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Gas Mask and Flight Helmet Voice Muffle
WilsonB1 replied to Daedalus0313's topic in Fallout 4's Mod Ideas
Damnit I was hoping someone had allready modded this. I did this as a personal mod for FalloutNV. It was just a matter of changing one setting in the equipments options in GECK to use the muffled audio. I have zero experience with the 3rd party modding tools or I woulda done this allready :( Hopefully someone gets ambitious. -
Nice find! I am gonna pick this project up one last final time and finish it. The hood idea is good!
Sorry for delays people. Well I got in touch with Dogtown1 and in regards to the issue with hog animations at distance not being displayed, it is a well recognized bug Bethesda is aware of that occurs when you add new creatures to the level lists without starting a fresh save. So that should clear that bug up, there is the wierd aggro cow moo bug still occuring but for now I am just gonna make the males not give aggro warnings and just attack when they are alerted. Stand by, will get beta out in next day or so... Placeholders for boar meat, cooked boar meat, and the hide, but this is just temporary.
Hey Shadowjin, you didn't have any luck by chance investigating the cow anims did you? This one has me stumped! One other issue which is preventing the beta release is an issue with the boar aggro sound. I didn't use anything sound, armour, skin, actor, quest, quest dialogue, combat style, voicetype, package etc related to the cow, and yet when the boar spots player or another actor and goes to warn them to stay away, the boar moos like a cow... The only things I am using related to the cow is the boneset and hkx behviour... None of the boar sound descriptors are cow moos, none of the packages/quest dialogue I made call up crCowVoice at any point... this is frusterating as hell... I ... just ... wanna ... release ... this ... :biggrin:
Hey guys, I'm having a few issues with my wild pig creatures I am working on for Hogs Gone Wild. Issue #1 For some reason the sounds the hog uses for aggro warning is a cow moo. The pigs are set to use my own crVoice type. There is also a pig creaturedialogue created with setup for idle to alert, idle to combat etc, all the combat subtopics are setup to use HogsGoneWild sounds but for some reason the aggro sounds used are the cow ones. I am not even using anything cow related for the pigs besides the cow boneset and the .hkx behaviour from cow but isn't this just related to the boneset? Issue #2 I noticed ingame that if you are any distance further than say 25m from pig, his walk/run animations are not displayed. He just skates or slides across the terrain. Vanilla creatures and other mods don't seem to have this problem however I noticed one 4 legged light brown leathery creature in dogtown1's awsome monster mod that had this issue as well (I apologize - the name of the creature escapes me), it got me thinking if it uses the cow boneset and the issue lies within something related to or the boneset itself? I am workin away hard to get these issues solved for public beta v0.1, any help would be much appreciated.
Oh ok I hadn't tried SkyTest yet, thanks for that info. Also I didn't realize they added pigs and pigglets to the farms, good to know as I was gonna model domestic pigs. But I will hold off on that now seeing as they have been done! Hmmm I am not exactly sure why cow boneset would be set up in this fashion (ie no anims for far LODs)... I am gonna fish around in NifSkope and see if there are any parameters that COULD be related to this issue... I know Monster Mod works at far distance anim wise... but as you said, this could be cow boneset specific and 95% of the monsters display anims at distance. There is however this one brown quadraped thing (I forget what it called). It looks kinda dinosaurish and is tan, and it's anims DON'T work at distance (maybe it's using the cow boneset... I will have to check on that). Cheers man. For sure man. Perhaps not right off the bat in the initial public beta release, but I will include them in the first public beta update. Variation is always nice isn't it? As far as herds are concerned, the adult males are somewhat solitary. They roam alone, and will let other creatures get within 20 meters or so before they get pissed off. For the public beta they will also be set up to not get rediculously aggressive and take on stuff like mammoth, giants, big cats, bears or dragons. As far as moving groups are concerned, female adult's will sometimes be found in herds together with one sow acting as the "parent" with several "children" sows following her. Each "child" sow will be "parent" to a couple piglets each, or none at all. Planned behaviours for the sows would be like, self-protection, piglet protection, flee on other sow being attacked. Poor piglets will simply be mobile pieces of meat with no defences... Maybe they will be brave enough to take on a butterfly or something though. I have found with the internal testing that sometimes adult males will yield a pelt, couple chunks of meat, other times you will get like 6 pieces of meat and no pelt (maybe you hacked it up too much?) Adult males are actually quite hardy beasts at this point. Sometimes with a couple criticals or a good sneaky shot with the bow they go down quick, but I would not wanna have to fight even 2 at low level! Im sure I will get complaints about balancing issues but I guess thats why it's a called a public beta :biggrin: And I am more than happy to tweak to public popular opinion. Thanks for taking an interest in the project! You gotta love that when it happens :biggrin: Cheers right back at you. Hey big thanks Shadowjin.
Hey guys, first and foremost thanks for taking an interest in the project! The DLC (Dragonborn) adds Razorbacks. To me they resemble more of a winterized warthog so I thought the boar/swine/piglet would make a nice addition! These are boars (Breaking out grammar nazi stick and hat) :biggrin: . Now please I don't wanna come off as a know-it-all or anything, and I JUST learned this myself a couple weeks ago but a boar is an unneutered (wild) male pig, a hog is a farm animal (domesticated). So I guess the name for the mod is still relevant (phew). In regards to mod requirements, I used NOTHING from the DLC for the boar. This was a specific intention so the non-DLC people could still try it out! I always feel dissapointed for non-DLC players when a really wicked DLC req'd mod comes out (myself included sometimes)! I used the cow boneset as its proportions more closely resembled the overall shape of the adult male. The sounds are all royalty free sound files I edited and setup in CK for the adult swine to use for audio and I must say, when ur stabbing a boar at close range with a dagger, the sound(s) the boar makes is reminiscent of the scene in Predator where Mac is gutting the pig that wanders into the camp at night :ermm: On a bit of a distressing note, I noticed a really wierd bug yesterday while ingame hunting boar in the Whiterun hold on the plains. In the far distance (pretty much any distance past 120 meters) the walk animations are not displayed on model. If I squint my eyes and look at a hog grazing in the distance, I can clearly see the head going down to eat, so the idles are fine at distance, just the walk/run anims.... If any of the more experienced modders out there happen to grace the thread with their presence and they know what the issue is let me know or PM me! Thanks!
Good luck on your new career!
Cheers, just working out some bugs before public beta v0.1!
HogsGoneWild v0.1 Public Beta will be released in the next couple days hopefully. Ran into some issues with getting the unique adult boar voicetype setup not working yet in-game which I am in the process of fixing (hopefully quickly). Long weekend here in Canada so I lost a few days being able to finish up work on the public beta but am back on track now and will work towards demo release post haste.
Development of the adult male AI packages is well underway. The first set is complete for the Public v0.1 beta demo. The set includes: *note* Combat interruption applies to these packages Foraging (Dawn/Dusk) Features: These 2 packages make the adult male hogs go out and graze 16384 units (roughly 234 metric meters) from their respective nesting area. Nesting (Daytime) Features: This package will make adult males seek out "foliage" objects to sleep in/around/under (trees). Raid (Nightime) Features: This package will make adult males seek out one of the following objects relevant to NPC developed areas within a 16384 radius perimeter from adult male position during Raid package initiation with the intent of showing the adult males actively trying to exploit settlements etc for food/prey creatures to eat. So basically long story short, pigs using the raid AI package will be drawn to settlements etc at night:P Relevant Object Reference Keyword List (for adult male raid AI package): -BanditCamp -GrainMill -SmallCookingPot -CookingSpit -Farm -ForswornCamp -GiantCamp -Settlement -Town -MilitaryCamp -OrcStronghold To be added to the list: -reagents -edible plants (wild or farmed) -chickens -goats -children or dogs The sequence for the package is the engine will go down the reference keyword list and once it lands on one that is in pigs radius, it marks that travel procedure, the pig goes to radius of object, and starts sequence procedure idle meaning he'll do idle stuff once he gets there or most likely attack villagers/animals. I need to tweak theadult males a bit still to make them a tad more timid, they will stand there and give you some warning grunts but once you are in combat with them, they rarely run off... or have a chance to >:( One thing I am wondering about is how to make the object reference keyword list order I am using for the travel sequences randomized so that if an adult male keeps spawning in the same general area, the object reference keyword they choose to move to isn't always the first one in the list the engine encounters. IE if a grain mill is near the adult male and the grain mill sequence is at the top of list, and each night the pig goes out on his raid the chosen travel sequnce he will always take will be the the one which contains the first keyword which is relevant to him which will always be "GrainMill". Stay tuned...
Oh dear god, the dreaded full format/reinstallation of all your mods... Good Luck!
I really love the look of these hogs! Are they rigged to Dragonborn's boar by the way? Hey Shadowjin, first and foremost thanks for taking an interest in the mod. The adult male boar in the pics is setup to use the highland cow skeleton due to the body proportions of the adult male boar. I looked at the bristleback and decided not to use it's boneset due to the long length of the bristleback model's legs. The cows proportions are much closer... and this way as well non Dragonborn owners will be able to enjoy the mod as well - it's a win/win situation imo :)
I am finished (for now) with the Adult male boar rigging which is now ready for the Public v0.1 beta demo. I plan on coming back to it and tweaking some weighting and placement of hair (w/alpha) on the sides of the adult male boar which will be addressed in the first patch. Again I expect to have public v0.1 beta ready sometime next week! Look forward to people trying it out and having some fun with the mod.
First version of the adult male is in-game working with placeholder rigging. I had to set the bristleback boneset aside and use the cow boneset. I was running into some "hiccups" using the bristleback boneset however the cow's proportions/animation set works well suprisingly. The cow animations for grazing, walking, and the head thrust attack which is usually used for the cows horns looks nice for the pigs attacking with tusks... So anyway for now I may just stick with this cow boneset :biggrin: There are some slight positioning issues with the pigs tail, legs, ears being affected by other parts of the body moving but I should be able to solve this by slightly tweaking the positioning of the effected parts or manually changing the weights of certain bones to not affect unwanted areas of the model... http://i.imgur.com/J0dVlVR.jpg http://i.imgur.com/tfaw7Wl.jpg I must say progress is steadily moving along. I should have a public beta ready in the next week or two featuring the adult male. There will most likely be spawn points setup throughout the holds for the adult males, as well as proper AI packages. Bellow are the AI packages to be hopefully included for the demo: AI Packages -Foraging (Dawn) Description: From around 04:30 to 07:00 adult males will wander from their nesting areas in search of food. They will be drawn to sources of water in their "territories". -Nesting (Daytime) Description: During the daytime from around 07:00 to 19:30, adult males will seek refuge under the cover of the forests and low brush. Typically during this time they will be found to be resting/sleeping. -Foraging (Dusk) Description: From the hours of 19:30 to 20:30 adult males will gather at local water sources as well as forage for food in surrounding areas. -Foraging (Night) Description: Around 20:30 at night to 04:30 the next morning adult males will wander close/into local human settlements/farms looking for chickens and other small creatures to kill. It is to be expected they are looking for food. If there are no human settlements/farms in the territory of that particular pack/individual pig then they will simply wander and forage about their territory. Some other small goodies I hope to have enough time to squeeze in for the public beta 0.1 but I will keep them as a suprise for now!