Good day, gentlemen. I've been playing with CK since TES IV, but I use it just for adding some pre-made things, redecoration of some houses, replacing things with other ones. I never faced scripts, model conversion, collision, etc. I do not ask for step-by-step tutorials, but I expect experienced modders to show me clear direction where to "dig", what to learn. Recently I've come up with the idea of creating a flower vase. Its purpose - use a vase as a showcase or container, putting flowers in it, like a book in a bookshelf or weapon on a rack. A decoration. As an example - I've picked up a Dragon Tongue and want it to decorate my dining table, where the vase is standing. In a day I gather a bunch of Mountain Flowers and replace DT with MF. As simple as that. I tried to use defaultbookshelfbookmarker and playercontainer, and create an improvised bookshelf-container, but none of the items "match" and they immediately return to my inventory. May be due to size. And here comes the 1st thing I'm confused about: 1) How to create a _new_ marker for flower (or anything else except book or weapon), from scrap? Is it a model? Or script? Both? I have really no idea what to study to do so. Many tutorials I saw are about duplicating a thing, wiping it out and replacing with the one of your own. But can I create a really _new_ one? I'm quite fine with the standard models of jugs, pots, etc, so I guess extracting a few .nif's will do for the vase itself. It's also OK for it to be static only (for now, I hope to make it movable in future). Yet another question appears in my head: 2) How do I make NPC's use it as well as me? Guess it's kind of a script to inject into their daily timetable? Is it correct or it's something else? One great thing annoys me in Skyrim - ingredients and food are stone-like when they hit smth. BOOM your sweet roll faces floor (and leaves a tremor there...) 3) How do I get flowers "softer", not being so monolithic? What does it depend on? Scripts? Havok? Model properties? :confused: That's a whole bunch of questions, answers may be as simple as an egg, but I'm really blind atm in this situation. I hope anyone will find little time to explain what shall I look for. Your help will be most appreciated. vD