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Everything posted by Rono

  1. Update did not disable my mods in nmm. It deleated my esp's in the widows c/users/my name/App Data/local/fallout 4/plugins.txt. Just retyped the named esp's back in, set the plugins text to read only, and launched via fallout 4 script extender. Maybe overkill, but I now have all my mods working again.
  2. For me it was the key chain mod... A freakin key chain mod... Caused me hours of grief, and over 100 hours of game play time. Removed it and no more corrupted saves. I'm now back to my play through, and haven't had a problem since. Must of picked up a key the mod didn't like, or something. PS: After removing the mod, some or my wonky companion behavior (like Red Sonia ignoring her weapons, and using her fists in battle) was also fixed. I just don't know....
  3. Seemed to have worked for me................ Thanx.
  4. "FREEEE Ceri....." Yes, in favor of removing her from vanilla restraints. When there's a problem, It's hard enough to figure out what mods might be conflicting with her, and what other follower mod options broke her. Yada, Yada, Yada.... I vote Yesss.......
  5. Had the same problem,, it was a housing mod in the rift..... Can't remember the mod,, it's long been disabled......
  6. Had a similar problem... I ctd when entering my Falkreath house. Enabled/Disabled all my mods, and found out it was the "vanilla mannaqin fix" causing my issue. And, I have about 150 mods running with no problems I can tell as of now...... Except, I have the "Multiple Marriage - spouse dress up - rehousing" mod, and "UFO" that affect followers, and npcs, and I have yet to get the option for my spouse of choice to move there.......
  7. I found the "Vanilla Mannequin Fix" caused my game to ctd when entering my newely built Falkreach (spelling?) house. I have about 150 mods - disabled this one, and game worked fine. Also, I disabled USP, after reading through this post... Will track for fixes...... I also have two other wierd issues. 1) There is a skeleton corpse of someone named Carmella just outside my new home (Falkreach).... Any ideas??? 2) My house carl Rayyan (Spelling?) walks up to the house then, before entering, turns around and walks back to Falkreach..... I have no furniture, and just the entryway built so far.... Again, any ideas??? If I come across any other issues, I'll post......
  8. I had the same problem. Believe it, or not for me it was a housing mod near riften. I'm sorry it was a long time ago, and I can't remember the name of the mod. But, after untalling it Brynjolf was back to normal, and I finishes all the guilds quests. Hope this might help. I now have the can't cure Farkes of Lyco bug.... And since 1.6 a whole mess of other new issues.
  9. I had the same problem, and did all the fixes you did. And nothing. I got so fed up, that I went to best buy to buy a new mouse (cheap-o one). Literally had it in hand, then met this sales chick that games a lot. She insisted that I buy a gaming mouse (a logtech G400 MX518). So, I did, and hadn't had any mouse issues since. But it might have just been the optical light on my old mouse wad going bad. Anyway, I'm happy with the purchase.......
  10. My personal POV was I thought the Main quest line its self was a little short... I didn't even realise I finished it until about four gameplay hours later, and a quick peek at a wiki. I kept running around looking for more things to do (I took the neutral path) with the Storm Cloaks, Imperials, and the Thalmor to see if I could help stablize the region more, or something. I just feel like there's more work to be done.... Anyway, who could ask for more than saving the world from Dragon soul eater type creature..... I just thought at least the main quest line could have been a bite more involved.
  11. Thank you guys... I've been pulling my hair out over this one...
  12. I can't for the life of me get textures to load in Nifscope.... Just a white mesh. I'm trying to recolor the silver sword. Did ok in Gimp.... Files all correct, by study of many, many tutorials. I'm using Nifscope V. 1.1.0-rc7, but I feel some how this is not the current version for Skyrim (some of the tutorials, and other images I've seen on most pages look different then mine). I've been googling my butt off on this one....... Please just knowing I have the current version would be much appreciated.
  13. I figured something out:) I traced my problem to a housing mod in Riften. I disabled it, loaded an earlier save, and the quest line was restored. It only took me like four hours to fiqure all this out.........
  14. I'm having the same problem as well. Can't figure this out... I hope somebody here will help us......
  15. Haven't installed the beta beta yet, but have been playing 1.5.24 on fresh install with all my mods back except the housing ones. I started a new game, and it's been very stable, except for the water issue, but no lag, and no ctds. However, since I'm now a low level character, i installed one of the open shack mods near Riverwood from nexus, and bam, instant ctds on fast travel. Well, I unistalled that mod pretty dam fast, whent back to a prior save, and have been playing flawlessly for about ten, or so hours now. I must admit, Ive been to afraid to try beta, but have heard nothing but good news about it. Maybe I'll give it shot tonight.
  16. Yea, you're right. I just got a little peved that I was so far into my first play through, and after all weekend just trying to get the game playable, and battling currupted saves, ctds, and lag. I ened up erasing my saves, doing a fresh instal, made a new character, and did start over. The ony problem I'm having now is funky sound issues during the opening sequence. The funny thing was just before the 1.5 patch that sent my game into a tizzy, I just got all my mods working together and was about to really get into the rest of the game. I'll keep my eyes open for further fixes, and get on with things. I'm sorry for the rant.
  17. After 3 days of trying to get Skyrim to work after (forced) patch 1.5.... I dumped all my mods, did a fresh intall, loaded up the game, and I swear Lydia had a Five-O-Clock shadow going on. That's it...... One thing I demand out of any video game I play,,,,, is that my woman are at least clean shaven.............. Looks like I'll be loading up Arcania Gothic 4 for a second play through...............
  18. After the 1.5 update totally whacking out my game, I've been going over everything with a fine tooth comb. However, I had noticed, prior to 1.5, that my last thirty, or so saves have all been numbered 531 (with the corresponding time, date place, level accurately reflecting where I was when I made each save). I didn't think much of it cause the game was functionig perfectly. But what really struck me as odd was that the three top (of the list) saves were 1) - 530 skyrim 3/1/2012 10:45, 2) - 529 Hjerim 3/1/2012 10:29, and 3) - 528 Windhelm 3/1/2012 10:27. And, no matter how far I progressed in the game, and no matter how many new saves I made after, these three saves would always remain in the top three slots - hence not allowing me to quick load my latest game save. Now this is where it gets a little hokey for me. I go into my save file, and check the properties of each of the saves in question, and it states they were created in 3/1/2018. So, I decided to delete them, and continue on with my current game. All is well most recent save at the top of the list. I exit, go about my day, and in the evening load up skyrim only to find the same saves I deleted earlier are back up on the top three slots again. I can't get rid of them, I delete from file, empty the recycle bin, they just keep coming back. Anyone having, or has had this issue? Please let me know if there's a fix........
  19. God, I've been racking my brain since the 1.5 update. Checking each mod (about 60), disabling one by one, testing, enabeling one by one, more testing, deleting, reinstalling, searching and reading numeriouse forum posts for possible solutions. However, I did find one small mod conflict in the process, then corrected it, and reverted back to a prepatched save. So far I was able to play for about 15 mins. without the usual 2 min. gameplay before CTD. Unfortunetely, the whole 15 mins. was spent discovering that the game now lags, looks like crap, and like others, I cannot see underwater. ODE TO JOY!!!!!!!! I understand what some are saying about current mods not being updated for 1.5, and thus causing the problems. But, I don't buy it 100%. The issues seem to global just to blame on mods alone. It has to be a flaw in the new patch. I have no answers, no suggestions, no clue whatsoever about this. Really just needed to get it out of my system.
  20. Hi All, Quick question here... Is there any way to view your enemy’s stats during combat? Like if he/she/it is immune to fire, or ice, or etc. Or, resistant to whatever? I can’t seem to figure it out. Any help would be much appreciated.
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