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Posts posted by KINGKICKASS1552

  1. I'm not 100% sure if anyone has already asked for this, but I think a mod that would let you skip over radio songs on a station and force it to the next one would be great. We all love hearing Johnny Guitar 46,853 times in one game session. and in my case using TTW, I do appreciate the instrumentals, but once in a while it'd be nice to hear pieces with lyrics besides "Let's go Sunnin' " and "Crazy (he calls me)". Hopefully the latter with TTW supported won't be too hard, but I just change values in the GECK, so I wouldn't really know. If there is already a mod that does this then I'm sorry for making a redundant post, haven't been on forums lately.

  2. Hey guys, I'm very new to modding, so far I've just been editing values, but now I'm attempting to edit a modded playerhome (the Dead Money Bunker)

    I was wondering because I already put a lot of work in decorating it in game with my items, will the cell reset (as in would my items despawn and containers reset) if I make changes to the interior? Specifically I want to add a few light sources, delete the dust FX and a few chairs and replace the vending machines with working ones that make the drinks ice cold. (I'm using TTW to clarify and this is the mod I'm trying to edit here: https://www.nexusmods.com/newvegas/mods/47055?tab=description&BH=0 )


    I'm sorry if this kind of question has already been answered, I'm not too familiar with this side of the nexus, just the downloading end.

  3. I'd personally suggest gong for a desktop PC - but if you're determined to get a laptop then this one shouldn't be all that bad. It has pretty nice specs, and generally speaking fits your price range. If you drop the SSD then it will be cheaper.



    So I did some reading up on that machine and those parts, high quality machine right there, and I know that would definitely work having checked the benchmarks. Maybe this isn't the place to ask, but could I upgrade the gfx to something like the geforce 1080 ti? And if I were to downgrade it to Windows 7 (x64), could that cause performance issues with the older games like fnv and skyrim, or could it just be a slight problem for next gen games? I started looking around on the site and I found this https://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16834234455R

    I understand it's open box, but I saw it had pretty identical specs to the other one but had twice the video memory from 3gb to 6 (honestly didn't even know gfx cards usually had dedicated memory, the radeon 8450g in the e545 just sapped the computer's ram). So I suppose what I'm asking is what kind of a difference would the 3 to 6 make and can I just upgrade the components once I have the money?

  4. Hey everyone, I'm sure you're all tired of threads with newbs asking for good pc ideas, but I'm getting ready for college and I want to make sure I get it right this time and pick the right one. Last computer I bought was an e545 for $350 in 2013 (which was low specs even for the time, but not knowing enough about computers to realize). I'm looking for a nice laptop (need the portability for classes) that can handle running FNV and Skyrim (TF2 also) on ultra with a ton of intensive/overhaul mods, gbs of mods (modhell) at 60+ fps. I would also like to run the new DOOM on it, but I get that is an extreme workload to put on a laptop. Since my first buy, I'm working now and have $1000 for it, but would go up to $1200. I saw a friend of mine running new vegas on an hp spectre x360 (mostly default, upgraded gfx) and it ran like water so I'm considering it. I'm unsure of what other options I have though, if anyone here can recommend something else, I'd love to hear it.

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