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  1. Google "ms-gamingoverlay link" without the quotation marks. There are a number of links pertaining to removing the popup. It seems to be related to Windows11 and Xbox although I did not read the whole explanation. Remember, google is your friend.
  2. I no longer get those error messages. I updated NVTF and YUPDate which seems to fix that.
  3. If you do not select the exe before right clicking on it, it will show a different menu which does not have the "details" on it.
  4. When people ask for help with a problem the answer many times will depend on what version of TES5 you are playing. Between SSE and SSE AE and the GOG versions I have lost count of how many versions of this game there are. I am sure somebody out there knows and could tell me. To find out what version you are playing go to your games main folder, select SkyrimSE.exe or the equivalent right click on it, select "properties", select "details" and it will show what version of the game you are playing. When asking a question the version you are playing should be one of the first facts you should state. If you do not select the exe you will get a different menu.
  5. Thank you scorrp10. I save my screenshots in Fraps then open them with Paint and save as; I re saved those as JPEG and the difference in size was remarkable, they went from 7.65mg to 1.45mg. i use a loading screen mod and take screenshots of the different loading screens and use them to shuffle different desktop backgrounds. This is what my trees look like from a distance. This just started happening the last time I started a new game. Do you have any idea what could be causing it?
  6. I was going to attach a screenshot of my problem but the screenshot was too large, 7.65mg. How can I attach a png file to a post so I can illustrate my problem. The trees look pretty bad in my opinion but it is hard to describe. I downloaded and installed Faithful HD Landscapes and all it's requirements but all it did was drop my fps from 60 to 58. I actually liked the look that the mod gave but it did nothing to the trees.Is there some kind of LOD tree billboard that I can install? I tried to put the file in a spoiler and now I cannot get rid of the spoiler.
  7. Like you M48A5 I googled CRC32 and did not have a better understanding of what exactly it was. Thank you madmongo for your explanation, it cleared up what CRC32 is meant to achieve. I am using the GOG version of FNV, 1.40.525. I do not think the version is the reason this is happening as I have played this for quite some time without this warning. I just started a new game and believe it may be mod related. I have been playing for over eight hours now with no problems so this may just be a false negative. If my game starts to get wonky I will uninstall all mods and reinstall FNV and add my mods a few at a time checking with FNVEdit each time. Hopefully this will not be necessary as that is a tedious process and I am an exceedingly lazy person. I will also delete FNVEdit and reinstall it, just to cover all bases per your recommendations madmongo. Once again thank you for your replies.
  8. When I run FNVEdit on my latest game I get this error message at the end of the run, "Error: Required module "FalloutNV.esm" is present but will be ignored as it doesn't match any of the specified CRC32s." I get the same error message for Dead Money, Honest Hearts, Old World Blues and Lonesome Road. It says Gun Runners Arsenal also will not run as the above eam's are not present. I started the game with nvse as usual and it ran fine. Anyone have any idea as to why I am getting this error message?
  9. Also in "real life" you do not have eyes in the back of your head so out goes third person.
  10. If the cost is the same might as well get the whole package. I have been playing with the whole package 1.6.1179 and have seen no downside.
  11. I do not know it's exact purpose but am fairly sure you will break your game if you do delete it. Those files ".dll" or "dynamic library link" are files that other files in the game go to to be directed to files that are necessary for them to function correctly.
  12. You have not told us what your power supply unit "PSU" is. That is what jasperdegraaf was complaining about I believe.
  13. Could be, however it is back up now. Thank you for your reply.
  14. Puts map markers on Auryen's quests. I believe there are ten or twelve of them.
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