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Posts posted by ke38290

  1. I'd be interested in helping with this. I haven't actually completed any planned projects before but i have been learning different aspects of modding for quite a while. I'll list off what i know about the things you need.


    - The ruins and outdoor area i can do as long as i have plans/knowledge of their design

    - I don't know specifically how to change the skybox but it shouldn't be difficult

    - For the weapon equip i bet scripting would allow this, i have just started learning papyrus in skyrim

    - Dwemer lever scripting as well, probably simpler to accomplish than the weapon equip

    - One way portal is just like all dungeon entrances, just don't connect the other side back

    - I assume dead npc's would be as simple as placing any other object in level design, maybe needing a little more work if they're custom named and dressed

    - The books and notes are probably simple once i look up how, probably just creating a new object in the ck and adding custom text

    - The creatures won't be difficult, depending on the complexity of their idle and in combat behavior. (a cool boss that has separate combat stages would obviously need full script knowledge)

    - Containers are simple to make


    Anyway there's my detailed answer, in short i have knowledge of most aspects of modding but being honest this would be my first "real" project.


    Oh and about the desert area i know how to replace textures on objects, and there are resources around online that already do the same thing that could be made use of.



    Here's a question;


    What do the Wood Elves in Valenwood make arrow shafts out of.... They can't use wood because of the green pact, I know they often make composite bows out of horn and bone fibers, I know they use stone and bone primarily to make clubs, knives, and probably short blades too... but what do they make the arrow shafts out of? The main reason why I ask is because I'm working on a fairly extensive weapons and armor mod that will add weapons and armor (that are lore friendly and make sense) from all of the different provinces. If anyone can help me out here with a reasonable answer that would be greatly appreciated.

    The wiki states they usually make their bows from treated and shaped bone. My guess would be that whatever they treat the bone with makes it flexible. It wouldn't be a very big leap to say they make arrow shafts from bone and treat it the same way.


    Thanks for the answer, but can I get the link to that wiki article... I'm not being lazy, I did look it up myself... I just can't seem to find the specific one you were talking about. Thanks again :smile:


    It's the second paragraph in Weaponry. http://www.uesp.net/wiki/Lore:Bosmer

  3. I know it's been a while but here are some if you haven't found them yet:


    http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/31799/? Traps now make sense, the guards around the corner now WILL hear it when you set off a tumbling rock trap.


    http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/28418/? Makes perks more important to stealth gameplay, this mod generally makes stealth challenging to a realistic level.


    http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/4947/? Just to make that coffin experience more freaky, lol.


    http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/27003/? Brings up bow damage as well as blade damage with assassins blade perk, easier one shot kills for stealth gameplay.


    http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/19447/? Sneak Tools, this adds water arrows that actually put out torches and braziers, oil arrows and fire ones to light the oil from a distance, rope arrows to fire a rope to a ledge and actually climb up a wall. The best and most useful feature in this i find to be the ability to slit throat one shot kill if you can sneak up behind someone (why would you hack aat there back from a vantage point like this, as is the case in vanilla skyrim?)

  4. seriously no elves come on I love elves and lions and medieval England an seriously orcs as bad guy be creative how about nord villains or any other human villains

    Orcs are the race that was created when the nathair and humans decided to test there limits and do something that the All-maker never really intended for the world of Ashath. (the nathair being the ghostly influence that exists on a different plane than the overworld that were created by the All-maker to give the overworld it's energy/essence and pretty much controls the workings of the overworld)


    In other words the Orcs were created to serve as slaves, against the will of the All-maker. Orcs managed to develop their own civilization on a large island off the mainland, it's obvious why they resent humans.

  5. This might be a dumb question, i don't know. As far as i've looked so far there is only one resolution of every texture file found in Skyrims program files, is this correct?


    So does the game engine itself convert textures when you change settings? Or are there actually low, medium, and high resolutions of every texture in the files?


    I'm curious about this as it's something that probably needs to be addressed before much work is begun on the mod project i'm part of, Ashath. I googled what i'm asking here and looked around a bit, I'm probably just blind but i couldn't find much on the topic.

  6. We're currently in early development stages of what we hope to one day be a complete conversion mod called Ashath. Our first difficulty is of course, the heightmap.


    I've dabbed a bit into making heightmaps but it's a bit daunting for me right now with my work schedule, so please tell me if you can help to make the heightmap, or can suggest anything that will help. Now, i don't expect you to be at all interested if you have no idea of what Ashath is, so here:


    The Map: it will be approximately 128x128 cells (the playable area limit of the creation kit and skyrim)



    I'll just make clear that there is no schedule or anything, if you decide to help don't feel obliged to do any more than you end up wanting to. I understand that this is a fairly large task.


    Here is the link to our forum's lore section (just read the different topics if you would like a better idea of what Ashath will be about): http://protectusmods.fullboards.com/f1-ashath-world-building-lore-races-etc


    And a link to the Ashath nexus topic page (scroll a bit down for some picture concepts here, and see that we have custom armors and clothing begun, as well as permission to use music from a few youtubers): http://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/1038932-ashath-map-mod/


    If you took the time to look over this information, thank you.

  7. I always assumed it was the draugr themselves. They've been tasked with guarding the secrets of the dragon cult even after their death. That's why they were entombed there in the first place. It makes sense that with the return of the dragons and dragon priests, their servants would have begun preparing their worship sites for continued use.

    That's something I didn't know, it actually makes sense now.

    Now all we have to do is explain why the guards in skyrim don't care about the dead body you're standing over and would much rather talk about arrows to knees.

  8. If you haven't already, try Alternate Start - Live Another Life and You are not the Dragonborn together. I tried it and I've been on the play-through I used this mod on for awhile now, I still feel like a different person in the world. With these two mods you can truly role-play and feel like someone else in the fantasy world of skyrim.

  9. Skyrim step-project, look that up for guides on installing mods without conflicts or crashes. There are a number of guides for installing a set of mods in the complete correct order and procedures. There are packs that focus on different game elements like exploration, survival immersion, etc. They tell you everything you need to know, including performance impact, you can decide whether you want any mod or not and add your own choices that they don't include.


    Their guides will basically give you all the knowledge needed to even go off and make your own working mod list later on.

  10. This sounds like a good idea, skyrim lacks a bit of variety in terms of stealth options in the layout.


    Adding sewers to cities that you can use stealth in and swim to different areas would be cool. Also, buildings like temples with higher ceilings could be changed to make a few paths in rafters/ledges that you can only access using rope arrows.


    Another change would have course be to make guards patrol a lot more in buildings like they do in the cities, so instead of a single area guards patrolled several rooms or even the whole building.


    Not sure if I just elaborated on what you have in mind already. I don't have any experience in other stealth games but I enjoy this style of gameplay in Skyrim and noticed that it lacked proper level design for really enjoyable stealth.

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