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  1. Well, my opinion has been changed. That's one. But shouldn't the Orcs be Weretrolls or something? I like all of the rest, including weresharks and the avian idea, but what advantages do they have?
  2. Oh and for the Argonian, I found this. o.o http://www.moddb.com/mods/skymomod-v12/downloads/lizardman-werewolf-replacer
  3. Does anyone know if it's possible to be a weredragon that looks like Alduin?
  4. That's cool. I wish I could and knew how to download mods! >_<|| I wonder what would happen if you could choose to be an unplayable race, like Falmer, or Dwemer ;o
  5. I'd like to see the Argonians turn into dragons, or have the power to sprout wings, or even summon dragons and 'control' them. As for Khajiits, I don't see why they turn into werewolves. I think there should be some 'curse' to make yourself a werebear or werecat, too. I've seen werebears, and they're epic, and I can't download the mod to be one. There should definitely be a change with the werewolf thing. If there were a bear race and a wolf race, it would makes sense to have Argonians and Khajiits, right? Two animal-like creatures and the rest are elves and humanoid types and orcs. It's plainly pointless for two animal races to be available when there are werebears, and other were-things are sure to be out in the next game.
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