with the effect active. (The definition of "increasing tenfold" is increasing to an amount ten times the previous amount, not increasing by an amount ten times the original amount.) That this was followed to the letter would be good to verify as well but I will assume this is correct for the rest of this post. My question is concerning the result of using these powers in conjunction with enchants or other things that provide a % bonus to regeneration of one of the 3 attributes. Do they combine their effects multiplicitively or additively? Example: lets say I have an argonian (has histskin which increases hp regen "tenfold") when used" with 100 max hp, and a armor set with +100% hp regen. With neither enchanted armor armor or Histkin Health regeneration is .7%/second * 100 hp = .7 hp per second With Histskin but no enchanted armor Health regeneration is .7%/second * 10 * 100 hp = 7 hp per second With enchanted armor but no histskin Health regeneration is .7%/second * (1+1) * 100 hp = 1.4 hp per second With enchanted armor and histskin (additive) Health regeneration is .7%/second * (10+1) * 100 hp = 7.7 hp per second With enchanted armor and histskin (multiplicitive) Health regeneration is .7%/second * 10 * (1+1) * 100 hp = 14 hp per second So as we can see the effect of the difference is quite pronounced. These effects are of course both multiplicitive to your base regen but it doesn't mean they are to each other. If they both summarily contribute to one "modifier value" that then modifies the actual health regen the effect would be additive. If one adds to your health regen, and then the other modifies your health regen based on that new value it would be multiplicitive. It is also possibly different between the effects, enchanting, and potions, althougth im guessing it is either all multiplicitive or all additive. If anyone has an idea for a good method of succinctly and accurately testing this let me know. TL;DR version: Does enchanting or using potions for +attribute regen % make these effects go beastmode? Test Status: -way to get readout of regeneration: unknown -way to keep track of game seconds versus attribute status: unknown -tenfold increase is increasing "to" and not by 10x base amount: not verified Additive or Multiplicitive? -health regen: unknown -stamina regen: unknown -magicka regen: unknown
  19. They weren't evil/sadistic, its more that they owned all of the s^&* and needed good security to keep the riff-raff out. I thought the Snow Elves --> Falmer devolution occured after the end of the Dwarves, but I'm not an expert on this area of the lore, so if someone else has a source I'm sure they are right.
  20. I have this stack of Alto Wine on my character (if i pick up more it adds to stack, same deal). It is counting as a quest item so I cannot, drop, eat, give to a companion, sell, or place in a container. I checked and I can't find a quest it is for, but in case there is I have put this in this forum. I'm assuming it won't blow up this game if I remove them from my inventory using the console, but I am uneasy using the console on quest items unless I fully understand what is going on. Any ideas on the matter would be super awesome, thanks!
  21. Modding the Elder Scrolls is a MMO, a very fun enriching one with a talented and awesome community.
  22. If there are level scaling items in Skyrim it would be nice to have a list of them and the quests that give them so I can know to avoid getting them. Anyone know if there is such a list or a good way to make a comprehensive one?
  23. It showed where to go on the map for me when I set it to active and looked it over. (Was in misc.) Is it not showing up on the map for you? maybe we had a different quest. Don't want to go into any more detail for fear of spoiler creation.
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