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Posts posted by Deleted845816User

  1. The title can be a bit confusing, but i've run into a bug where my character seems to have the snowy winds of skyrim blowing under her feet even when she's in a place that has no snow.


    Inside a cave, trapsing a dungeon, even at the local cantina, the texture that has the snow blowing across the character's feet while they walk is perpetually animating everywhere.


    I'd appreciate a bug fix for this, as it is extremely hard to search for keyword snow and glitch in skyrim without other mods and packs/fixes for other bugs coming up.


    So if anyone has run into this problem and could share a bit of insight i'd be most appreciated.





  2. I have done a lot of research into this and the only answer I seem to get is that it's a female only feature. Although, I have heard that it's a bug caused by facial hair. I would really like a PC user to check this out for me since I'm on 360 this run around. I would say it's not a bug and just something stupid bethesda decided to do (1st Recon armor not available to players).



    Your post....it makes me angry...probably because you're right...but still...gawdammit bethesda.


    This can be mod-fixed right? Like seriously, someone can MOD this to work the way it SHOULD right?

  3. I'm surprised this isn't as confusing to you as it is to me. Although i could agree with you without knowing, i think it best if a person with substantial modding experience post in this thread to see what is actually preventing people from using the cowl, because i have no idea and the most the rest of us have are educated guesses aside from those who opened up the file, played with it, et cetera.
  4. @sworddragon: Is that how mods that are out now without the construction kit fix flame and magic effects not showing up, Volumetric shadow and fog effects, including black texture bugs? Forgive my ignorance of modding prowess, but aren't these in similar categories of files that need to be tweaked? That's in addition to what i mentioned before.


    My question was why do we need the construction kit, especially when so many other files are getting recolors, retextures, and so many other effect fixes? Are NIF files what they're using to tweak these other mods? Why isn't the cowl part of that now-tweakable stuff including physical male and female bodies?

  5. @Edward I can understand your reasoning in being patient, i just want to make it blatantly obvious how ridiculous of a problem this is.



    1. People are releasing appearance mods and bug fixes for Skyrim like it's f***ing Christmas already.


    2. Half of those mods deal with fixing appearance texture issues and tweaking graphical prettyness.


    3. Along comes a bug that seems to be quite simple in it's nature to fix (mask missing from shrowded cowl) and...


    4. We need to wait for the Construction Set to fix THIS particular problem?


    I hope this doesn't insult anybody when i ask this but...




  6. This entire fiasco makes me feel like Bethesda is sexist or something along those lines. I mean seriously, you're selling a game to people who love assassins, warriors, rogues, mages, and all kinds of superhero types, but in the moments before the game's launch you see that the mask of one of the major organizations represented within the game is MISSING from the model because you as a Dev decided that BEARD CODE was going to get in the way of your leet programming skillz and that bug just couldn't be fixed before launch?


    I hate you Bureaucracy. I hate you dead.

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