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Everything posted by angelwraith

  1. Yes, well.. as one who is extremely lazy I of course take great offense to any suggestion that I might be, in fact, lazy. If you say that is stupid then I am out of here for good. Have you downloaded and reviewed Miax's FO3Edit Tome? It can be extremely useful for guidance in sorting out mods with the application.. nah man see i have love for the lazies.. thats why i tried to make this all easier for them by summarizing the problems described in the thread i linked to :) so no one would have to sift through the thread unless they wanted the nitty details. and yes i have the tome however for some reason i am having issues getting it to open.. (slower than molasses internet at RV campgrounds.. esp. seeing how i have to broadcast my own internet from my phone cause they don't provide it)
  2. i used clean masters yes after going through and checking all the references to make sure there was nothing left.
  3. "You can get more with kind words and a gun than you can get with just kind words." ~ Al Capone hmmm i dont understand this reply.. was my line rude?? in all honesty i wasn't trying to be.. I wanted to provide the info from the link so no one had to click through cause I thought it would be shitty to post a topic with a link to another topic. I'm really sorry, really i was just trying to be helpful.
  4. http://www.fallout3nexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=11493 ok there is the list of all whats going wrong.. but ill summarize so you can be lazy if you like. someone is not getting the main menu or the cursor at all when running my mod.. i just cleaned a master from the file could this have caused this? i used fo3edit another problem is the player being stuck on 1 encumbrance after using the sorters.. not sure what could have caused this up until now this has not been an issue. i really want to be able to share this with everyone and im not sure what it is i am doing to prevent that... please help!!
  5. nvm after further searching i finally came across the info i was looking for.
  6. An the other hand, it might be considered a block of memory storage on the Nexus server that could be put to other use, if this particular mod does not function properly and will serve no other purpose than as a "monument". If you are unsure about it, I should think that the opinion that matters most would belong to Dark0ne. actually decided to do a mad dash to the end .. hopefully finish this up
  7. trying to remove 20th century weapons master from my mod.. ive deleted all the references and items i could find using the files and did the FO3edit clean masters thing. but it still shows as a parent master.. what am i doing wrong? i need to be done with this ... this is one of the last things preventing it.
  8. its mostly finished.. i guess ill leave it. just dont have time to add the revisions i promised with it.
  9. cant do this anymore.. have to move on. trying to decide. 1. remove HiVE and possibly finish and re-upload finished product some day. 2. leave it here, upload all of what i have and maybe someone moves forward with it. both of these scenarios pose considerable issues. what do i do?
  10. there is a mod available to accomplish this task although the mod runs externally and you probably wont be able to contact the author here if there is a problem. (the "author" is a ton of people actually, although generally one person gets credit.. damn you gates!!!) the mod is called Microsoft Windows in this mod there is a plugin (web browser) that allows you to pull up all the info you need. all you have to do is enter this information: http://fallout.wikia.com/wiki/Fallout_3_map once you are there use your keyboard to press Ctrl + F (or use find from menus) enter your destination and there ya go you have your map coordinates k really im sure youve guesssed im joshn ya, but it all honesty, it really is that easy.
  11. this a set location or a changing one? making explosions happen at a specific place is easy to do with script.. there is just the question of HOW you want this location to be selected. Just a set location. Drop bombs on an exact location each time the button is pressed. Nothing fancy, I just can't seem to find out how to do this. :sweat: ok this is a really easy thing to do my friend.. gonna tell you the theory behind it rather than doing it for you though.. first you need a reference.. if there is one where you want the explosion to happen.. great.. otherwize find your location in geck and add a invisable marker where you want the explosion to happen. x-markers are perfect for such a thing. (under activators) give this x-marker a ref name so the explosions have a specific ref to look for. k now that the designator is taken care of the rest is a piece of cake. find a switch (one w/o animations i.e. levers is best) make a script for the switch liiikkkkeee: scn mycarpetbombexplosionscript begin onactivate designatorREFnamehere.placeatme typeOFexplosionYOUwantHere 1 end finally select this script in the switch's edit window place the switch in the world.. and your done. start the game.. go hit the switch.. everything should work. I really appreciate the help! This gives me some great ideas on some things I can try to do. Another question though, is it possible in script to make an action (press button or such) require items or caps? Say you need X caps to operate the button, the script checks your inv and if you have enough it activates the button and subtracts the said ammount from your inv? yes, and youve nailed the theory exactly here is the code to back it up (this would cost 100 "yourcurrencytype" to fire the previous script and only if available): scn mycarpetbombexplosionscript begin onactivate if (player.getitemcount yourcurrencytype >= 100) designatorREFnamehere.placeatme typeOFexplosionYOUwantHere 1 player.removeitem yourcurrencytype 100 endif end there is however an issue with this, an unsuccessful attempt to activate the switch due to lack of funds would seem the switch is just broken because it just wouldn't do anything.. in these scenarios it is necessary to inform the player of the reason their action isn't working. this is not extremely difficult go to messages in the object tree and create a new one there are a few options here but i would suggest a popup message that lasts 2-3 seconds that has some text to the effect of "insufficient funds" name the message something related to its purpose so you can use it for other things like NoFundsMSG and then make the message show when the player is short on supplies for the switch like this: scn mycarpetbombexplosionscript begin onactivate if (player.getitemcount yourcurrencytype >= 100) designatorREFnamehere.placeatme typeOFexplosionYOUwantHere 1 player.removeitem yourcurrencytype 100 else ShowMessage NoFundsMSG endif end
  12. this a set location or a changing one? making explosions happen at a specific place is easy to do with script.. there is just the question of HOW you want this location to be selected. Just a set location. Drop bombs on an exact location each time the button is pressed. Nothing fancy, I just can't seem to find out how to do this. :sweat: ok this is a really easy thing to do my friend.. gonna tell you the theory behind it rather than doing it for you though.. first you need a reference.. if there is one where you want the explosion to happen.. great.. otherwize find your location in geck and add a invisable marker where you want the explosion to happen. x-markers are perfect for such a thing. (under activators) give this x-marker a ref name so the explosions have a specific ref to look for. k now that the designator is taken care of the rest is a piece of cake. find a switch (one w/o animations i.e. levers is best) make a script for the switch liiikkkkeee: scn mycarpetbombexplosionscript begin onactivate designatorREFnamehere.placeatme typeOFexplosionYOUwantHere 1 end finally select this script in the switch's edit window place the switch in the world.. and your done. start the game.. go hit the switch.. everything should work.
  13. this a set location or a changing one? making explosions happen at a specific place is easy to do with script.. there is just the question of HOW you want this location to be selected.
  14. sorry to bump a 3 day old post ... but i reaaaaaly need a moddler.. there is about 5 months on this mod soo your efforts will not be forgotten by someone who is spouting steam about a mod that doesnt exist yet.. in fact this is the #1 request in my mod that these models are dealt with..
  15. cool! sounds a LOT like my HiVE mod!
  16. an ingame script could easily change properties of many items on one page buuut.. this is not permanent.. so the script would actually be changing the values every time the game ran sooo if any other mods/quests interact with these values you would be constantly reseting them.. if you wanted the script to change the values of a specific reference however and just save that file after the script ran, you could remove he script and the item would keep its new stats.. i think..
  17. man i was hoping someone would want to take this on.. I've been searching for months for models i like.. just cant seem to find any. this is a major sore spot with the people running this mod.. they really want these guns redone so they dont have to download the entire pact the models i am using are from.. (and personally i havent been really really happy with the models anyway...)
  18. possible medhod: set them to essential kill the npc at the end of the timer resurrect them problem with this method. when you kill npcs they reroll a lot of their stats when being resurected.. so they may not have the same inventory or same behavior when killed.. idk.. if its some random raider youre killing who gives a crap.. but if its a companion this could lead to major issues. also when ersurrecting dead npcs there is an issue.. if you resurrect them over a non navmeshed area their resurrection can go kinda screwy.. sometimes its better to let them move themselves around
  19. Try creating a base effect with a script 'archetype'. Create the script using the scripteffect blocks and link in 'assoc item' . Click the 'self' checkbox. Then add the effect to the injestible. couldn't really find any docs about scripts and injestibles except for a tidbit in this article: http://www.fallout3nexus.com/articles/article.php?id=82 found this listin some possible workarounds to this issue http://thenexusforums.com/index.php?showtopic=94583
  20. btw suggestions for existing mods that have guns like this works too, i dont exactly expect for someone to create these all for me from scratch.
  21. i need 3 weapon models for my mod hive i have found 1 file that comes close to what i need but not exactly what i need.. so hopefully someone here will be inspired to help me out. i want all 3 weapons to look futuristic and tech below are some example of stuff that fits the bill http://www.rookscastle.com/props/anime/G_CX_01.jpghttp://www.bobsyouruncle.net/Low_poly/image001.jpghttp://www.everydaynodaysoff.com/wp-content/uploads/2009/12/Pulse-Rifle-m41A.jpg I need: 1 pistol CRICKET this fires quite a big energy based explosion.. and its called the cricket like from MIB soo the key here is to keep it small and simple.(for the irony) Not too many vents/embellishments 1 Rifle: NEWJACK this is a hard one because out of the three weapons this is the one that will be seen the most.. its the sort of the go to gun that being said if someone were to spend any extra time on any of the weapons this is the one i hope they would look at 1 launcher/handle : BigStick this one is under devolopment as far as the projectile goes so the video wont be much help to the feeling im going for.. the projectile i devoloped and plan on using here is a linked expanding plasma explosion it kinda looks like lightning going off and actually being in the cloud.. pretty neat.. ill try to put up a vid showing the projectile soon. finally there is 1 more weapon i would LOOVe to get as well but not already implemented in the mod soo not quite as imperative to the continuation of its devolopment.. here is a pic: http://img25.imageshack.us/img25/8232/render2ly4.jpg This is a mounted weapon so there are 2 models that need specific attention. i will need to be able to use the model as a static (not hard but that model is important) and the first person view im only interested in seeing 2 minigun barrels there will be NO 3rd person view available so dont worry so much with how that all looks finally the video of what these things are shooting at the moment: (weapons fire demonstration is about half way through) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZrBeH-d8ah0 i hope someone is inspired to give me a hand here.. this mod has been in development for quite some time now and this has been a MAJOR headache for me.. providing these models would allow me to remove one of the requirements and make a lot of people happy the video with the new explosion for the big stick and as a side note the plasma explosions come from the game i just changed the delivery method to make the cloud expand and a bit random. that being said i can do the same thing with the cryo explosion or the reg fire explosion some feedback will help there..anyways.. the video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m39XUhoQNjw
  22. no need for apologies.. just trying to keep you outta trouble..
  23. for some reason the script attached to the placed object will not recognize timer functions... i mean it is otherwize working as planned.. i just need some way to make it pause for 8 seconds at on part of the script and it wont work and i cant figure out why its not working SCN SUBcameraeffectplacerSCRIPT int runonceF float timerSJD float xREF float yREF float zREF ref placedobjectREF BEGIN GAMEMODE if (runonceF == 0) set runonceF to 1 set timerSJD to 0 elseif (runonceF == 1) set xREF to player.getpos X set yREF to player.getpos Y set zREF to player.getpos Z set placedobjectREF to GetSelf player.moveto placedobjectREF label 1 ; timer pause set timerSJD to timerSJD + GetSecondsPassed if timerSJD < 8 goto 1 elseif timerSJD > 8 set runonceF to 2 set timerSJD to 0 endif elseif (runonceF == 2) player.setpos X xREF player.setpos Y yREF player.setpos Z zREF set runonceF to 3 endif END
  24. haha i couldnt find it cause i was runnin geck 1.1...NOT 1.5 w/ the placed impact object addition
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