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Posts posted by SAJNM

  1. In response to post #94496548. #117722273 is also a reply to the same post.

    Espeonage67 wrote: So I've done the manual download because the automatic said the files were incomplete and thus could not be extracted. I've then copied everything in the bb folder that was inside the underwear folder. After I copied those textures/meshes I pasted them into the base texture/mesh files of my game, then booted it up with openmw. And it didn't work, so I'm confused at what to do now. I'm really not experienced with modding so I don't even know where I'd start 
    arseboth wrote: add the following to your openmw.cfg (the one in your config path, not the one in your game directory)
    change the first line to whereever you put the mod. for me its in a folder called _moddata as you can see.
    i had to post it as a f*#@ing pastebin because if i try to type this as a comment, nexusmods changes it to some javascript error?? nice website.

    It's easier if you use Wrye for OpenMW. Just don't forget to go do (while importing the mod) Advanced > set "Data Files" inside e.g. "Nude" as the root folder. and then enable the .esp in the addons tab.


  2. In response to post #91307608.

    ineedsomelove wrote: there is 3 folders in manual underwear peanut gallery and nude what are the diffrence

    3 versions within archive;
    Nude version: If you're not wearing clothes, you're naked, and anatomically correct.
    Underwear version: You have painted-on underwear similar to what Bethesda did.
    Peanut Gallery version: For insecure adolescent boys, this version puts underwear on all the men and makes all the women naked, with no hair below their neck.
  3. In response to post #87044278. #87308083 is also a reply to the same post.

    leonardo2 wrote:

    I was wondering if anyone knew what I have to do to disable the nudity? I'm considering streaming Morrowind at some point, and Twitch doesn't allow nudity to be shown in games for obvious reasons. I'm guessing it's just some textures I need to remove, but I don't want to risk breaking anything by getting rid of the wrong thing. Thanks in advance!

    Have you read the Better Bodies readme?


    You should find information about how to avoid nudity or you can simple remove Better Bodies via Wrye Mash, provided that you use Wrye Mash.

    CreamyMCcheese wrote: What do you mean by remove it with wrye mash? wouldnt that disable the mod?

    Yes this is actually very poor advice provided.
    Firstly as it is not packaged as a BAIN installer you really could not install this properly through wrye mash and subsequently not be able to uninstall. 
    I have provided a manual method answering the OP question.

    Alternatively you could create your own BAIN version for Wrye Mash by:
    1. unpacking the "Better Bodies (manual)" version.
    2. rename the folder "Nude\Data Files" to "00 Nude"
    3. rename the folder "Peanut Gallery\Data Files" to "01 Peanut Gallery"
    4. rename the folder "Underwear\Data Files" to "02 Underwear"
    5. repackage only these renamed folders using 7-zip, WinRAR etc.

    Now you can use your "new" repackage to install and uninstall using Wrye Mash without any issues.
    For the OP's case choose "02 Underwear"
  4. In response to post #87029268.

    Warriorcatdragon wrote: I was wondering if anyone knew what I have to do to disable the nudity? I'm considering streaming Morrowind at some point, and Twitch doesn't allow nudity to be shown in games for obvious reasons. I'm guessing it's just some textures I need to remove, but I don't want to risk breaking anything by getting rid of the wrong thing. Thanks in advance!

    Download the "Better Bodies (manual)" version.

    There are 3 main folders
    - Nude
    - Peanut Gallery
    - Underwear

    Install from only the Underwear folder.
    Though I don't recommend the following method of installing; you can copy everything from the downloaded mod contained in
    \Underwear\Data Files
    \Data Files in your game directory (e.g. C:\Program Files\Morrowind\Data Files)
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