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About LiquidAurum

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  1. Below is the modlist straight from mod organizer. As a quick overview, I am using Realvision enb, latest. I'm using the Option B (ELFX version). I've used RealVision before (almost been a year) and it has worked in the past so it's not a hardware issue. https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B401Ci0KQvVrX29XeU9RdWVZY28/view?usp=sharing If you guys need more details please let me know. thanks Unfortunately I can't edit the title, I just realized my poorly structured sentence
  2. So I did check Create archive and use compression, and did the whole combnining. Now it reated a .7z file called "SMC.7z". Now do I go in NMM uninstall all the mods I had checked on Smc, then just install Smc as a single mod?
  3. I've downloaded better texture enviroments and tried it like that, I see the "enviroments_level" directory in my Coocked pc folder, so does that mean by chance it worked?
  4. So I'm new to modding for W2, and there are some mods that don't have the "download for nmm' button, for those can I download manually then add them to the nmm by the "add mod from file" button in the nmm ?
  5. So I went on a rampage and started downloading like a crap load of mods. And one of my characters (I think it's just one) has a problem where he just crouches EVERYWHERE he goes. And every time I press sprint he rolls. I'm sure it's an animation mod. Issue #2: Everytime I press 'E' to talk to an NPC there lips move but there are no subtitles, and no sound comes from them. But normal NPC talk is fine, like when I pass next to them and stuff.
  6. Hmm, I suppose. This would apply to the other games as well I'm guessing.
  7. Always wondered about this. If someone pirated let's say Skyrim or any other game on this site (like Team fortress 2 XD) would mods work? Like I know Bethesda's last patch for Skyrim was like 1.9 something. So if a Pirate got his hands on that could he theoretically get mods? No I'm not a pirate, I own the legit copy of Skyrim, I have the recipt :D.
  8. I downloaded lush trees and grass, the lush grass works just fine, but the lush trees I keep getting like block trees when looking at some trees from a distance, up close trees are perfect, though. Is there some command I missed
  9. I'm going to get the RealVision Mod, one of the recommended mods is Vivid Landscapes - Dungeons and Ruins, and it has files specifically for ENB, since I don't have ENB yet, do I download that one or what? Because I plan on downloading more mods that have to overwrite files from Vivid landscapes, it'll be difficult for me to download non-ENB and then go back and download ENB, any advice?
  10. Believe me, I didn't know if it posted or not, I kept getting an error I swear, so I came back and posted again later, was honestly not meaning to spam, I swear. But could you help me?
  11. Do you have to install the recommended/essential mods in order? or does he mean load order? and if it is install order, what happens if later I change my mind and want to install another mod from the middle of recommended mods list? Do I uninstall the lower mods and then reinstall?
  12. According to the author he says to install the recommended/essential mods in that order. Did he mean load order, or actualy install in that order? If he did, what if later I changed my mind and wanted to get a mod in the middle of the list, and would I have to uninstall a mod that I already installed just because it was lower on the list?
  13. The author says, for recommended and essential mods, for install order, so do I really have to INSTALL in that order or does he really mean load order? And what if later I changed my mind and wanted to download another mod from that list, would I have to uninstall some mods simply because they come after on the list?
  14. My Theory: Recently Skyrim was up for ~$8 on steam sale, so there is a hoard of recently new modders on the site, so all this extra traffic causing problems. I'm one of those newbies :D
  15. One other thing, for RealVision ENB mod, it's suggested to disable Hi-Res Texture Pack, how do I do that?
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