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  1. Finally got SSELODGen to work. I could not use the M, P and D arguments that they tell you to use in the Step guide. I had to use the D, I and P arguments that you use to get GOG to work with SSEEdit. Those arguments I said did not work are for Dyn DoLod not for SSELODGen..
  2. Thank you Glitchfinder for that last link, it seems to be what I was looking for. I have bookmarked it and I hope it will stay where it is at the moment. I sincerely hope Nexus will soon stop trying to improve the members experience as they seem to be breaking more than they are improving. I have been a member of Nexus for some time and I truly do love this site it is just that I am becoming so frustrated with how they are handling forums at the moment.
  3. My answer to whether one should install or uninstall mods mid game would be "it depends".
  4. This might just relate to me as I use NMM Special Edition as my mod manager and like any mod manager it has it's own little idiosyncrasies. For me the problem with adding a mod, even a simple esp with no scripts or skse changes is that it changes the load order. This could have no consequences or very significant consequences depending on where in the load order the mod is placed. If I add a mod mid-game I rerun LOOT, redo the load order to my own specifications, I look on LOOT's load order more as suggestion than directives although I usually do not change all that much, and then rerun Wrye Bash. NMM places almost any new mod at the bottom of the current load order under the Bash Patch which is why it is necessary to run LOOT and Wrye Bash again. The only esm I ever load mid game is USSEP and then I must move it to the original spot in the load order it originally occupied. I am one of those people who is constantly starting a new game, especially if I get a mod update that requires starting a new game such as LOTD so when I add a mod it does not bother me to redo the load order and start from scratch. I have been playing TESV since 2011 and have completed the main quest and all the DLCs before so I play the game mainly just for enjoyment although one of these days I am determined to get all the LOTD books.
  5. Thank you for your reply prompt reply. If you could, in the meantime, point me to where I could find the specific game forums I would very much appreciate it. for instance community>forums>? Thanks once again.
  6. wfandrews


    It used to be simple for me to go to a forum for the game I was interested in, I would simply click on "community" and it would take me to the forum for the game page I was on. Now it takes me to some general page with a multiple menu that I have no idea how to get to the forum for the game I want. Is this supposed to be an improvement? There is an old engineers motto, KISS which you might keep in mind.
  7. Thank you for your reply. I believe I will use caps as you did as I am more comfortable using caps for drive letters. Hopefully the command lines are not case sensitive.
  8. I found the culprit using More Informative Console as SirCadsimar suggested. The culprit was in kryptopr's Patch Hub last update "saints and seducers _ccor_patch", everything good now.
  9. Thank you for your reply. You are right I should have used More Informative Console to find out where that was coming from. Unfortunately I just started a new game but when I reach that point I will use More Informative Console.
  10. Suddenly almost all the armor and weapons I am getting from the Dark and Golden warriors are "ruined". For instance "Ruined Dark War Axe", "Ruined Golden Armor". As the ID for those weapons and armor is changed they can no longer be recognized by LOTD.
  11. I noticed a difference in the arguments used to convert those two to work with GOG version of SSE AE. I have been using SSEEdit for some time and am just now attempting to convert DynDOLOD to run with SSE AE GOG. The difference is that in the SSEEdit the drive letters for the arguments are capital letters and in the arguments for DynDOLOD they are small case. My question is are those arguments for those tools case sensitive or does it not matter? I just do not want to have it not work and then fiddle with it thinking it could be case sensitive when actually I am doing something else wrong that has nothing to do with DynDOLODx64.exe.
  12. I have been playing the GOG version of SSE AE 1.6.1179 for quite some time and have had no problem running Power of three tweaks 1.13.1 in my load order. It was probably a conflict with some other mod or mods, as you said.
  13. I am playing SSE AE GOG version 1.6.1179 and use "Skyrim Skill Uncapper for SE and AE". I have never tried to change any thing but the level caps and experience caps. However if I wanted to change the perks per level I would scroll down to # Set the number of perks gained at each level up in Skyrim Uncapper.ini to [PerksAtLevelUp] 0=1.000000 to 0=2.000000. Although I do not know if this would achieve what you are trying to do I think it is worth a shot. After thinking about it there are many ways to accumulate perk points without editing your Skyrim Uncapper.ini file; here are a few Here are some of the mods which do so-"Perk Point Awards"",Perk Point Awards Redux","QUAPP-Quests Award Perk Points","Simple Quest Perks" and my favorite "SkyShards- Skyshards v !.60 and it's full LOD. U&se some or all of these and you can find yourself with more perk points than you can assign.
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