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About Nanodoc360

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    Fallout New Vegas
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    Morrowwind, Oblivion, FO3, FONV, Mass Effect Series, Eve online,

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  1. Does anyone still play or mod this game? I have been searching frantically via google to find a size and stacking mod for this game. If anyone knows how to mod these archive files let me know. I tried to learn how to hex edit them but it was all too confusing for me. I would love to get my hands on a smaller weapons and insane stack size mod simply for playing multiple play through's.
  2. Wow I have been searching for days for a reason why i was seeing or getting no glow effects on any mod that had glow effects that I installed. HDR fixed it. Thank You .... even if it's 9 years later.
  3. Was hoping someone could help me with this problem. I've tried 3 companion mods now each one dies as soon as I recruit them. then their bodies just follow me around everywhere i go they are close to me but dead on the ground.
  4. Started new game just installed, very few mods, one is a companion mod, right after i meet them and free them they collapse unconscious and do not get back up, i do have morrowind code patch installed. but I just can't figure out how to get them back up on their feet. i move away or change areas they are still near me but on the ground unconscious any advice or help would be appreciated.
  5. Looking for an item via mod that is compatible with vampire's embrace mod that will negate sunlight damage. I know there used to be one ages ago but since then my old PC died and now playing on a windows 10 tablet. So anyone gifted enough that has time a mod for this would be greatly appreciated I was thinking like a necklace or ring mod. Not sure what happened to Nexus in my time away but it looks like all the old good possible mods are gone like everything vanished, guessing some sort of crash dealing with the storage of mods in the past.
  6. Also Wondering if it is Possible to reduce the install radio relays from 6 days to less as well.
  7. Looking for a way to speed up the time two soldiers are stuck in the training facility for soldier bonding, I find the 3 day timer a bit too long If possible I would like to change them to 1 day out of commission times.
  8. unless I am mistaken, since i do not have my pc anymore but i do belive your 1 sub category short. it should be Steam/steamapps/common/kotor/files/overide.
  9. My Pc fried a few months back. Now playing on Android only. I am looking for a mod that will allow any feat to be chosen at any level irreguardless of prerequisites. Say like if I wanted to take heavy an advanced skill before the improved skills at level 1. before people say well there is or used to be mods like this I have tried all versions of the current tsl only mods just manually installing the feat.2da files from those mods do not work. I ave tried all variants so far. My guess is the tsl patcher does something that just the normal 2da file does not.
  10. @Redrouge2w, I lost my pc a few months back myself, But I do have the advice you are looking for. When you first install kotor on android there will only be an obb file location so after instal run the game once so that it extracts and creates an Android/data location for the game in that com.aspyr.kotor open that file location, I suggest ES file explorer. create a new folder in the files folder. Name it Override. So far the mods I have experimented with not having a pc anymore will have to be files that do not require a tsl patcher. Some of the mods have readme's and pictures. you do not have to copy these over. I do myself i just rename each readme to match the mod they came from in case i need to read them for help later. The type of mods you will want are going to depend on your current android system. also since everything goes into the Override folder and file that is duplicate or used in another mod will most likely conflict with one you have added so far. Some mods say they are tsl but you never know unless you look at the files themselves once downloaded i have found a few that have manual install files besides the tsl only type's hope this helps.
  11. Anybody still doing mods or work for this? I doo not have a pc anymore and now i am forced to play on my nvidia shield android tv. Like this game but even easy mode is frustrating. I would love to find someone who has added mods or tweaks into their android version of the game that I could possibly download. Thanks.
  12. Let me clarify. Any Feat Mod Classic.
  13. Due to a storm several months ago, (90 mph winds, excessive rains here in the mountains where I live, clump of 13 trees fell at once and crushed the place I was living in, doing so crushed and destroyed my PC). Now I am playing Kotor on an android device. A lot of the mods work fine but some don't due to lack of tsl patcher. I am looking for anyone willing to do the tsl patch on certain mods and find a way to upload the resulting files so I may use them. First one is the any feats mod. Need the modified feat.2da file no way to patch the append.tlk file into the feat.2da file please.
  14. Did you guys follow the full instructions? btw if you have version 1.04 installed try not to update to 1.05 as the mod author is gone for 3 weeks time and the mod is now not working since 1.05 update. at Nexusmods download and install the 'Debug Console': http://www.nexusmods.com/witcher3/mods/28/ Note: You might need to Install the Visual C++ Redistributable Packages for Visual Studio 2013 from Microsoft here: https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/details.aspx?id=40784bring up the Debug Console using key ‘~’enter the commands in the debug consolethe Microsoft Visual Studio Visual C++ Redistributable Package for 2013 Version is a must or the mod will not work at all. Also I had problems downloading this via Firefox and Chrome I had to use IE.
  15. Did you guys follow the full instructions? btw if you have version 1.04 installed try not to update to 1.05 as the mod author is gone for 3 weeks time and the mod is now not working since 1.05 update. at Nexusmods download and install the 'Debug Console': http://www.nexusmods.com/witcher3/mods/28/ Note: You might need to Install the Visual C++ Redistributable Packages for Visual Studio 2013 from Microsoft here: https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/details.aspx?id=40784bring up the Debug Console using key ‘~’enter the commands in the debug consolethe Microsoft Visual Studio Visual C++ Redistributable Package for 2013 Version is a must or the mod will not work at all. Also I had problems downloading this via Firefox and Chrome I had to use IE.
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