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About MatthewJMimnaugh

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  1. This was pointed out by others - they have no reason to do this. It can easily by done with the inhouse code and added to the official exe Yeah, that's what I want them to do. I just think we need to get enough people to say we want that, is all. Like a big 'ol mob of pretty pretty please add this :)
  2. Just wanted to pass this along, everyone. It's a plan to go to Bethesda to get a free SKSE64 DLC. Just trying to get enough interest to approach them at the moment; i want to see how much it would cost to make it happen on their end. http://imgur.com/gallery/boHPh
  3. Just wanted to pass this along, everyone. It's a plan to go to Bethesda to get a free SKSE64 DLC. Just trying to get enough interest to approach them at the moment; i want to see how much it would cost to make it happen on their end. http://imgur.com/gallery/boHPh
  4. Just wanted to pass this along, everyone. It's a plan to go to Bethesda to get a free SKSE64 DLC. Just trying to get enough interest to approach them at the moment; i want to see how much it would cost to make it happen on their end. http://imgur.com/gallery/boHPh
  5. behippo said the team cannot accept donations. Would that include a patreon/gofundme/etc. to fund access certain assets? I.e. the high cost of the havoc engine license was mentioned a couple pages back. Might that be a wise investment for fans wanting to contribute?
  6. I always thought it was a bit odd that scrolls and spell tomes simply disappeared when used. Doesn’t make a lot of sense for a book or scrap of paper, does it? Anyway, that got me thinking: what’s a doable, immersive alternative? I eventually settled on this: Spell gems. The concept is simple. Spell books? Rather than books, mages take their knowledge and trap them within gems so others can release the power and learn. Lesser gems are infused with weaker spells and the flawless gems have the better ones. Different gem types could correspond with the different schools. Also, players could make their own spell gems to sell to make a living as a mage. Immersion wise, it is sort of like how the dragonborn eats dragon souls, but with something a lot less powerful. Spell scrolls? These are replaced by spell infused soul gems. If a player knows a spell, they can craft one time use items at the enchanted using an appropriately sized filled soul gem; this would serve as a good tool for those who have small mana pools or want to use the advantages their fancy robes and hoods give to make them, but enter combat with actual armor. This makes more immersive sense than a scroll, because the power to back the spell is right there in the gem. Upon use, the soul gem is either consumed or depleted (based on chance, player’s enchanting level, or MCM menu preference). These spell gems could also be bought and found around the world. Optional extra: enchanting? I also think it would be interesting to revamp the enchanting process by using enchanted gems in “slots.” I have no idea how practical this would be, but it’s an idea. The benefit would be modular enchanting and another use for gems that are otherwise just a monetary item. Anyway, thoughts? Anyone with the knowledge and time to make this is free to have the idea. I’d love to help too, but my modding knowledge is limited. Cheers!
  7. Long story short, this mod (http://www.nexusmods...im/mods/35168/?) is a pretty cool concept, whether as a way to set traps, create a good archer roost with healing, or otherwise screwing with the enemy. It would be awesome to see this reborn and there's little chance of the original author doing so, as he/she has not been on since 2013. It would also be nice to be built with a compatibility system, so that other mods that add spells can be used. By having a mechanic that casts whatever spell a spell book teaches and balanced against filled soul gems to be used as sort of batteries (i.e. each soul gem equal x magicka), it could conceivably work with anything. Anyone with any skill with modding want to take this on? Also, it would be nice to have deployable ballistas (dwemmer, probably). You set it up, "mount" it, and then are able to fire heavy bolts from a fixed position. Anything that hits you in melee gets a huge advantage and your reload time is slow, but it would do a ton of damage long range/siege.
  8. First off, sorry for the repost, but I thought the title didn't really represent what I was requesting well enough. Anyway, there are a lot of cloud storage and infinite carry weight mods—there’s even a bag of holding mod here and there. These are more or less more storage with no consequences. What I’m looking for is a spell that sends items to a chest, but does not give player’s access to the chest. Basically, you can send items in the field back to home base, but you can’t access them remotely. The idea is that yeah, you can keep all the stuff you want to keep, but the consequence is that you have to go retrieve it and must choose wisely what to keep on your person and what to send home. I’m thinking of this from an immersion basis, as well as a desire for added difficulty and the assumption that banishing is inherently easier than summoning. Just for reference, OneChest (http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/71129/?) has a useful feature for setting the chest, but the other spell just allows the player to access it remotely. Seems like a pretty simple mod to implement (Target item > copy item > destroy item > place copy in master chest; spell to do so; spell to select master chest). If that is the case, can someone help me out, or, barring that, link me to a guide so I can do it myself. Help is much appreciated!
  9. There are a lot of cloud storage and infinite carry weight mods—there’s even a bag of holding mod here and there. These are more or less more storage with no consequences. What I’m looking for is a spell that sends items to a chest, but does not give player’s access to the chest. Basically, you can send items in the field back to home base, but you can’t access them remotely. The idea is that yeah, you can keep all the stuff you want to keep, but the consequence is that you have to go retrieve it and must choose wisely what to keep on your person and what to send home. I’m thinking of this from an immersion basis, as well as a desire for added difficulty and the assumption that banishing is inherently easier than summoning. Just for reference, OneChest (http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/71129/?) has a useful feature for setting the chest, but the other spell just allows the player to access it remotely. Seems like a pretty simple mod to implement. Any thoughts?
  10. See attached files. Have a bunch of mods installed and am not sure what is causing it. All searches just lead to the whiterun invisible chest, I'm not sure what to ask, so I won't clutter you with useless information and just answer your questions. Any thoughts?
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