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Everything posted by Ap0cNizmith

  1. THIS ^^^^ It puts a yellow line of arrows on the ground for you to follow to your destination, you can't miss it and it is done spectacularly.
  2. Not sure this is even possible as the in game driving AI is absolutely the worst I have ever seen. Even if someone could implement it I would be willing to bet that it would mess up do to the fact that the car in front of you would just forget how to take a corner and park in the intersection.
  3. Or just leave the little useless urchins in the street. They have no combat benefit, they never give anything worth anything more than you can loot from a bandit camp, they don't provide you with extra vendors to unload all that stuff you've hoarded. Save yourself the headache and just download https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/1108.
  4. Honestly Microsoft being in charge isn't a bad thing at all. TBH They also own Obsidian and hopefully now they can get back to work on Fallout series because FO4 is 100% hot garbage IMO.
  5. ^^^ That. ^^^. Tried a few, they either lacked voice acting, involved me sitting around in a town trying to hawk my items, or conflicted with other mods so badly they were unusable. I would prefer it to be in solitude as it has the highest density of NPCs therefore faster unloading of all the crap I end up hoarding. Willing to pay for your time to create this via pay pal or other methods.
  6. I run a GTX 1660ti with everything 2-4K some 8K even, and a ENB and I have to frrame cap it in nvidia settings to prevent it from jumping over 60fps out of combat and in combat I never see less than 48sh fps with tons of particles in a rainstorm or something.
  7. I need less performance is what I am saying. I have done the INI vsync, the Nividia game settings to vsync, and even tried limiting fps to 60 capping it in nvidia settings but when I go through a load screen or randomly when there isn't much grass or rocks etc it'll hop to 61-62 fps just long enough for shops to explode throwing everything off shelves, or a enemy dies and launches into orbit. If I turn off vsync and uncap it it was at 297 fps on ultra settings on skyrim SE. So I was hoping someone would point me toward something that was incredibly intensive graphically so I could naturally force the game to under 60fps to stop these things from happening so often.
  8. So I just put together a new pc Nvidia GTX 1660ti, 16gb 3000 ddr4 corsair pro ram, ryzen 5 3600.Solid budget system I've never played skyrim at anything over 30 fps before with my old system, sooooo now I installed special edition, and even with vsync on vanilla is tossing stuff everywhere, bandits being launched into orbit on death etc. I know it's the game engine even frame capped at 60 it likes to jump above that periodically. So what I am asking is what mods, talking 4K at least would you suggest to make it look as pretty as possible while also intentionally tanking my fps so I am not killed by a flying mug again lol. What graphical/game play mods would you all suggest. I like campfire/RND/Hunterborn/Wintersun/Summermist/Growl a lot, but never really looked into graphical mods as I used to run on a nvidia 1030 so yeah. Help a brother out here XD.
  9. Tried a few db mods including Brotherhood of Old... So buggy, dialog in some spots is earsplitting and in others... well I had to murder a bard just to be able to hear what the NPC in the inn was saying to me... So what I would like to see is a mod with a similar premise. One where we rebuild the Brotherhood back up to what it used to be but I'd like to see it grittier, a bit more savage and not over the top edgy.
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