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Everything posted by ImageEdit

  1. Male. female. skimpy, sexy, bulge, nude, fully armored..... ? its like TV, there are hundreds of channels, if you dont like whats on......turn over :p
  2. Thank for the reply matey, So... I install the body first. http://www.nexusmods...rim/mods/6709/? Then preferred skin http://www.nexusmods...im/mods/32986/? Skeleton http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/26800/? (6th one down ??) You mentioned bounce after skeleton, what mod is that ? Then a BBP animation, you suggest this http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/34713/? although it only says its TBBP and not BBP ? But that mod requirement needs these ? http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/30770/? http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/5390/? So now, what order of things are needed ? This is so complicated :sad: It appears that the TBBP needs a ADEC body so does that mean the Dimonized UNP is now wrong ? ???? am lost ??? :tongue:
  3. Hi all, I am a noob at all this and i am trying frantically to understand it all, mods that is :tongue: So, i have followed Gophers tutorials on setting my game up, lights, textures, updates, ENB etc and the game looks awesome. But i am struggling with the playable character them self. Allow me to elaborate.... I want to use a better body shape for my female character that has boob bounce and preferably bum wobble to, so i like the UNP Dimonized body, thats where my understanding stops. I have read up on this now for about 2 weeks and i am still unsure as to the correct install, so here is what i think i know so PLEASE correct me !! Install In this order = UNP skin texture http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/32986/? UNP body http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/6709/? Skeleton http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/26800/? (6th one down ??) Then there is this BBP ???? what file is that and where in the order of things does that install ? Same for TBBP ??? My head hurts :tongue: Then there is UNPB i understand this is just UNP with bigger boobs so does this install instead of UNP or as well as ? and if so does it install after UNP ?? Lastly my actual playable character is Vixen so i assume all the above alters her along with any other race, Nord for example ? For all you seasoned modders this probably sounds anal but it isnt a topic that is clearly described in any one thread for a noob. Thanks for reading and i really appreciate any guidance. Regards. EDIT Just out of interest i use the NMM and i love the Black Rose outfit to which i have managed to make work (breasts jiggle) but i have no idea how i did this and it is a just fluke so the point for this thread is to understand the procedure please :smile:
  4. EDIT !!! just read somewhere to advance game 24hrs :) it worked. http://t.imgbox.com/abvoEptV.jpg And just for look, ENB RealVision http://t.imgbox.com/acpAtQgO.jpg So, only thing to sort now for visuals is understanding the shift/enter console for the ENB mod, Is there a good site that breaks down what all the parameters do rather then guess ? Thanks for your patience ;)
  5. Hi all, Thanks for reading. I have recently decided to reinstall my game after watching Gophers tutorials, everything thus far is how he has shown and i have pics to show the changes. I am obviously a noob so apologies but my issue is CoT ! i downloaded it as per NMM and installed it as per Gophers tut vid, it installs successfully but as you can see in the last 2 pics, there is NO change ? Please help as i am dying to get my game looking good. Thank you for any advice. Default http://t.imgbox.com/ackJnh7y.jpg WATER http://t.imgbox.com/acsHStyk.jpg HD 2K textures + SMIM + Water http://t.imgbox.com/abyI84kW.jpg HD 2K textures + SMIM + Water + COT + RLO (no change from previous pic???) http://t.imgbox.com/acxhIOua.jpg
  6. Cool so CBBE is an option, as a noob do assume i can only clothe her with CBBE clothes ? I have totally ended up screwing something up in my skyrim folder somewhere farting about with getting her arse to wobble. I always save the main folder plus the folder in my docs while i have a perfect running game so i can just delete and paste to get back to my good game same But... Something somewhere has corrupted Skyrim cos no mater how far back i go in weeks of saves of these folders i have a flat arse cheek with Bacl rose armor now so there must be another skyrim directory that i dont know about thats changed. I cant get her arse to work now either so am just gunna scrub the lot, uninstall and start a fresh ! :/ Pah :p
  7. Just out of interest does anyone know the load order of these mods....one mod contradicts another in some cases so i am confused !!! I have now seen this HDT file and really want to test it but i need a base to work from. So... Can you advice what is needed for breast and buttock bounce and its order ? . UNP http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/6709/? UNP BBP TBBP http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/21199/? UNPK TBBP http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/32540/? TBBP http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/34713/? And there are more !!??? Can you see why its confusing for a noob !!! :( Surely its not as complicated as this ? Please Help Meeeeeeeee :o
  8. I can just give you it, i think i can export it as a .bhv file if thats any use....i will try it later tonight and attach it here for anyone to play with :)
  9. Hi all, I am new to Skyrim but have seen a lot of different walk cycles which got me thinking, I am a user of PoserPro and i did a variation of a walk cycle sometime ago and wondered if anyone wanted to use it here ? It had breast and buttock bounce, but i know nothing about the coding needed to utilize it so maybe its no use to you, but i can save it as a bvh i think if you want to give it ago. Thanks for reading, V. http://dfiles.eu/files/vfiq8bpr6
  10. Ah....nice, i installed this on your advice... I LIKE IT lol, no bounce but movement !!!!!!! YEY lol, thanks pal...
  11. Thanks pal...i did BOSS and TES5EDIT and only had the update and one cloths item pulling up a few dirties so all that is sorted, game runs sweet even on my old XFX Radeon HD 6870. Getting the new Gigabyte R9 290 Windforce as soon as its on our UK shores ETA (17th Jan) :wink: It is really just getting that butt to bounce a little better that i need peeps :wink: I do apprecaie there are many variables to consider so i will check out your list MODinsane when you get time to post. Good reading, thanks :smile:
  12. Hi All, HAPPY NEW YEAR ;) :D Ok, i recently bought Skyrim and i am hooked !! I then discovered MODS !! totally new to me :p but i am getting to grips with them, I have ENB etc, some armours and other great stuff that all works ace. I then wanted to have a better female so i installed Dimonized UNP body, then i think i did UNPB then BBP then TBBP along with XP32 skeleton ??????????? (I know this cos i have saved .rar's with those names) I am now lost as to what i did, what i intended to achieve is to have a fuller figured woman with bouncing boobs and importantly a wobbly bum :p I have the bouncing boobs and sort of a wobbling butt (hardly noticeable), but i have seen better bum wobbles, I have read there is a procedure for the install so i am wondering if i did something wrong with the excitement of all these available adjustments. Please can anyone offer any help or guidance as to how i should of done it so i can reinstall and get a better bum wobble. Thanks peeps.
  13. Hi all. Is there such a mod to let my UNPB chatacters arse bounce ? I am new to all of this so bare with me...i installed UNP, then the Blessed body project along with a folder in there called Tbreastbutt physics. i also installed XP32 full skeleton and although the breasts wobble a treat her bum however does not :( I tried the TBBP version but this just makes her right breast flatten and both her bum cheaks flatten with no wobble, plus i hate the animation to that TBBP walk / run etc. All i want is my characters bum to wobble a little...is it possible ? Thanks for reading peeps ;) Vale.
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