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Everything posted by UnusualTiMoN

  1. I really love both of those ideas, would be awesome to have either of them in-game.
  2. I heard of a mod called Dynamic Difficulty, which completely removes the named difficulties and changes them to match your amount of kills/deaths.
  3. I'm looking for a mod that returns the guards' armor and helmets after the end of the civil war.(So each city can keep its guards outfits, Windhelm excluded?)
  4. Harkon isn't a coldharbour vampire, if he was, he wouldn't even need Serana for the prophecy.
  5. Summerset Isles, so I can be a Nordic dick to every Altmer out there.
  6. So I recently installed Requiem, while installing it, it asked me to overwrite existing armor texture files which I recall being used by aMidianBorn's Book of Silence(Armor pack). So I'm wondering, does it use the same armors from the book of silence? I also recall watching one of Brodual's requiem videos where he was using an Iron Armor which was asked to be overwritten by Requiem. I don't know if "textures" is the correct word, but I'm sure you will understand. Thanks!
  7. Hello, I have a bug that always occurs when brawling another NPC, the bug in a basic way is that the NPC will fight me normally, but when very low on HP, they'll drag out a dagger and attack me. I can kill them, no bounty will be given or and none of the surrounding NPCs will turn hostile. I have run BOSS and there appears to be no errors/warnings, I'll post a mod list soon.
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