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Everything posted by XunAmarox

  1. I don't think a newborn, even dragonborn should be able to be the ruler of an entire region of vampires like that. I mean, they must be thousands and thousands of years old. Though, I do think being the equivalent of a vampire jarl would be somewhat appropriate. It would still be unprecedented for a newborn. But, it could be something about being dragonborn. Maybe the vampirism at high enough levels somehow awakens your inner dragon. Maybe that would be how you could get wings at some point. And maybe, just maybe... at the very end, get a dragon transformation to actually become a dragon. Yeah... I think that would be awesome.
  2. I'm guessing you didn't read the skills...
  3. I wonder.... What would happen if you killed them, remarried, THEN you resurrected them! ...married to both? Unmarried to first? No longer married to second? Oh the possibilities...
  4. You still can't travel with a carriage. player.modav carryweight # ex: player.modav carryweight 2000 That's the command to use.
  5. Some shop keepers do it as well. It's just a weird mechanic in the game.
  6. They just said the "week" after Thanksgiving. Not particularly at the beginning of the week. It could be Friday at Midnight for all we know. And keep in mind, this is just a rumor. And while I wish for the CS, I doubt it'll come with the patch.
  7. Unfortunately, I didn't level up unintentionally for what would have been like 50 levels, but.... I actually wanted to level up. xD... And... the Daedric Artifacts require certain levels, I know that much.
  8. That's definitely out of the realm of my abilities, but if someone else could do it, then sure. Having wings and horns as some kind of second transformation or something for vampires, where you could fly, could be really cool.
  9. Possibly. But being hunted isn't too fun. Maybe if they say that they're hunting them, but in play it's the vampires that do the hunting of the templars in retaliation and what have you... Well, I guess that's an idea... But according to lore, the Volkihar don't leave their dens (beneath frozen haunted lakes) except to feed. Not quite the type to have parties, I'm afraid... I actually envision them a lot like the Dark Brotherhood... you probably noticed a lot of similarities.
  10. Kinda like beast form, except you'd toggle it on/off. I think probably use that black snaky smoke effect you get when you crouch with Ebony Mail (Daedric Artifact, not Ebony Armor) for the change itself. Basically... it'd just change your skin tone & eye color by changing your race, and when you changed races you'd get the racial buffs. As for the race you transform into, a script to keep track of your vampirism level would have to be in there and that's the race you'd turn into. In other words, there would be 6 or 7 "Vampire" races (one for each Volkihar stage, and one for non-volkihar maybe). Come to think of it, 6-7 * every race in the game will be a real pain to do... but that's how it'll probably be done. Maybe I could avoid having that many races by just having some kind of script to just add/remove the active powers and skills depending on your current level of vampirism... yeah, that'd probably be better. And anyways, basically it'll just be like you look like you were pre-vamp in Human-form but you'd have some small buffs in your vampire human form, since you are still a vampire, just concealing your true nature with some sort of magic that limits your powers. Then when you use vampire form you'd get the pale skin and glowy eyes and fangs and all of the abilities, and you'd be hostile to all npc's. Kinda like being human (yet still immune to diseases as a werewolf) and then you transform (beast form) and then you get all sorts of buffs and everyone is hostile to you. A lot like that. I hope that was clear!
  11. Hm. Well, I decided I'd post about my ideas for this since I'm going to need some major motivation to actually go through with all of it since it'll be a pretty substantial undertaking... probably going to need a fair amount of help and voice actors and such too... Anyways, the basic premise is to redesign the vampires in Skyrim to be more like the Volkihar from lore, add a huge amount of a quests, npc's, a sanctuary, dens, and redo the way vampirism works in general in the game and make vampires a more terrifying encounter. None of this will even start to be modded until the construction set comes out, mind you, and I'll probably need some help with anything that is heavily scripted... So if anyone wants to volunteer to help, that'd be nice... Anywho, I guess I'll just dive right into it, and start out with the skill/vampirism changes I've written down thus far... Right... Moving onto my quest line I've laid out... Keep in mind, the following will be super heavy spoilers for anyone that intends to actually play it at some point, and will likely ruin it for you. But if you don't care about being spoiled and want to see how I'm thinking of doing it, then go ahead and read on... So, uh... yeah. You can give your comments and ideas on this stuff now and whatnot, or volunteer to help and stuff if you think you can, or just show your support.
  12. Don't be so hard on the guy. It didn't work for me on one of my characters either. It turns out that you have to talk to Maramal before it will work (even if you already have an amulet). It worked after that. I dunno other reasons it wouldn't work, but I guess it can be pretty finicky.
  13. There already is a vampire (and other unholy creatures) hunting guild. I don't know if you can join it though.
  14. I think it just goes along with their whole theme of "Choose your own destiny" rather than following anyone else's path. It's the Greybeard's advice. Don't follow the Greybeard's path or the Blades or anyone else's. Just follow your own. I guess you might not make everyone happy with it that way, but it's probably the best way.
  15. I hear the import/export for 3ds Max is out, if you have that. I also hear people are making mods with TESSnip and some other jazz, but I hear that's pretty difficult. Patch 1.2 is rumored to be coming the week after Thanksgiving, but I dunno if that'll include the construction set.
  16. Personally, I'd like to see stronger faster more resilient vampires (that don't have their hp/stamina stop recovering during the day). Like, move speed of 200 or so vampires. It'd be like the True Blood style vampires. And add more damage to their attacks (melee or magic), and make them attack faster and have a fairly high chance to evade. These could increase or decrease based on difficulty setting. I think such things like I mentioned would make vampires truly a force to be feared when you come across them. Not just some slightly buffed bandit-type run in. No, no... it would be a terror rivaling even dragons and giants.
  17. Just don't feel too brave when you see that Giant, or certain particular dragons...
  18. That's interesting... Though, I doubt the hardest part of a port, even from scratch, would be the land... I imagine the hardest part is all the buildings and NPC's and whatnot... and since you can't use data from another game, you couldn't just use their old models, you'd have to recreate all of them. Such a pain that would be...
  19. What is this, I don't even... Dragons spawn too much as it is. Don't think so? Try getting out more. Go near mountains or something. Damn things are everywhere, like a virulent plague or something! I can barely walk out of a cave or something without hearing a dragon roaring overhead. Seems like a good percentage of the time I fast travel near a quest target, there just happens to be a dragon appear as I'm running to my marker. So aggravating... Aggravating because 80% of the time they never land, and 15% of the time that they do it's in some very inconvenient location.
  20. You should be able to add a faction to it to make it think you own it. Dunno what the refid of that faction would be though... Good hunting!
  21. Right now it's set to not load a face model in the item data, so you would just have one big gaping hole.
  22. Most guys probably don't fap to their own manhood. Just sayin'. Anyways, don't even imagine that you're going to do it. It's moderately difficult, I suppose. But it will certainly be done once we get mesh editing tools released.
  23. I know it can't be done until we get the construction set (a week after Thanskgiving, supposedly), but someone was going to post it, and it may as well be me. Anyways, the idea is removing marriage limits so you can marry as much as you want. Hell, you can marry all of them if you want! Fun times that would be, right? 20 husbands and 20 wives. Ha! (okay, maybe not quite that many... though, your own personal army of spouses... no no...) Ahem... Yes, yes. Marriage limit removal. Being able to marry infinitely. Also being able to marry nearly any NPC.
  24. Ridiculously difficult, would require an entire dedicated team of modders and many months. It would also be unreleasable as assets from Oblivion (From Bethesda) would not be allowed to be released for a new title (Skyim). There would be legal issues, as you can't ensure everyone that owns Skyrim owns Oblivion, and the assets in Oblivion must be paid for and belong only within that title. In Oblivion there was a Morrowind project, but it experienced a disappearing act after it was nearly completed, when Bethesda stepped in and said "no." It had to be removed from hosting everywhere, and I never heard much of it thereafter. I fear such a mod would suffer the same fate. Intellectual Properties, Trademarks, Copyrights and what have you.
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