Hi there! I wish I had any time to mod this superior game, everything I do is writing down my ideas that I hope I'll have oppournity to use one day. I'm hardcore role player, I like to have lore exploanation for every each item, make use of everything I take. While I'm playing as hunter trying hard to survive in cold wilderness - I would rather learn alchemy and leave smithing alone. My character just cant work with metal, he could craft steel dagger, but properties of dwarven metal are unknown to him. He makes more use of leathercraft, escaping from really sticky situation in full armor or shooting bow in plated gauntlets is quite... problematic. Why you, modders, dont like role-players? In TES IV Oblivion I never read location of mod items because I loved to find it myself. In skyrim everything is craftable. Give us more adventure! Put the background for the item you have created and place it somewhere. Give it to wanderer that dont know how to use is, so he would want to sell it and make quite profit, give us adventure, put in on corpse with journal, make us steal/buy/quest for these items or make it popular, used by everyone. I pass with pain cool, craft-only items.