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  1. Would it be easy to make a rug that the player could assign a settler to that would tell the settler to take objects from the closest container and walk to the 2nd closest container and place the items in that container? This would be useful for factories and sim settlement lots that produce items.
  2. I didn't find anything in a google search. Just curious, since it would save me a large chunk of time if I knew beforehand that there was a limit, due to performance or hardcoding or something.
  3. Any info on the maximum length in minutes of an audio holotape? I know the video holotapes in Videos of the Wasteland are 6 minutes, but what about normal audio holotapes that play on the default pipboy?
  4. Does anyone know what the difference is between "Greeting" and "Hello" topics in the Creation Kit for NPC Dialogue? It's not clear to me at all and I don't see anything in google search that explains it.
  5. Is there a function or condition in papyrus or the creation kit to check which settlements the player has activated or what the population of the settlements are?
  6. I don't understand. What is Beth "leaving up to modders"? This game blows away most games right out of the box. A big part of the sales was on the consoles too. Consoles aren't using mods. Now some pc users may have bought the game with the intention of getting mods (or maybe even more specifically mods made by the creation kit). But that's an extra benefit. The game can obviously stand on its own without mods, as it does on consoles. What's good about Skyrim? Have you read any review in the past 2 months? Seriously. Nothing in the game feels anymore repetitive than any other game I've played: New Vegas, Arkham City, Dragon Age 2. The only bugs I've had were due to the exe not being 4gb aware. This isn't a multiplayer game or MMO. The story does eventually come to an ending... I really don't get what people are irritated about. It would be a damn sad few years in the gaming industry without Skyrim lol.
  7. I'll be pissed as hell if it's not out tomorrow. This is ridiculous. It should have released with the game. Morrowinds editor was on a cd in the box with the game. That being said, the game wasn't rushed. It's a better game then almost any game released in the past 5 years. There's an endless amount of content. And thousands of mods even with no creation kit. Now if only they would hurry up and release it...
  8. Found this: http://www.theengineeringguild.co.uk/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=330:skyrim-creation-kit-beta-test&catid=22:the-blog&Itemid=117 Don't know how much of it is true or rumor, but it's something.
  9. I modded my Skyrimprefs.ini file with additional commands for better performance (e.g. bUseThreaded..., loadinbackground, etc). I also upped the shadow, texture, water reflection resolutions. Even though my frame rate was high at bout 50 frames per second, it was giving me random CTDs combined with hi res texture mods. I didn't realize the tweaked Skyrimprefs.ini was the problem until I deleted it and started over with a default one. Before I was sometimes getting a CTD at around 10 mins, then later on it became a reliable CTD at about 8 mins. Now I get no CTDs, or at least none after a couple hours of running the game. Maybe a tweaked Skyrimprefs.ini or Skyrim.ini is not working well together with some of your textures.
  10. The day after Skyrim launched I saw a post on maximizing graphics and performance. It had a lot of "bUseThreaded" "forceloadbackground" etc kind of commands that I added to the Skyrimprefs.ini. The game always had random CTDs after a 20 or 30 mins. Removing these commands has gotten rid of almost all of my CTDs. The proof is that I did a full reinstall, except for Skyrimprefs.ini and the "bUseThreaded" type of commands. My game still crashed at consistently around 10 mins. I deleted my old Skyrimprefs.ini and loaded a default for Ultra High quality. No CTDs. All this time I thought it was something to do with my graphics card or too many hi-res texture mods. Specs: Intel Core i7 2600k 3.4 ghz Nvidia Gtx 570 1.3 gb 8 gb ram ssd hard drive
  11. This wouldn't be any bigger project than the Lord of the Rings project. Like Aaroc said the first step (and biggest) is to get the Westeros topographical map. Detail the towns, castles, taverns, landmark, etc that you want to include in the project. Then a long list of main NPCs to fit in those locations. And minor filler NPCs. The rest of the project is just details and flavor.
  12. I think it puts the npc you clicked on into the animal follower slot. But if you do it to an npc that is already following you, then you fill the slot. It won't work on another npc. The animal follower slot is limited to one npc. If you remove the first npc that the code was used on from that slow somehow (e.g. kill them, make them leave, etc) then it should work again on another npc.
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