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Morrighan Acolyte

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About Morrighan Acolyte

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    United States

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  1. Well, the Orange Road is really beautiful, so almost anywhere along there. The Anvil coastline is gorgeous, and perfect for sunset, beach, and ocean shots. The area around Chorrol is very pretty, too, if you want a dense forest picture. There are beautiful places everywhere, though, so I'd say just wander around aimlessly. That's what I used to do.
  2. I'll only start up the game to test a new mod, mainly for clothes, races, hairstyles, or exclusive locations that would make great screenshots. For the most part, I spend all my time in Oblivion taking screenshots or searching for good places to take screenshots. So I guess you could say that mods are the only reason I play Oblivion any more. I play it as a creative outlet that I use to take pictures and edit them, but not as a game. If I want to play a good game then I'll start up Morrowind, Mass Effect, or Neverwinter Nights 2. But not Oblivion, sadly. But my disinterest in the game isn't really because of mods. Actually, I'm probably still playing the game because of the mods.
  3. You can find most of my characters around the image share. I mainly use about four or so characters, all girls. This one is Colette, she's a Moon Elf from Xenius' mod. She's pretty much your typical do-good knight/religious follower. http://i30.tinypic.com/144cgtf.jpg This one is Abigail Fenn, one of my oldest and favorite characters. She's a Cute Elf, and a scout, even though she's archmage of the Mage's Guild. http://i26.tinypic.com/25utxc7.jpg This one is Kiara, my oldest and most evil character. She started out as a Cute Elf, and stayed that way for a long time, but after going through a varity of facelifts, I finally settled on her being a Raven Elf. She's an assassin or a acrobat, I think. http://i25.tinypic.com/dfgf9f.jpg And finally this one is Eveline. She's a Moon Elf, just like Colette is, and I'm pretty sure she's an acrobat. http://i27.tinypic.com/330a614.jpg
  4. I still play Morrowind occasionally, but for the most part I play Oblivion for the screenshooting. If I want to actually play a game, then I'll play MW, but if I just want to take pictures, then I'll play OB. Morrowind has a special place in my heart, since it's the first RPG I ever played. I watched my dad play it when I was really young, and I thought the cliff racers were huge bats and I thought they looked funny. After quite a few more years, I rediscovered it and started playing. It jump-started my gaming. Without it, I'd probably be a normal teenager instead of one who would rather play video games than go shopping. So I have Morrowind to thank for the person I am today, and I really wouldn't have it any other way. Maybe when I have kids I'll make them play it, too, so they can get the same experience. :D
  5. I don't roleplay much ingame, but I create elaborate backstories for every character. Sometimes I just play the person and a story will eventually come to mind from something random that happens in the game or from the way I play the character. Sometimes I even make backstories based off of screenshots I take of my characters. But other than that, I don't roleplay. I don't have the patience to wake up at a certain time and eat every day, take baths, talk to people, etc. I mostly play just to take screenshots, so would probably roleplay more if I actually played the game instead of just running around looking for nice scenics or those new clothes I just downloaded.
  6. I voted for mods, since I wouldn't be playing OB without them, and boring combat, quests, etc. Most of the quests are very boring, in my opinion. That's why I still play MW, for it's amazing gameplay and lore.
  7. I voted for Ocato. I would have said the player character, but I wouldn't want to play them if they were that powerful. And plus, Ocato pretty much already runs the place, so I'd just let him keep doing that.
  8. If you need help coming up with names you can go to behindthename.com or seventhsanctum.com. Behind the Name is a great site that I use a lot if you want to have your character's name coincide with his/her personality or traits. Seventh Sanctum is another awesome site that has a lot of generators for many different things. Good luck on finding names! :)
  9. Almost 15. Most people think I'm 17 when I talk, though, even in real life. So apparently I'm mature for my age.
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