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Everything posted by OnceNDone628

  1. What if it doesn't....? Like in my case, I can load none of my autosaves, saves, quicksaves and I have to start a new game and load it from there in order to get it working. Help please?
  2. Hey guys, I'm sorry to announce that... I cannot work any longer on this mod. I am too busy with school, and that goes on top of the fact that I couldn't master the CK even if I spent the rest of 2012 trying. I'm just not good enough!! I always was a story-line guy rather than a tech guy. If anybody can get anywhere, PLEASE tell me and I will give you any suggestions you need. Thanks so much and I am sorry I couldn't do this. I'm sure somebody will do it instead. -OnceNDone
  3. Hey guys and gals. Just an update on the progress of the mod in practicality..... The CK has been released, it's at 25% on my steam and I'm about to embark on the first steps in this Mod's creation. It'll start with just pissing about with little things in the CK, such as making NPCs. I'll keep everybody informed on the progress, and you can expect a beta by June or so, and maybe by September you'll be sitting in Solitude on the throne of the High King! Please give me your suggestions and comments as they will sustain me through what will inevitably be one of my biggest projects ever! Thanks guys and gals! OnceNDone
  4. Tbh I don't think it will work in Skyrim as it doesn't seem to fit in. The DB is kind of a weird mercenary group anyway, as is the Thieves guild.
  5. Yeah, that was a rough idea when I wrote the main thing. People have given me loads of great suggestions and I'm bursting for the CS to come out! Anyway, the idea of a rebellion seems more fun and seeing the Jarl get his head cut off (Such a great animation wasted...) The part where he says you can get power.. You're right. People know and respect you, I mean ffs you took over the hold with the Imperials/Stormcloaks... THEN you saved the hold from a dragon. You'd think rather than having a crusty old dude as Jarl they'd pick the most powerful man in skyrim- Ulfric/Tullius' best friends and the Hero of the Stormcloaks/Imperials... AND the Dragonborn. But yeah, thanks for your idea. The Companions idea is great and your point about the Greymanes or Battleborn is correct as well. If an Akatosh Mount mod was made then the Odahviing advisor would be a certainty!!
  6. Lol f...ing the blades.... I'm so immature xD
  7. Overhaul of the Unarmed skill, maybe adding some martial arts stuff. A hidden skill where every level adds +1 to your damage...
  8. Well that shut everybody up... xD
  9. Extending this mod into a High King mod would defo be a great idea, hopefully restoring interest in the game for the bored and over-played... My main idea was that the Thalmor spying on you and trying to overthrow you could trigger a full-blown war which results in wiping out the Thalmor... Eventually grow into the most powerful man in Skyrim and get recognised for it. Leave Whiterun for a few days and it becomes Skyrim's capital... MAYBE Riverwood could be a big and significant city... Get Monthly meetings with the moot and spend money on new programs, such as expanding the Thieves Guild and creating new outposts for it... Creating a secret service to act on your behalf (Get a spell to summon 7 or 8 Elite Warriors would be AMAZING) So many ideas, so little means...
  10. Hello again, Nexus!! I just wanted to comment on the idea of a mod which I just came up with. Your companions are pretty dull at the moment. They follow you, charge into battle, and make the odd irrelevant comment on a Dragon Wall. It's the same kind of annoying behaviour one would expect from an adoring fan. That being said, I want to ask if anybody likes this idea and would be willing/capable to make this mod... a full Companions Overhaul. The ideas listed below were thought of by drawing in elements from the wonderful mods we've seen in FNV, FO3, and Oblivion. My ideas are listed below and I'd like to see somebody do this.... This is just some inspiration, I'll add up any ideas people have when I have the time. Please comment and offer your ideas, PLEEEASE make this someone! :D Thanks and I look forward to your comments, -OnceNDone
  11. I've been planning a Jarl of Whiterun mod as a fitting reward for finishing the Main Quest, and I'd like to see a gigantic collaboration of Jarl-Wannabes with suggestions. My idea included building stuff, wiping out the Thalmor, battles with other holds for new land... This could be expanded into becoming High King, even ordering executions of random subjects... And btw, Ohdaving as steward is the best idea I've heard in my life... http://www.thenexusforums.com/index.php?/topic/519210-mod-planning-become-jarl-of-whiterun/page__gopid__4249271#entry4249271
  12. Perhaps you could marry another Jarl and become head of that hold as well? Mwahahah...
  13. Hey guys, OnceN here. My idea for a mod today is a mod which makes faction armour faction related. I mean, it bugged me in TES4 that you could just walk around dressed like a member of the Dark Brotherhood in shrouded armour without being walked out... and now I waltz around with General Tullius' armour, or Stormcloak Armour and not a single comment. Would anybody like to see a mod where you get commented on for your armour, maybe even met with some challenges such as Pentius Oculatus agents fighting you for wearing DBh armour, etc... Just wondering. Looking forward to your responses! ~OnceNDone
  14. Maybe there could be a quest where you could marry Nocturnal... They look a bit alike anyway...
  15. Take it to Winterhold to be turned older.
  16. If you take up the Jarl idea I'd LOVE to be in on it.
  17. Paladin, firstly- Run the Lucky 38 is my favourite FNV mod... Thanks so much!!! Now, I will start with Bob whenever CES comes out...
  18. Spellcraft is a must... and the Dragon Riding mod for Oblivion (Akatosh Mount) was beautiful...
  19. I didn't want to make it too hard... Oh, and I meant that redguard in the market, not Adrianne's father... My idea was, straight after becoming Jarl, the Thalmor will try to make you a puppet, you which will lead to a quest-chain to expel the Thalmor from Skyrim. You execute a Thalmor informant, hopefully a beheading :D Then, you wage war on the Thalmor by attacking their embassies, making shifty deals with other Jarls. Hell, this mod could be extended into one which makes you into high king?
  20. I want it to be available for both factions. The reason it's set after the Civil War and the MQ is so it doesn't conflict with those quests, such as trapping the dragon in Dragonsreach, or the Siege. The Thalmor could try to intercept your rebellion and you fight them off, and head off to kick them out of Skyrim. I mean, I hate them, and it doubles up as becoming a Jarl, getting your own army and kicking out the Thalmor.
  21. Hello everybody! I'm OnceNDone and this is my first *actual* post here on the forums, so I'm a little nervous about being baptized into a new community. Worse yet, this is my first MOD PLAN! Upon hearing of the CS being released in a few days, I am about to embark on a life-consuming project. I welcome you to my planning phase of my mod, "Become Jarl of Whiterun". Yes, I'll come up with a cool name later. We all want to be Jarl. I mean, ffs, you save the whole realm, then you end the civil war single-handedly. You should be high king. But NOOO, you have to stick with being Thane. I mean, really?! And even then, the Chamberlain of Whiterun comes out with "Have you ever been to the Cloud District?!?!". It makes me frustrated that my efforts are scarcely rewarded and I think there are lots of people who share this sentiment with me. That being said, I want to make a mod to become Jarl. But not just that. I want Whiterun to be your own little playground. Run it however you like, psychotic murderer-dictator, or benevolent hero. Expand cities and build things, and go to war with other Holds.. Maybe even extend I've: -Never used CES before. -Never uploaded anything here before. -Got no experience in Mod Making -Got no idea what the hell I am going to do... BUT I have an idea which will hopefully interest a lot of people, and even better- fill that sad void in the Nexus' "Quests and Adventures" category. My idea was to make a mod (In conjunction with some volunteers... cough cough) in which on can become the Jarl of the Hold of Whiterun. There would be a story (See later) which, upon completion, would grant you control over Dragonsreach as a home, control over the Whiterun Guards and maybe as a small army, the ability to build new buildings (Don't ask me how...) and possibly go to war with other holds (This could just end in tears), get profits, appoint your buddies as thanes, and get recognised as the Jarl... Now for somebody with no experience I have no idea how I can do any of this, which is why I extend my hand to you all as testers, idea-brewers, supporters and obviously- MODDERS. I will need a lot of help getting thi idea off the ground so please please help me out here, so we can provide a Quest and Adventure Experience which will make Bethesda want to hire us! Ah, if only confidence created mods... I'll need the following people: -Voice Actors for the many voices required. -Plotters/Writers for the story who will hopefully get this mod's back-story coated with a great main plot, sideplots and other stuff. -Consultants for coding, and for the game, I.E. Lore-Friendliness -Modders for helping me mod this damn thing -Graphic Artist(s) for banners and also, for models/textures if needed -Supporters (I.E, I'll download this mod when it comes out) Now here's my plot-line.... 1. A man (Called Bob for now) was a veteran of the first war. He is old and witty, and snatched a job in in Dragonsreach as a chef to the Jarl. He will be there for the whole game as one of the Jarl's chefs in a kitchen somewhere. If you talk to him before the MQ/Civil War's completion you get a war story or greeting. 2. Bob will, after the MQ and Civil War, get fired and go flat out broke, living on the streets of Whiterun. He will have a huge grudge against the Jarl (Whoever it is, Balgruuf or that Greymane dude) and talk to you when you walk past him, and bleed his heart out to you. 3. You offer to ask to get his job back... Go to Dragonsreach and ask the Jarl for his job back. He'll say no, because he doesn't think he's a good chef. 4. Go back to Bob and he will be furious with the Jarl and ask you to meet him somewhere so he can talk with you without worry of being heard. 5. You meet in some forest and he tells you (paraphrasing "I trust you and I need you to help me with my plan... I'm going to get revenge on that bastard Jarl... I want you to help me and if you do, It will be more than worth your while. By that I mean, you can get power. You can become Jarl in his place... and I get revenge plus a nice job as Thane, perhaps?" 6. You agree to his plan or disagree, where he says "I know you'll be back. You're sensible." 7. After agreeing, he will outline his plan. You coax the court and City against the Jarl with either money or favours, and they perform different parts of the plan. 8. Farengar Secret-Fire is a bit of an ass, but he is a powerful mage and is willing to hear your plan. You talk to him and in return for one full Grand Soul Gem or 600 gold, he will turn against the Jarl and support your revolution. He will reduce that douchebag Proventus Avenicci to ashes after you complete said favour. (Adrianne will react to this and become very upset towards this) 9. The Companions will join your revolution if you are Grand Master (That's instant), if you give them 2000 gold, with which they will build a mine or something... Or if you give them 25 firewood. 10. The Clan Battle-Born will join your side if you promise to murder one Grey-Mane... Or give them 1000 gold. Vice-Versa for the Greymanes. 11. The Merchants will join your side (Their leader is Adrianne Avenicci) if you give them 4,000 gold to decorate the city and revamp their shops, and expand their inventory, OR you kill a giant terrorising their trade lines. 12. Heimskr will convince the rest of Whiterun if you promise to build a temple of Talos in the City for 5,000 gold. 13. The Guards will support you if you talk to Commander Caius and you kill the Skooma Traders in the Whiterun Sewers (Just added) or bribe him 500 gold. 14. Now the whole city supports you and might greet you with "Good luck with the plan" or something. You return to Bob who returns to Whiterun in his old legion armor. You meet him outside Dragonsreach, and you enter together. The Jarl sits haughtily in front of you, and he asks you what you've done, and expresses his disgust with you. He confronts Bob as well, insulting him, which triggers a vicious attack from Bob, beheading the Jarl. Ouch. 15. Bob talks to you, thanking you for your help. He tells you to take these Jarl's Robes, and sit on the throne of the Jarl. 16. Upon sitting, you complete Part 1 of the Quest and become Jarl. Bob approaches you and clears his throat. You make him your Housecarl and your Thane and he pops out of Dragonsreach to change clothes into some cool armour. WIP!!!!!!!!!! POST HERE, OR PM ME WITH QUESTIONS, SUGGESTIONS AND COMMENTS!!!
  22. That idea is great... PM me if somebody is going to actually do this :D
  23. Yeeeeee-haww! Dallas here I come! And gol'almighty it worked!! Thanks a lot guys!!
  24. Hey, I love Nexus and the board, hoping to get active as well :) However, big problem here. After the revamp on EVERY MOD I try to download (after selecting server @ maidenhead), it goes to a white screen then about 20 seconds later I get this (Example on Ranger Coats mod) --- Warning: fopen(/home2/fs1/files/nv/JaySuS Rouge Ranger Coats V12-36154-1-2.rar) [function.fopen]: failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /home2/fs1/public_html/get.php on line 47 Fatal error: Call to undefined function ftp_connect() in /home2/fs1/public_html/get.php on line 50 --- I use Firefox 6.01 and I am very depressed with this. Do I have to switch to... IE?!?!?!? *Dun dun duuun!* Thanks a lot, speak soon, Oncendone
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