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Posts posted by ceano

  1. So i have followed this tutorial to the letter but i don't see any changes in-game?


    1: Find the node you want to move. Quivers are linked to QUIVER for example, should be pretty obvious which ones you want. I don't think any names are in short form or anything.

    2: Right click said node, Transform > edit,  a new window will open.

    3: Make your adjustments, Translation is position, Rotation is uhm the rotation. Scale will change the size.

    X = backward/forward Y = left/right  Z =  Up/down

    MAKE Small adjustments at time, so you don't end up with something silly happening like an equipped weapon floating off 10 feet away.

    Click accept.

    4: Right click node again,  Transform > Apply.

    Click spells at the top, batch > update tangent spaces   (<- not 100% sure that's needed but I do it out of habit from other edits I do in nif)

    5: Save your edit, Done!

    ...any one that can help me please?

  2. OK so the carriage driver in Riften has some how the gray face bug, he is just the vanilla character and i have trippel checked that no mods that i am using is altering him in any way or shape.


    Any ideas how to fix this?, i have tried to make a new FaceGen for him with and without a .esp but it don't help??



    This is so frustrating!

  3. Do you really become a faction member after the quest Tending the Flames?, why i ask is because i'm using a mod that adds a bed to the player that you can use as soon as you become a faction member of the Bards College but i still can't use it after the quest that says i have become a member?


    And i can't take anything from the college without stealing it?

  4. So i had this problem with NPC's that was using same chairs and work stations, took me a long time to pin point the issue but i did...at least for me.


    If you have the same issue as i had and is using the mod "Go To Bed Lite", you can try to see if it helps to disable it. Just move the file Data\skse\plugins\gotobed.dll to the desktop temporary and run the game without it and see if it fixes the issue...it did for me to 100%




    If you suing the full version "Go To Bed" you can still try and see if it is that mod that causes the issue.

  5. @ Enthusiast


    Well that look seven more difficult then edit .nif's :smile:


    To bad that the only 2 online videos hove to get edited nif's to work is in really poor quality and in a language i don't understand :sad:

  6. It can't be another mod that is överridning the .nif that i am editing sins that is a lose .nif file in the game folders, it is the right .nif i am editing and it is the right node (dagger, there is only one for it). Can it be something with the auto sanitize when save that does it or?

  7. Is there some way to lower the sensitivity on the throttle and breaks, like they have done in game version 1.5 so is it way to sensitive :sad:


    Is it possible to make the throttle and break less sensitive, like it is now so is the vehicle shooting away like a rocket as soon as you touch the throttle or break.
    Think this is done by the Dev's with the new game update 1.5 but i hope there is some ini settings or game file i can change.
    Another thing that need fixing is the steering sensitivity, in first person it is way to sensitiv but in third person it is OK.
  8. I set up the mod and set the panam_romanceable flag, so I'll let you all know how it goes once I get far enough. Just finished the Ghost Town quest line.

    Are you using game version 1.5 if so what are you using to set the panam_romanceable flag?


    Or did you use game version 1.3 to make a save file and add the flag with CyberCat and then update the game to version 1.5 as i did?

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