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About ceano

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    Cyberpunk 2077 "GOG"
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    The Elder Scrolls Series, Fallout Series, FarCry Series, The Hunter, TDU Series and more...

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  1. Is there any way to compare mods so they are compatible without unpacking every one and see what files they are editing? Thanks /Ceano
  2. So i have followed this tutorial to the letter but i don't see any changes in-game? ...any one that can help me please?
  3. Never mind, if i change the hair on the NPC and then make a new FaceGen the gray face issue is fixed.
  4. OK so the carriage driver in Riften has some how the gray face bug, he is just the vanilla character and i have trippel checked that no mods that i am using is altering him in any way or shape. Any ideas how to fix this?, i have tried to make a new FaceGen for him with and without a .esp but it don't help?? This is so frustrating!
  5. Do you really become a faction member after the quest Tending the Flames?, why i ask is because i'm using a mod that adds a bed to the player that you can use as soon as you become a faction member of the Bards College but i still can't use it after the quest that says i have become a member? And i can't take anything from the college without stealing it?
  6. So i had this problem with NPC's that was using same chairs and work stations, took me a long time to pin point the issue but i did...at least for me. If you have the same issue as i had and is using the mod "Go To Bed Lite", you can try to see if it helps to disable it. Just move the file Data\skse\plugins\gotobed.dll to the desktop temporary and run the game without it and see if it fixes the issue...it did for me to 100% If you suing the full version "Go To Bed" you can still try and see if it is that mod that causes the issue.
  7. @ Enthusiast Well that look seven more difficult then edit .nif's :smile: To bad that the only 2 online videos hove to get edited nif's to work is in really poor quality and in a language i don't understand :sad:
  8. I located the issue to be caused by the mod Improved Closefaced Helmets, so i just uninstalled it and everything looks OK again.
  9. Is there some one who knows a fix for the really annoying issue where the hair is bleeding/clipping through head gears?, i have tried everything my self to add what slotts headgear is using and so on. Nothing helps :(
  10. OK thanks, will take a look at that.
  11. It can't be another mod that is överridning the .nif that i am editing sins that is a lose .nif file in the game folders, it is the right .nif i am editing and it is the right node (dagger, there is only one for it). Can it be something with the auto sanitize when save that does it or?
  12. I'm playing with LE and i'm pretty sure that we don't have any "weapons" settings in the Racemenu.
  13. So i have edited the skeleton_female.nif to reposition the dagger in NifScope, i see the changes in the .nif and all but in-game the dagger is still at the same vanilla position? What am i doing wrong???
  14. Tried several FOV's but i just hate when the camera zooms in or out, want vanilla so i just wont use the mod.
  15. It don't work, tried to set the same FOV value that i use for the game and i also tried to comment the settings out but it still zooms in? f1stZoom=75f3rdZoom=75fDragonZoom=75 ; f1stZoom=75; f3rdZoom=75; fDragonZoom=75
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