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Nexus Mods Profile

About jenncave

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  1. Why are you quoting Hey You from 2014...seems weird... you ok, bro?
  2. I need to have last word...says the person who is supposed to be sleeping....
  3. Seriously, I wonder if they ever get tired of hearing themselves speak...... "And another thing....." "Oh by the way...." "You're not interpreting it right!" Ad nauseum.... I'll ad hominem, as well ;)
  4. This is the facts.... it came out mid June on the Mod Author's Discord server. People asking 'wth?' then Nexus was "oh, yeah....about that...'
  5. @gruffy that person (front) is a brand new today profile. Do not waste your time responding to someone who has never contributed to the community nor has been around to know anything
  6. https://tenor.com/view/yes-wink-gotcha-you-tube-thanks-gif-18551397
  7. I don't understand how you keep getting confused on what we are talking about. At no point have any of us (but you for some unknown reason) talked about past events and how some users may feel because of those events. :laugh: This is fun, do you ever get tired of this? I mean, really, there once was some guy who used mods and then he didn't anymore. But then, wouldn't you know, other people used mods. And to make it more interesting, some folks even made mods. Isn't that cool? ;)
  8. You understand we are talking about a community right, not individual people? So, in my view it still applies and you are just trying to twist it. You understand the community still has access to my mods right? And individual people....so in my view you are just trying to twist it. ;) But this is all about your view, right? :laugh:
  9. Cool.... I did not and neither did any other MA go onto the user's computers and delete their files. My god, do you even read what you write?! Hilarious...I gave it to them and unless they deleted it, they still have it. Come back later...you are outmatched here. ;) :laugh:
  10. Riggghhhtttt.....so the owners of the Dr. Seuss books were not allowed by your definition to pull the books they did? Because 'Don't ever give if you ever plan to take it away.' Pfff. Guess what? I never planned to take them away from this platform. It was kinda forced on me. Also, my mods are available. Just not here. All ya wanna do is argue.
  11. I don't think I ever suggested that mod authors should perpetually make something available for anyone. I said if you give something, you shouldn't then take it away without having some sort of expectation of people being upset. Your response here suggests you didn't even read my comment or didn't understand what I said. Plus as a mod author ... I don't see how I am entitled for pointing out how human behavior works. Lol sure, I don't understand what you wrote :rolleyes: Actually, you complained about mods not being available because of 'spiteful' mod authors. So again, is it supposed to be the MAs responsibility to back up everyone's files for them? Whether or not they are upset is on them. Guess what, there is no longer available a mod that I dearly love....also guess what? I have a back up of it. Hmmm. Go figure. You know who I was upset at for that mod not being available for download anymore? The person who caused her to pull the mod. Not her. You are directing your anger at MAs when it should be directed at the ones causing them to pull their mods. Think about it ;)
  12. To be perfectly honest, I am pretty surprised you never question exactly why so many users think this way over the years of the giving and taking away that has occured. Give anyone anything and they are going to be upset when you take it away from them. Try it with anyone and see what sort of reaction you get out of them, and maybe then you might start to understand. You speak of empathy, but then don't even understand the things that has happened here over the years where mod authors take mods away out of spite and pettiness that lead to the distrust. And it's been done to all users, even those who had nothing to do with the reason behind it being taken. Punishing those who don't deserve it ... for what? A point that no one gets but them or a few other authors? It be more like a teacher giving the whole class popsicles and because one or two kids throws it on the floor they take them all away from every child. And treats every child in the same way, like as if they were all responsible. And then they justify it because it's theirs, but what they don't realize is it still feels like crap to have something taken away, and people learn from that experience. It's why there have been so many cases now of people archiving mods, or looking elsewhere to find mods that are gone. It is this way now, because of many mod authors. Think of it like the boy who cried wolf, classic story. Many users don't take this as seriously as you want them too, because of the past. To them this is just another one of those times. This is why I don't make mods for myself and don't treat them as mine. Anything I make, and give ... is something I never will take back. Because that is wrong. If I didn't want people having access to something, I wouldn't post it in the first place. So..... you are unable to make backups of anything you want to keep? Instead, you think MAs should perpetually make something available to you. Even if they don't make mods anymore or want to deal with users like you represent? That is a fine sense of entitlement you have there. You might wanna get that looked at..... ;) No one owes you anything. Much less anything that is a result of their own blood, sweat and tears. Hilarious.
  13. thanks @Euph and @1ae0bfb8 for helping :)
  14. My profile should not be deleted. I am still around. :)
  15. https://tenor.com/view/facepalm-really-stressed-mad-angry-gif-16109475
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