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About IvirtualDragonI

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  1. Y Yes, this is the most worrying moment of the deed. We all remember that Bethesda already tried paid mods. And if they also force TES 6 to be win10 only... disappointment will be devastating.
  2. Don't you wanna start a topic on how much useless thing those ppl do, do you? Not all of office workers, but most of them, though it's another case, still work together on supporting smth that _can_ really be usefull to anyone. Managing food stores, medicine supplies, etc through computer controlling. Modding is creating things for virtual reality.
  3. _My humble opinion_ I think, that living from modding is wrong way of life. It is a hobby. Neither more, nor less. For those who want to sit in front of PC and earn money for "HAAAARD WOOORK"- hard work is done in reality, not in blender, 3dmax or nifconverter. Donations, like someone mentioned, are supposed to provide modder with a bottle of cola/beer/juice/pizza once in a while. Not every day, week and even month. But watching a hundred people downloaded your little creation and spending 1-2 bux donated for a pack of juice - means you are the part of smth that remembers the meaning of _sharing_. P.S. bethesda's games are pretty at a first run, but later you come to realise that their games can be developed and enhanced WAY deeper those guys work on. They tried to charge for their laziness after failing with TESO. No job - no pay. Cause world is already full of "money for nothing, chicks for free"
  4. I guess that is a dirty method to force authors publish their mods in SW by themselves in order "to avoid problems". Besides as neither valve nor bethesda are going to check and control uploaded mods. They just left it to modmakers and "watchful community' to find thefts and report. Also paid mods are saved as gifts or guns from csgo in steam inventory, so you can't actually delete them ever. daaaayumn they play dirty, like raiders.
  5. Unfortunately some ppl (may be game developers or journalists) have already subscribed.
  6. What I'd say... My 1st reaction, when I turned Steam on and saw the news... I raged. For real. If you charge money for everything - you are greedy. It's clear that some people try to earn their living by "creating" weapons for cs-go and dota. Still IMHO its a wrong way to earn money and wrong way of living. But the main benefit goes to Valve. Back in time Gabe proved to have an outstanding independent point of view for gaming (John Carmark tend to say shooters don't need a plot ever (Doom). HL1 proved shooter CAN be great with a plot.) But now he's the head of the best (for now) gaming company. I start thinking, that all he's interested in is money. And for me, a gamer, it's a bad sign. Just like when Notch grabbed 2.5$ bln and refused to take responsobility for the greateset community ever made. Great projects bring great responsobility. What people use their acquired power for - is on their conscience.
  7. Hello. A mod was called smth like "no more water dripping" that made textures "waterproof". Water stopped dripping through stone walls/roofs in exteriors and cities which was quite a good feel. Would appreciate your help. :blush:
  8. A mod that used to be but vanished! Along with any comments! It was called "Silence is Gold" or "Silence is golden" that stopped NPCs from saying annoying comments when you pass by them, like "Do you visit the cloud district very often?", "Huh? Sorry, I'm thinking about my wedding, what did you say?" as well as Guards comment my "hands of a conjureror" and so and so and so on. Where is it or how is it called now? I'm really getting mad with these things, please!
  9. Good day, gentlemen. I've been playing with CK since TES IV, but I use it just for adding some pre-made things, redecoration of some houses, replacing things with other ones. I never faced scripts, model conversion, collision, etc. I do not ask for step-by-step tutorials, but I expect experienced modders to show me clear direction where to "dig", what to learn. Recently I've come up with the idea of creating a flower vase. Its purpose - use a vase as a showcase or container, putting flowers in it, like a book in a bookshelf or weapon on a rack. A decoration. As an example - I've picked up a Dragon Tongue and want it to decorate my dining table, where the vase is standing. In a day I gather a bunch of Mountain Flowers and replace DT with MF. As simple as that. I tried to use defaultbookshelfbookmarker and playercontainer, and create an improvised bookshelf-container, but none of the items "match" and they immediately return to my inventory. May be due to size. And here comes the 1st thing I'm confused about: 1) How to create a _new_ marker for flower (or anything else except book or weapon), from scrap? Is it a model? Or script? Both? I have really no idea what to study to do so. Many tutorials I saw are about duplicating a thing, wiping it out and replacing with the one of your own. But can I create a really _new_ one? I'm quite fine with the standard models of jugs, pots, etc, so I guess extracting a few .nif's will do for the vase itself. It's also OK for it to be static only (for now, I hope to make it movable in future). Yet another question appears in my head: 2) How do I make NPC's use it as well as me? Guess it's kind of a script to inject into their daily timetable? Is it correct or it's something else? One great thing annoys me in Skyrim - ingredients and food are stone-like when they hit smth. BOOM your sweet roll faces floor (and leaves a tremor there...) 3) How do I get flowers "softer", not being so monolithic? What does it depend on? Scripts? Havok? Model properties? :confused: That's a whole bunch of questions, answers may be as simple as an egg, but I'm really blind atm in this situation. I hope anyone will find little time to explain what shall I look for. Your help will be most appreciated. vD
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