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  1. I don't know the specific formula or the exact way in which the rarity/chance function together, but I have found out the following things... The lower the rarity the better. The higher the chance the better. I am pretty sure the chance determines the number of enemies that can be legendary in a given cell. Just some random examples I tried: 4.5 chance, 3 rarity, seemed about normal, just saw legendary enemies more often. 15 chance, 1 rarity, almost every cell had multiple legendary enemies. 50 chance, .01 rarity, every single enemy that was capable of being legendary was legendary. What I mean by every single enemy that was capable of being legendary... It turns out that a lot of areas in the game and a lot of enemy types by default do not have a legendary template. So even with a 100% chance for enemies to be legendary, those enemies will never be legendary. For example, like with the 50 chance, .01 rarity I mentioned... Sometimes you will see a pack of enemies and every single one will be legendary and then you will see another pack and none will be legendary. That isn't chance or bad luck, it usually means that the the enemies in that pack don't have a legendary template, so they weren't capable of being legendary in the first place. In the creation kit it seemed like the most common enemy types all had a legendary template, the less common ones not so much. So like plain gunners and raiders had them, but like power armor raiders, sniper raiders, raider dogs, gunner commanders, etc., did not have templates... So it would seem those enemies can never be legendary no matter what settings you change unless you add templates to them all manually (I never tried to do that, so no clue what all that entails). ---- And your question about difficulty... I don't know the difference between them myself since I don't play on survival, but a quick way to check would be to just make a simple mod that changes one of them and see if it works. So like make the exp multiplier for SV be 50 instead of 1. Then go in game and do something, if you get 50 times exp you know that's the one, otherwise go back and change the other. Or just change them both.
  2. Can anyone explain to me how I can do this on my own. I just want to make a simple mod that makes legendary enemies spawn more often in Very Hard (I would play Survival, but I can't deal with no fast travel). I have seen a couple mods that already exist like that, but most haven't been updated in months and I don't want my game to break using outdated mods. I am not a modder though, never used the creation kit (and previous kits for other Bethesda games) for anything more than spawning an item somewhere or something simple like that... I don't even know where to start looking. Thanks.
  3. I am trying to add a couple Hearthfire planters behind my Breezehome. I don't know how they function though in terms of assets and what not. Just plopping one of the models down does nothing... It just puts an inanimate model of a planter behind my house that doesn't do anything... Can someone explain to me how to make it active, add the actions to it, etc...? I am a 100% total and complete novice at anything Creation Kit, so I am entirely at a loss as to how any of this stuff functions. Thank you.
  4. My client is already really unstable with the amount of mods I have installed, so I don't want to use an out of date mod (regardless of whether people can get it working or not)... I already experience a lot of crashes from even the slightest hiccups... I would really just like to create an esp that changes the perks per level.
  5. Hello, I would like to create a simple mod for myself that gives me two perk points rather than one upon leveling up... I have seen one other mod like this, but it hasn't been updated in a year and does other things as well... I also don't want SkyRe or any uncappers and the like because I JUST want the two perk points per level and nothing else... So... Can anyone tell me what I need to edit in the Creation Kit to achieve this? Thank you.
  6. I am looking to go at Skyrim again with mods out the wazoo... I was looking for some clarification on something though, the compatibility of ACE (particularly Archery), Arrow and Bolts Tweaks, and the Complete Crafting Overhaul (Weapons and Armor Fixes and the like)... ACE adds multiple types of bows and arrows, ABT alters the values of bows and arrows, and CCO alters it further... I was curious if it was advisable to use all of these together and if so, in what order, and anything I should know about them working together? I wanted to know because I plan on playing a stealthy archer type character and I didn't want to get in-game and see 300 different bows, all with different stats, 200 types of ammo, some of them causing me debuffs from incompatible ammo from ACE and the like, etc, etc... ------ Also just in general, can someone recommend a place to look for load orders and the like... I already have abut 40 mods downloaded and half of them are texture replacement mods and things like that, so I was curious what order should be installing these. Thanks :D
  7. After that happens, alt-tab will usually drop the Skyirm screen to your taskbar, so you have use the manager to shut it off. Alt tab does nothing, nothing seems to make that window go away as it isn't responsive.
  8. Hey, I have a lot of mods on my Skyrim (most of STEP, a lot more, ENB, etc)... The game runs perfect apart from the occasional hanging loading screen or sudden FPS death... With the FPS issue I just restart the game... But with the infinite load screens, it like breaks my computer when it happens... When it occurs I ctrl alt del, but that put Skyrim into a window that blocks my desktop and does not go away. Every time it happens I am forced to hard restart my computer and I hate having to do that... I know I will never figure out which mod is causing the problem because I have over 100 mods installed and I already spent hours manually installing all of them, so I am not redoing it or going through one by one to figure that out... But what I want to know is if there is a way to kill the program when it breaks like this without restarting my PC? Alt F4 does nothing, ctrl alt del, as I mentioned, opens the task manager but I can't navigate it because of the skyrim window blocking my desktop... Is there something else I can do? Thanks
  9. So I want to make my own home from scratch and I want to use the solitude kit to do it... Problem is I am completely new to all of this and lost when it comes to using the Solitude kit... I did the tutorials and some of that stuff, but that was all with dungeons which were a lot larger and easier to work with, the Solitude kit has a lot more stuff in and being the newb that I am, I got lost in it. Like doors for example... I have previewed dozens of things that seem like they would be a door, but none of them are doors and I simply cannot find a door to put on this stuff; doorways, no problem I have ten thousand doorways, but I can't find a door to put on them to save my life... And naming conventions, is there a guide out there somewhere for this? I know the basics given what was said in the Wiki tutorials, but that was for one subset of one kit and doesn't mention any other naming conventions besides those in the tutorial, the naming convention is entirely different here and I have no idea what they mean (I know they need to match when building, but I would still like to know the meaning behind them...) SMdeWalSol05 for example... I am assuming it is "Something Something Wall Solitude 05"... Is the SM equivalent to Sm used to denote Small elsewhere? I have no idea... de? Wut? So yeah can someone aid me? Thanks
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