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About symplexity

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  1. Holy crap, i hate this new design. Nothing wrong with the old design, worked fine for years this is just god awful with lots of wasted space.... please revert this or make it optional.
  2. Well downloaded frostfall and im sure it wasnt it. Not the same kind of backpacks and the fact that I have no memory of using such a major mod confirms it ;P gah guess Ill have to keep looking EDIT: I might have found it: Wet and Cold mod
  3. hmm alright ill install that one again. Really cant remember using that mod though. Thanks for the help!
  4. Dont think it was Frostfall, I really cant remember having that mod installed at all. Will check it out just to be sure though. EDIT: Judging from the frostfall page it doesnt look like its that mod. Frostfall seems to add just 1 type of backpack(or 1 model in different colours) while the mod I had added at least 2 different kinds(one was just a small roll adding about 25 CW and another full backpack adding i think around 50 CW).
  5. Hello, I recently had to reinstall skyrim and lost all my mods. So far i have downloaded most of them again, but im still looking for a certain mod. As the title says im looking for a certain backpack mod, yet its not just a backpack mod. This mod caused different kinds of backpacks to be added to the leveling list and they could be worn by enemies etc. Im sure it was part of a larger mod since I never installed a standalone backpack mod. Yet I do not know which mod this was and im desperately looking for that one. Sorry I can't give more information than this(if I had more I probably wouldve found it already myself). Hopefully someone can help Regards, Symplexity
  6. That didnt seem to do anything related with those edges. it seems to be related to the sun intensity value. Could disable that but then sun is gone... Its strange, havent had this before. Sadly cant remember when exactly it started. old or new enb dll file doesnt change a thing so that cant be it
  7. Hey, Im having some issues related to the sun and ENB. Please check this screenshot: http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/images/239479 As you can see the sun is creating some weird edges and its annoying the hell out of me. Does anyone know whats causing this and how this can be fixed?
  8. Episode 1 of my new Holds of Skyrim Series. Every episode will feature a different hold and a unique take on it. Wandering Whiterun is obviously featuring Whiterun Hold in a very cinematic way. My game is far from vanilla so dont expect boring tundra planes but a heavily forested Whiterun Hold. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VuYURYoRCtg Next Episode will feature Falkreath. Let me know what you think and which hold you would like to see the most!
  9. Noticed I made a mistake in the Trailer. Series will be called Holds of Skyrim, since Skyrim is already a province of Tamriel :P
  10. Machinima (pron.: /məˈʃiːnɨmə/ or /məˈʃɪnɨmə/) is the use of real-time 3D computer graphics rendering engines to create a cinematic production. Most often, video games are used to generate the computer animation. Machinima-based artists, sometimes called machinimists or machinimators, are often fan laborers, by virtue of their re-use of copyrighted materials. And thanks btw. Its good that it leaves you wanting more! ;)
  11. This is the trailer for a new machinima series Im working on. It will be a cinematic experience showing the beauty and brutality of a heavily modded version of Skyrim. Involving lots of Texture Enhancements and Graphical Overhauls. How many episodes of this series there will be is unknown. My goal is to make one for every province of Skyrim, but that only depends on how my interest will last. If there are any specific locations you would love to see, let me know in the comments! Enjoy http://youtu.be/XeZvimtG1AM
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