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Everything posted by wrig675

  1. This is also a problem when downscaling - dragons fly erratically and sometimes very slowly when scaled down. Any ideas? Bellyache
  2. I am attempting to make large dragon actors (larger than default dragons) but when I change their "height" in the CK, they start having animation problems in-game (they look tangled, with wings and legs jutting through the body). How do I fix this problem? Thanks in advance! Bellyache
  3. So I am hand-placing some new dragon actors that use the same default scripts as the dragons in the game, but they are appearing before doing the main quest line. Is there any way to make them not appear until enough of the main quest line is done to make dragons spawn in the world? Thanks! Bellyache
  4. Thank you so much. I will work backwards from your mod and see how that works. I appreciate the help and may ask you a question or two later on down the line. :) Bellyache
  5. Thus far, I have only made a mod that replaces textures. I was hoping I could avoid creating another texture replacer mod, but I do not have any knowledge on how to create my own actors in the world. I would like to create non-replacer dragons that use new textures. How would I go about doing this with the Creation Kit? Thanks in advance for any help you can offer. Bellyache
  6. This was really helpful. Thanks so much, infinitedice. I am working on a new mod and this is exactly what I needed to know. Bellyache
  7. I have also noticed this. On a similar note, the new "dog" will default to the ice wolf skin (wolf.dds) even if you replace the dog.dds skin with a different skin in its directory. Why is it choosing to use the ice wolf skin over the skin in its own directory?
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