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About CrimsonKing1990

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  1. I recently did a clean reinstall of Oblivion. Whenever I have these two mods active, my game crashes before I get to the menu screen. I've checked and made sure all their required files are installed. I'm not sure what could be causing this.
  2. Found the problem after no results for a few hours, and you will laugh. It was the enb I was using. Guess I'll jsut ahve to play without ENBs from now on.
  3. Tried that. Seems as soon as I install Race Compatibility then add anything else to the list, that happens.
  4. Update: Game now crashing as soon as I exit character creation
  5. I uninstalled all the cosmetic mods when that happened. Still popped up though.
  6. I tried starting a new game after a window 10 update and go this. http://i.imgur.com/c92FdyF.png I can't edit the face texture at all and it stays like that for every race. Is there anyway to fix this?
  7. Would letting me target them also let me disable them properly? It's a shame I can't scrap those.
  8. I was wandering if there was a mod that removes all those hedges from Sanctuary. They keep getting in the way of my wall building. The only mod that lets me scrap them causes the cell reset bug. There's also a tree that's fallen against one of the houses and cannot be scrapped. It's lying just at the edge of the build zone and prevents me from building any walls there.
  9. I like the DLC dragonborn battleaxe except how the blade is placed. Right now it's like this http://img3.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20130309120450/elderscrolls/images/3/38/NordicBattleaxe.png I was wondering if someone could flip the blade so it would look like this http://i57.tinypic.com/2qjynts.png Thanks
  10. I'm surprised. I thought people didn't have this problem. I removed IA, but the lag was still there in the current game. I had to start a new game to remove the lag. Is there a way to fix the lag problem for IA? Edit: Nevermind, I deleted the IA folder and my game is still lagging.
  11. I've been running almost the same mods on my other computer and that one doesn't have this problem. The only new mod I added was improved atmosphere and people don't seem to have this problem with that mod.
  12. Whenever I get to a certain point in the game, my fps drops to 0. I can move my mouse around fine, but can't click on anything. If I pause the game, everythnig goes back to normal. Once I unpause it, the fps drops to 0 again. Anyone know a way to fix this?
  13. Hey, I was wondering if it were possible to make it so when a player is equipped with a one handed weapon only, it'll switch the animation to the two handed one. So instead of swinging around a sword with one hand only, it will start using two hands for it. I know you have to mess with the animation files, but I really have no clue on what to do beyond that.
  14. http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/18044/ I like what this mod is trying to do, but it seems it hasn't been updated in quite a while. Does anyone know if anyone has done somethnig similar? Or maybe made a mod that repalces 1 hand with 2 hand animations?
  15. Hi, is there a way to check what mods a save game file is using? I stopped playing for a while and started up an older save, but I have no clue on which mods I have activated.
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