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Posts posted by unevenbrownies

  1. Disagree, I don't want to constrict my Hand to Eye coordination by limiting myself to dice rolls, I play games to make sure that my hand can work a task while my eye looks somewhere else.


    Plus, the time they took to make BG3 dwarf other game development cycle, HARD, there's just too little incentives to create a game that emulate BG3 in terms of whatever you think make a great game.


    To me personally, a great game from the get-go constricts the consumer and it's own market, it will and eventually overload the userbase with tourist instead of people that actually care and not drop the series as 2-year mark hit. Because the thing is I was raised in 2005 game at 2014, at that age I found a lot of good video games with mod support and active community, something that can rarely be seen in modern game that rely on dev mercy.

    Skyrim is kinda meh from the get-go, but the mod support makes up for it greatly, so is Mount and Blade Warband, probably one of the better games around with mod support since the base Mount and Blade is kinda meh, but once you add stuff like Perisno, Gekokujo or other mod it totally became a new game altogether.


    If dev wants to foster a great community around a game that will put up and pay whatever s#*! you give, they should consider doing whatever TaleWorlds and Bethesda is doing to Warband and Skyrim, it honestly makes people just shrug at every single of your business decision, look at Skyrim re-releasing s#*! left and right and pulling mods to their paid site, no one get mad as much as they get mad to other online live service developers.


    BG3 look boring to me, but that might just because i'm really not into tabletop, otherwise it look okay to me for a game 7 year in development, look more like a 2014 online game for me but what do I know.

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