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  1. Well, sort off. This dude just took your file trew it in blender and practicly rebuilded the mod from scratch. I mean WTF! Anyway if you want a tutorial on how to make your own follower try this tutorial:
  2. Either something was still deployed/ connected to your game or there is something wrong with your pc settings. The game itself when fresly installed from a trusted source can't be broken. If your remove that map while not opening any mod manager at all there is nothing left of old stuff except for your saves. Your save themselve can not harm your game folder. It's a one way path from your game folder to you game saves. Did you open or use any mod manger after reinstalling? Found something about audio settings on your pc. They confirmed it's a pc thing not a game thing. What I found: Try left clicking on your speaker in the task bar and selecting 'Playback devices' Click on the device you are using IE 'speakers@ (Normally there is a gree default tick next to them) Select 'properties' (At the bottom). Now depending on your device you might have a variety of options.... Look for 'Enhancements' and activate 'Loudness Equalization' And click 'Apply'.... This should boost levels a bit, Failing that/you don't have that option/ or as well as option one you could try using the 'Equalizer' option to boost levels further, but this can cause distortion. Also if sound stops working in any of your other games then just disable / reverse the procedure. Another person said they fixed it by removing their mic.
  3. Yes you can add your modlist that might be helpfull. I do remember I did encounter that issue a long time ago but I can't remember what it was exactly related to. There is a thing in your settings that allows you to choose the loading dinstance of clutter. I think if you load too much clutter this might happen. Maybe it's related to clutter not unloading (just guessing). I will look a bit online see what I can dig up.
  4. It's nice but I already have a mod that allows me to buy all houses without any requirements XD. I know while reamining neutral you can buy a house solitude but not in windhelm. That really annoys me and that's why I downloaded the mod. It also made me kinda hate Hulfric. All of these things make me kinda angry. It's very clear both sides are unfit to rule. I want to be able to end the war in a lore friendly way where both sides are being shut up by the dragon born. You know what I am saying. Give them a real piece of my mind. On both sides general Tulius seems to be the one with brains and hes a FRIKING GENERAL not a Jarl.
  5. I was hoping more for a specific number of what your favorite is.
  6. I am making a mod with a follower. Just wondering what everyones favorite hairstyle is.
  7. I always use skyui together with skyuiaway. This way I have the mod menu and don't have to deal with the skyui mess. This causes some minor bugs but there are mods to solve those too.
  8. I still want to make a mod that allows me to say NO to both Elisif and Ulfrick. Elisif is a pupet from the empire with no power at all. Giving her the jagged crown would be a disgrace and total disrespect for the crown. Ulfric on the other hands is a complete idiot with peanut sized brains. The man has no respect for people who are slighty diffrent from him. Giving it to him would be asking for problems. I tried to throw the crown into the sea but that wasn't allowed by the game. I wish I could give it to Balgruuf and unite Skyrim under him. I would use the wizzards college to research vampires feeding on magick sources than on blood. Creating spells that protect them from the sun. After that I would use an army of magickly enhanced vampires and dragons to kick the dominion out of Skyrim for once and for all.
  9. Do you have any mods installed or are we talking about the vanilla game?
  10. No idea. All I know is that to get the kit to work I had to install a mod that fixes the bugs. That mod was outdated and needed another mod to fix the newer bugs. Gotta love those mods.
  11. Go to your Program Files (x86)->Steam->SteamApps->common->Skyrim->Skyrim->Remove prefs.ini file. If the problem is related to the start up process this might fix it. Skyrim will create a new folder on start up. If that doesn't work try to go to the platform where you got your game form. On steam you can go to settings and have steam check your game integrity and restore if errors are found.
  12. Okay, that problem means you are missing an animation framework. The vanilla game does not require it but once changes have been made to the original animation files it can be messed up permanent. Try installing FNIS or Nemesis and running them. Whenever you have a mod installed or removed that edits animations you have to run them in order to prevent t-pose. Unless the mods are standalone and don't require animation frameworks. Maybe try to restore game file integrity on the platform where you downloaded it. When you go to steam you can go to settings and check game file inegrity. This will restore the game to it's original state. If that doesn't work reinstall the game. If they made changes in your vanilla skyrim file. First go into your mod manager. Select all your mods at once and disable all. Make sure all links are disabled. Go to your Program Files (x86)->Steam->SteamApps->common->remove skyrim folder. This will remove only your game folder. Your mods are stored on another location so you will keep those. Your savegames are also stored on another location so you will keep those too. The bugs can be stored into game save tho. After reinstalling store a clean game file on another location. You can check on a clean start if everything works. Then carefully enable your mods. Continue playing as if nothing happend.
  13. Ah your screwed. Seems like they made changes in your vanilla skyrim file. Maybe try to restore game file integrity on the platform where you downloaded it. When you go to steam you can go to settings and check game file inegrity. This will restore the game to it's original state. If that doesn't work go into your mod manager. Select all your mods at once and disable all. Make sure all links are disabled. Go to your Program Files (x86)->Steam->SteamApps->common->remove skyrim folder. This will remove only your game folder. Your mods are stored on another location so you will keep those. Your savegames are also stored on another location so you will keep those too. The bugs can be stored into game save tho. After reinstalling store a clean game file on another location. You can check on a clean start if the sound works. Then carefully enable your mods. Continue playing as if nothing happend.
  14. Haha using ENB with presetting is a joke. There is no fix for that. Only thing u can do is buy a better cpu. I only use ENB to render my graphics differently.
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