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Nexus Mods Profile

About Salvostramus

  1. Finished the decal work for Earth Rune. I will be updating frost, fire, and shock runes to match this style. Image 1 Image 2 I also solved my double damage problem. Evidently for lobber projectile types the damage radius is set in the explosion, not in the magic effect. :ermm:
  2. Grr, having audio sync issues with the video, still working on it though. Editing the impact data is a bit more tricky and I'll do that in a part two. Word to the wise: Never record a tutorial in a codec that uses spatial or temporal compression if you intend to edit it before uploading. :(
  3. I am making the video as we speak. Recoloring the impact data is oddly proving to be the most work intensive part, and took a bit of research to figure out. Final video will end up being about 45 min of instruction.
  4. Thread link This is where I mention how I changed the flames spell color. If you think it is GIMP, you can try Photoshop. Since Adobe is on the Creative Cloud subscription model now you can use Photoshop completely legit for $20 a month. The main things you want to look for in NIFscope are the particle system for the effect, and the TriShapeNode for the projectile. [Edit] I may make a short video tutorial on this subject.
  5. Meaning the gradient would be put in data\textures\effects\gradients, not just thrown into the data folder. If the textures, effects, and gradients folder did not exist you would have to create them.
  6. I use RealVision ENB and I think it works quite well for this.
  7. Sadly it does not; I use RealVision ENB. :( I will have to go back to the drawing board on this then. Is there a way to make an omni light with no falloff, or ambient light in CK? And if so can it be made invisible to NPCs for detection purposes? This is my current line of thinking.
  8. It is using the same impactdataset as a vanilla frost rune. (MAGRuneFrostImpactSet)
  9. Apologies for using the forum like this, but apparently MGE's inbox is full. Greetings, I hope you are well. I am a modder attempting to make a spell package that includes making khajit Nighteye a spell for anyone, and I have run into the same problem as many in that default Nighteye will not work with ENB presets. Your Imaginator mod claims to be compatible with ENB, and I was wondering how you accomplished this. Would it be possible to explain how to make a spell that modifies brightness and adds a simple blue tint to emulate Nighteye? Many thanks if you can help me figure this out; I'm sure many others would love to have a mod with ENB Nighteye by itself let alone in a spell pack. - Steve
  10. Anyone? I am so confused as to why this is happening. :(
  11. If the mod you are using simply edited vanilla values, then yes, I believe NPCs will need to be the appropriate level. If you want a separate stronger version without effecting vanilla flames, you would have to copy the spell and make it unique. Only way to know for sure is find a mage in game and see if they use flames or frostbite on you. :p
  12. To do this find the magic effect attached to your more powerful flames spell. For vanilla Flames, this is FireDamageConcAimed. Edit this effect, and there should be a box for 'minimum skill level'. Change this from 0 to 100 to make it a master level spell. :)
  13. I've seen mods like Midas Magic and Apocolypse spell package, but I wanted to add my own flavor of magic to Skyrim, hopefully in a way that fits very well along with vanilla spells. This is my first foray into Skyrim modding, so I am going to be asking for a lot of help on these forums. Done some lurking here and you all seem like a pretty helpful bunch. ;) This mod will be developed to be used alongside Balanced Magic Planned spells: (Subject to change at anytime) Malak's Curse - Deals fire damage over 15s. If the target dies while it is active, it seeks a new target. (Destruction) Gravity Well - Creates a singularity that pulls enemies towards it before imploding. Adept Level (Destruction) Singularity - Master level version of Gravity Well that pulls over a large area and implodes for massive damage. Requires two hands to cast. (Destruction) Earth Rune - Placeable rune that does damage and knocks back enemies in a short radius, even friendlies! (Destruction) Boulder - Launches a sizable rock that does damage and 25% damage to stamina and has a 50% chance to stagger. 100% chance to stagger if dual cast, even without perks. (Destruction) Firewalker - Causes the caster to leave a trail of flame behind them for 15s. (Destruction) Frostwalker - Causes the caster to leave a trail of ice behind them for 15s. (Destruction) Stormwalker - Causes the caster to leave a trail of lightning behind them for 15s. (Destruction) Chains of Torment - While channeled, a stream of flame forms between caster and target point, damaging all enemies that pass through it. (Destruction) Landslide - Pelts the target with a steady stream of rocks with a chance to stagger and does 25% damage to stamina. Novice Concentration (Destruction) Living Flame - A channeled beam attack that chains to new enemies and deals more damage further down the chain. (Destruction) Elemental Destruction - Plants a giant elemental rune on the ground. Roots target and deals 600 damage of each element over 5s when triggered by an enemy with mark of doom. Only 1 cast per day. Master (Destruction) Meridia's Orb - A slow moving orb of golden light that seeks out its target, dealing fire damage to everything it passes through. Deals 50% more damage to undead. (Destruction) Mark of Doom - Marks a target for Elemental Destruction. Master level (Destruction) Shadowshift - Teleports the caster behind the targeted enemy within a medium range. (Alteration) Crystalline Refuge - Freezes the caster in place and encases them in a protective crystal. Crystal shatters after taking enough damage or after casting a 2nd time. (Alteration) [Done] Arcane Exchange - Siphons magicka from the target, while siphoning stamina to them.(Alteration) Furious Exchange - Siphons stamina from the target, while siphoning magicka to them.(Alteration) Daedric Eye - Projects the casters mind through space while channeling, allowing them to scout ahead. (Alteration) Earthen Barrier - Sprays a protective earthen wall onto the ground. Expert (Alteration) Armor of Agony - Armor spell that causes 25% of incoming damage to be dealt back to the attacker. (Alteration) Oil Slick - Sprays flammable oil onto the ground. (Alteration) Nighteye - You can see in the dark for 60s. (Alteration) Aspect of Akatosh - Draw upon the purest of raw power from your dragonblood, allowing you to shout with no cooldown for 30s. Only 1 cast per day. Master (Alteration) Rune of Life - Placeable rune that heals an area when an ally triggers it. - (Restoration) Mark of Protection - Protects an ally for 60s, healing them if their health drops below 15%. (Restoration) Healing Blessing - Heals the caster over 15s. (Restoration) Respite - Master level spell. Casts a bubble around the caster that cannot be crossed by magic or projectiles. Requires two hands to cast. (Restoration) Ward of Reflection - Expert level ward that reflects incoming spell damage back to the attacker. (Restoration) Resplendant Ward - Dual cast ward that offers 360 degrees of protection around and above the caster. Master level (Restoration) Mirror Image - Summons a ghostly copy of yourself at your cursor to distract enemies. (Illusion) Namira's Lament - Strikes the target with blindness for 6s. (Illusion) Short Circuit - Causes a weak or moderate mechanical enemy to for fight for you for 30s.(Illusion) (Dwemer Spiders and Spheres) Greater Short Circuit - Causes a strong mechanical enemy to fight for you for 30s. (Illusion) (Dwemer Centurion) Vaermina's Embrace - Caster transforms into a shade of Vaermina for 60s, exuding an aura that terrifies all nearby enemies and conjures hallucinations that siphon health, stamina, and magicka to the caster. 1 cast per day. (Illusion) Chaurus Swarm - Conjure a swarm of mini Chaurus onto the ground. (Conjuration) Rune of the Undead - Placeable rune that summons a random undead ally for 60s. Small chance to summon deathlord. (Conjuration) Conjure Daedra - Conjure a daedric prince for 60s. Requires daedric artifact, usable once per day. (Conjuration) So far I have Arcane Exchange working the way I want and can easily make Furious Exchange, but I am hitting a snag on my Earth Rune. Earth Rune works beautifully as advertised, with one hiccup. For some reason it is dealing a large amount of damage wherever I try to plant the rune, even on invalid objects such as NPCs, while vanilla runes do no damage until triggered as expected. This especially confuses me since I made it by copying and then modifying components of a vanilla frost rune. I am also confused as to how Runes calculate their damage area, as all damage effects for vanilla runes seem to have 0 area in CK. I know about glitch in CK, and I don't think this is what is happening. Anyone have experience with modding runes that can help me out?
  14. This is actually pretty easy and comes down to very basic texture editing. Using the OPs green Flames spell as an example: 1. Open firesprayfx01.nif. (Or the NIF for whatever spell you want to change.) 2. Look for the NiNode that controls the particle system for the spell. In this case, 97 NiNode > 98 NiParticleSystem 3. Select the system's BSEffectShaderProperty and look for the Greyscale Texture in the block detail window. For this spell, it is textures\effects\gradients\GradFlame01.dds 4. Copy GradFlame01.dds to your Skyrim data folder using proper folder structure, then tint it green using a hue/saturation adjustment layer in PS or similar in Gimp. 5. Merge the adjustment layer and save the dds using DXT5 with alpha, and open Skyrim. Voila! Green flames. Repeat the process of tinting gradients for the spells inhand, impact, and explosion effects if applicable, as well as the TriShape node for the projectile. This changes the color of every spell that uses these effects. To make it so only Flames is green, you would have to save your green gradients with a new name, edit all the effect NIFs to reference your green gradient and save them with a new name, then link the new custom effects to Flames using Creation Kit. Hope this helps someone. :smile: This works for me and does not result in the problem the OP stated in his first post. Perhaps he filled the texture with flat green instead of tinting the gradient?
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