Personally.... I'm kinda stoked about the new look. I REALLY like it. It's a lot more modern and easier (at least for me) to get around in. The whole look is a lot less cluttered and I really like that. Not sure if this is the right spot... so please forgive me if it isn't, but I do have a feature request. There are often specific types of mods I'm looking for when searching the nexus sites... and my search is always the same... search for what you want and then sort it by Endorsements Descending. I'd love to see something in the preferences section that would allow us to set the default sort type. Saving myself the trouble of that 1 step... but for every single search I do... would really add up. Honestly, not having that feature has been my only "real" gripe about the Nexus site since I joined. However... whether or not this feature can be implemented... I really am loving the new look. Great work and thanks! Very proud to be a premium member!