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Everything posted by Yoklan

  1. Mods can use scripts which will effect your saves even if you uninstall them. That's why you should read the uninstalling info in their readme files because it can tell you to do something in the console first or in the mcm before you actually uninstall it .
  2. i also get this problem i think this is something on their side . A lot of people ( including me ) also get Gateway problems when trying to use the skyrim nexus site itself.
  3. Hey guys i got a problem with my FPS After playing the game for some time my fps drops for some reason, i've found out that if i hit escape, go to options and change one of the graphics setting such as actor fade etc ( lower or higher doesn't matter ) and then after it saves the setting i revert back to the old setting and the Fps is good again. What might be causing this, how can i fix it ? ( Soz for my English )
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