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Everything posted by LosLocusHominem

  1. I only created three mods so far, but the first two worked flawlessly. Now I made a third one that worked with no Issue in singleplayer, but when my buddy tried to join, we got this error EXC Memory stream is not expandable Everything works fine if we do not include the third mod, but it is literally my second one that works fine, just with different kinds of block names and offset to them. https://www.nexusmods.com/7daystodie/mods/6945 anybody got an idea what I am doing wrong? ElWabblos Spikeblocks double damage.zip Terrain Block Testing.zip
  2. well it is to bad that it doesnt matter how many of us want the mod the one who decide if this mod will ever exist is the modder not the requester i just hope there is any modder out there readin this
  3. its not about the logic^^ some men just want to see their shot hit
  4. Is there a modder out there who would help a coop player who minimizes his game to pass the waiting for getting summoned i often find myself in a situation where i am already in or even out again if i check back what has happened in the game i can still hear the games sound in the background so if someone could make a little script for me that makes a sound once your summon sign has been activated i would be realy gratefull^^
  5. It will probably be no problem for any modder to change the max. chance for pickpotteting from 90 to 100 like it was already avaible in skyrim modding same goes for the hitchance in the VATS-system that is capped at 95% accurancy if somebody could change these number to 100 it would make a huge difference for me^^ saying thanks in advance
  6. I've searched the modsection for quite some time now and were unable to find a mod that allows to lvl up more than 5 times per lvl at a trainer i don't know if such a mod already exist and i am sorry to burden you if there is one that i just could not find if there is one can someone please post it in the comments if not i would be supernice of a modder to take a quick look at the data of the trainers^^ mfG Dampfwalze
  7. ok thanks i will try once i get the chance
  8. Dear Modders, Dear Community I am searching for a way to change the body type of NPCs by using the console commands i've read through the whole Wiki page regarding Console Commands but couldn't find a fitting command to alter the body of NPCs if anyone knows such a command it would be very nice of you if you could write that down in the comments or if there is not such a feature it would be f***ing amazing from a modder to create a mod that let you select an NPC and just select his body type via the MCM-menus mfG LosRollos
  9. okay i took a quick look at Proccer i will just wait for this PERMA aswell Proccer looks awfull -.-
  10. Hello modding community I've downloaded several mods before i stumbled accross the Skyrim Redone mod by T3end0 I do realy like this mod for his new perk trees and the additton to get more than one perk point per level BUT there are some things that i dont like about this mod ofcourse ( otherwise i wouldnt be writing this post) is there a modder out there that can make the Skyrim redone mod more adjustable so i can choose to only: use the new perk system the scroll produktion the new spells added the wayfarer skill tree without changing the items like the armors or the weapons my problem with the items is that there are now Steel weapons that do like 21 dmg while the ebony mace i found was at 15 i do appreciate T3end0's work and he did a realy good job but these little things just make me feel uncomfortable while playing not to mention the long saving and loading times i have while the mod is active sencerly somebody who has no idea how modding works :mellow: Matthias
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