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Posts posted by Psychosisfear

  1. I made an account just for this topic, because seriously, you guys are glazing over s#*! I cant even imagine. Since this started, Ive read into most of the lore, but most of the arguments for whoever wins in this thread arent based on lore, most just spout some theories or game flaws. If we go by game designs, then the Dragonborn, Nerevarine, and Martin's Errand Boy all sit down drinking tea while causing mutilating each other's bodies. Why? TGM. Taking into account all the lore based power levels of the characters on the other hand, shows that Nerevarine > Dragonborn > Martin's Errand Boy.


    Lets start with Martin's Errand Boy. Why do I call him that? Thats pretty much all you were in Oblivion. You didnt fight Mehrunes Dagon, you watched Akatosh manifest himself in Martin and do it for you. You were able to kill jyggalag, sure, but lets just keep in mind here that no one had ever tried to stop the Greymarch, so its entirely possible that Jyggalag was weak as s#*! in that form, as it WAS cursed upon him because of his power, it would make sense for it to weaken him. The other parts of the game, you did nothing too spectacular, at least for main characters. Sure for an average adventurer, you did a lot. Im going to utterly ignore Mantling here, because quite simply, NO. Ill explain more when I get to the Nerevarine.


    Now, onto Dragonborn. So far, everyone has brought up the Thuum. I... Am I missing something? Even in the game the Thuum was weak as s#*! once you got to a decent level, it was only good for tactics, which by the time you got to that level, were no longer needed. The fact is, the Thuum is the only real special thing about the Dragonborn. Even then, lets face facts here. Thuum has been beaten at Red Mountain, by Nerevar at that. The whole "Thuum wins" theory just went out the window. Lets move on to the Dragonborn DLC questline. Congratulations! you are

    Hermaeus Mora's b&@*$. What is this great power you get? About the equivalent of a decently powerful illusion spell.

    Thats not even beginning to get into the reality of "dragonborn". As for the whole Vampire lord argument, all those nifty little items that you get come off in that form, which will damage you badly. Then lets go even deeper. The Vampire Lord form is basically a suped up werewolf form with magic instead of melee. Thats... pretty much it. Oh, and you get a nifty little floating animation, which is awesome, but still.


    To top it all off, let me explain the Nerevarine. We arent talking about a random adventurer here. We are talking about a man/woman who strolled into morrowind and took everything by storm. What I mean is this. Following solely the lore of Morrowind, lets add things up. We know the Tribunal has beaten armies alone before, along with the Deadric Princes. Sure, that was with Lorkhan's power, but thats kinda the point. See, when the Nerevarine fights Dagoth Ur, he is stronger than the other False Gods, immensely so, enough to keep all three of them away from the tools. That being said, he fell to the nerevarine, who then proceeded to go to Mournhold and f*#@ with Almalexia for a bit. At this point in time, unlike vivec, Almalexia had been outside of the public eye for a long time. It was said that only Vivec was keeping the ghostgate up. This means Almalexia was conserving her strength, along with Sotha Sil. That being taken into account, lets look even deeper. What happens to power when it is conserved, but not used? It builds up. What happens when the source of that power vanishes, does the built up power vanish with it? No, thats common sense 101. Most will complain that Almalexia should be weakened, whether from her fight with Sotha Sil, which doesnt seem like much of a fight honestly, or the destruction (displacement) of Lorkhan's Heart. Both are false. Now, lets move onto the bloodmoon questline. Most point out that the aspect of Hircine was just that, a mere aspect. Id like to point out further how he is weaker than Mehrunes Dagon, whom Almalexia bested before.


    Enough about that, Im going to make a few last points which will hopefully prove it to everyone.


    1. Each artifact that COC and DB had, the Nerevarine had first, thus, he has them all plus more.

    2. The CHIM/Mantling theories are all well and good in theory. The problem lies within the fact that the moment that you say one of the characters can do it, the others may as well. This means, Nerevarine could have become Lorkhan (keep in mind very few people knew of the heart, and no one understood it completely, so Nerevarine's supposed disappearance after Morrowind could have been from him accidentally absorbing the heart, becoming one with Nirn, and thus, Lorkhan), DB couldve become Alduin, or even Akatosh if you go deep enough, and COC couldve become Sheogorath/Jyggalag. Thus, all that is moot.

    3. As its stated before, the truth is that it is entirely possible, according to all sources I know of, that each of them are in fact the same person.

    4. This is less relevant to the conversation but still holds an idea. Its very likely that, with the removal of Lorkhan's heart, magic itself is weakening as a result.

    5. Each of the characters are, in essence, everything, and nothing. That Chim theory is insane. I call it a theory, because even though its in game lore, its never going to be 'proven' in game... Well, nevermind its certainly possible to be done.

    6. Nerevarine is literally the only character who was directly mentioned in a prophecy, not by name, but by impossible actions that he achieved. That doesnt signify power, its signifies purpose. As someone said previously, rule of cool. Something about that prophecy just makes the Nerevarine the coolest so far.

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