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  1. Thanks! A year later, but hey :P Anyway, I ended up waiting for the Creation Kit to be released. That made it a piece of cake; there's a setting easily-visible. I'm much happier now. Unfortunately, I never got around to posting the mod... maybe I'll do that someday :)
  2. Hey, everyone! Long-time reader, first-time poster. I'm trying to make a script that gives the player a perk when the game loads. The script runs fine, but the perk never appears. Adding the perk via console makes it work perfectly. Script (sorry for lack of syntax, on phone, PC is having internet troubles): -------- Scriptname: ThiefMod:ThiefScript4 extends Quest Actor Property PlayerRef Auto Perk Property ThiefPerk Auto Event OnInit() PlayerRef.AddPerk(ThiefPerk) Debug.Notification("Welcome, Thief.") EndEvent -------- This is all attached to a dummy quest that's set to RunOnce. Ignore the bad syntax; the Property block and the Event blocks all have single-line breaks between them. Anyway, when I load the game, the message ("Welcome, Thief.") shows, which means the script is firing, but the perk isn't being added. I tried to use Game.GetPlayer() instead of PlayerRef, but had no success there, either. Where am I going wrong? Help would be greatly appreciated!
  3. Hey everyone, long time no see! I've got an issue. I've adjusted an outfit in Bodyslide to fit my new body preset, which is all good and well, but despite having changed the .nif, the in-game model remains identical to what it always was. Which is... weird as hell, honestly. So basically, despite having toggled archive invalidation repeatedly, the game still seems to be pulling the model from its .BA2 archives, instead of the game folder. Does anyone know a fix for this? Or is Archive Invalidation currently broken clean in half? Any help would be very much appreciated!
  4. The Titan modifications would do it; if your DT is too high, enemies will simply flee rather than face you.
  5. No luck - that's a global setting, whereas I want to alter a specific weapon's traits. I've tried looking through every 'unknown' field in the data section, but the only field that could theoretically be what I'm looking for (set to 1.1-ish for one-handed weapons and 1.7-ish for two-handed weapons) does nothing when changed, even to 100 or some silly number. Perhaps I'll just have to wait until the GECK drops to release my mod?
  6. Does anyone know if there's a value in FO4edit which sets the 'reach' of a melee weapon (e.g. its striking distance)? I'm currently in the process of creating a greatsword, but the standard melee weapon reach is much too small for it, meaning that it often clips through enemies without damage. Images: http://imgur.com/duplRjx.png http://imgur.com/tb2CfxG.png Does anyone know how to help me? Or are melee weapon ranges 'fixed' in this game? UPDATE: Going through TESVedit, Skyrim had a setting called 'Reach' for its melee weapons. I'm assuming that's carried over to FO4 as one of the currently 'Unknown' values in FO4edit.
  7. Hey, everyone! So, I have a sword. A great sword! In more than one respect :P However, due to its size, I want it to be able to only be used in power armour, for reasons of realism. I was wondering if anyone can think of a way of making that happen? The most straightforward way would be a script that checks if the player is in power armour (and, if not, auto-unequips the weapon), but A), I can't write scripts, and B), I don't want to make things overly complicated. Can anyone think of any other way of forcing a weapon to only be equippable in power armour? I'd really appreciate the help! :) Best regards, - MarchUntoTorment
  8. Since it'd need to be flown from the exterior, the 'secondary bridge' at the rear of the flight deck (look left after fast-travelling) would be an excellent place for a helm. Coding-wise, I'd look at the Skyrim airship mods; this shouldn't be too different structurally. My only concern is that the sheer scale of the vessel could cause some... issues.
  9. I like this idea; the simplest implementation I would see would be to find a way to make the game spawn higher-level enemies at nighttime. I assume that this could be done via script, although I'm not sure how.
  10. The current modding environment is mostly due to the lack of proper mod tools. Frankly, half the stuff I see on here, I'm astonished that they did without the GECK. FO4's modding community are geniuses.
  11. You'd need to wait for the GECK, but I believe that there's a way to do this in-engine; I know that both Power Armour helmets and Ghouls have GECK-based voice modulation. Like, it's a tick-box option. Not sure if you could create a new voice modulation, though. Might require F4SE, and that could get complicated fast.
  12. Come to think of it, Dante, it'd be very easy (for someone who knew how to use the program properly, at least) to rig a non-functional shield for power armour; it's just a matter of attaching it to the right bone in Nifskope. Unfortunately, Fallout 4 doesn't seem to have shield animations... Or does it? We know that the Vault-Tec Rep's clipboard is used as a shield... hm. Someone should go digging through FO4's animation files and see what legacy content we can pull out. Oh, and as another update on my progress, I'm... not really getting anywhere with tutorials. It seems that outfits are all that's been converted from Skyrim so far, so I'm pretty much stuck. I'm considering exporting the model to 3DS Max as a .obj file, then re-importing to NifSkope and working from there, but god knows it that'd work.
  13. First step with FO4edit is always to right-click on the record you want, then 'copy as override' into a new plugin. That'll allow you to edit things. From there, you can go down a few paths. There should be a method via FO4edit of disabling the object (I'm not in front of my gaming PC right now, so I couldn't tell you for certain). As for your second question, I don't think that you can make an object change BaseIDs, nor do I have any idea why you'd want to. You could change the object in question by disabling it, then placing a new object in the same location, but why you'd have the same object with a different BaseID, I have no goddamned clue.
  14. A shame that invalidfate has vanished; I feel that he'd have been very handy here. Still, gotta play by the rules. Anyway, I had a crack at it! And here's what I now know. 1. The model shows up just fine in FO4's current nifskope alpha build. It's untextured, but nothing's ever textured in Nifskope for me (never been quite sure why), so this doesn't bother me. 2. It does not, however, show up in-game; instead, I have the big, beautiful missing mesh icon. Y'all know what I'm on about. I'm not quite sure why it'd show up fine in Nifskope and then break in-game; it is set to look for the correct model, and all the texture pathing is right. Anyone know what's up? 3. Not hugely relevant, for some godforsaken reason, there doesn't exist two-handed power armour animations. While you see the weapons being used two-handed in first person, in third-person, even a Super Sledge is wielded one-handed. So I'll either need to find a way to force it to use non-power armour animations (which could look very odd and potentially break the game, if PA uses a separate skeleton to humans, as I suspect it does) or just accept that the sword's a one-handed deal in power armour.
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