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About sabya123

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    Oblivion, Prince of Persia , Fable

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  1. Hey there!

    How are you?

  2. nothing new on her but watch for something really hot!
  3. Thank you Sabya, I wanted to think twice before I put in on Nexus...;)
  4. i was out of touch for months cuz of my job. any new news abt our astri babe ?
  5. hey dezi, how's u doing ? ^_^
  6. Thanks, I did my best ;)

    Glad you like it ;)


  7. hi ^_^, r u photoshop expert ? btw, tht pic with eyes only ...is awesome.@_@.


  8. hmm, all my eggs died ............ :verymad: grrrrrrrrrrrrrrr,ow well, dragon omlet anyone ??? :thanks:
  9. :( only 4 days left ..and still no crack or anything o_O
  10. lol,i was clicking eggs and i found tht quiz ,may be i missed it cause of my job and lack of time coming online here.but when i took it got tht blackie fire/acid thrower dragon.kinda diabolic black fire dragon. :whistling: hu hu hu ...i wonder, am i tht creepy ??? :biggrin: lmao...^_^ ***** can someone help me ,wat resolution of sig i place ? cause watever i place can't show it's face on my sig. x_x .
  11. As the Night that buries all before it in Darkness, your Dragon color is... http://www.geocities.com/teo592/quiz/images/drblack.jpg If there ever was an apparition of Evil to strike terror into the hearts of man and beast, your Inner Dragon is it. Blackies are a fairly common dragon and are considered one of two harmonious dragons. Your antithesis is the White Dragon. Together, you two embody the Yin and Yang concept of eastern religions (especially Taoism). But of course, being a Blackie on the inside you couldn't care less about that religion garbage. You like to chomp things, cause trouble, make off with people's significant others, and so on and so forth. Your favorable attributes are night, the Moon, the stars, dreams, psychic guidance, balancing Karma, seeking truth, and helpful dark magic. Everybody's still got to watch out for you though, because deep down you like to smite at random and have a nasty breath weapon combination of Fire and Acid. *evil grin* Fun, no? :whistling:
  12. sorry for my last posting ..i had problems with my signature thing. :wacko: those eggs didn't show their faces . :ninja: :sweat: i hope their moms will not get angry on me :P
  13. Hi, sabya. It's been a little long time. Hope you're doing well. Take care!
  14. Name :Sabya Age :25 Birth date :17/07/1983 Gender : Male Reason : due to my love of dragons Title : Fire Dragon knight
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