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  1. Also to note: my mod adjusts the power output of the vanilla generators to 5/12/24 and 7 for windmill. So a Fusion is not 10x more power but more like 4-5x. I am not set on those power outputs so they may and probably will change some. I think that effects the value some.
  2. Thanks for the reply Reaper. The Fusion generator I am referring to is an 80 power fusion generator. All these items are sold by a new merchant I created. So it is a "only place to get these" type of setup. Everything he sells is not quite as good as if you had the perks to build it. Turrets are 1-2 defense less and generators are a little less (he sells large generator too). I do think 35k is too much. I want these to be obtatainable with out having to "cap farm" for a long time to buy one. On the flip side I don't want to make them too easy to get and it feel like a cheap alternative to not using perks and easy to get one for all your settlements. But I am for sure noting your opinion of willing to pay a high amount. I may also end up doing 2 options for the mod; normal prices and half price. So I could have the Fusion up there for normal. Good idea about the types of workbenches. Didn't think about that. Also more variance in turrets may be a good call. Do you perk to science 4 just for the generator? I did in my first play through.
  3. Thanks for the input Bob! Originally I had the Fusion Generstor set for 5900 base, and that equated to 15,300 in game. I thought that was too much and people who downloaded my mod would want it to be more obtainable. I lowered it to 1750 to have a ~3000 cost in game, but that feels too cheap. Good to know someone would pay 5-10k. I think I will aim for a in game cost (no perks) of 7500-8000. The turrets I have ranging from 250-350 base (600-900 in game for me) and I think I will just up the missile one a little. I do mean a new to you workbench. It would be the same model you could build at your settlement. I think 1000-2000 is a good amount for those too. I'll probably have the weapon bench be closer to 2000.
  4. How many caps would you pay for a Fusion Generator? Heavy turrets? New chemistry workbench? All to be shipped to your settlement. You don't need perks or materials, just caps! I am wanting input for a mod I am working. I am having a hard time settling on prices. Please let me know what you'd pay for these, and also if you are a player who invests in barter perks and benefits. Thanks!
  5. I am wanting to make a custom attachment for a vanilla weapon. I have duplicated and modified the constructable object, miscmod, and the modification itself. I have changed all the associations in these to the new ones I made. I added my mod to the ModCol_ list and also made my own mod association keyword and added that to the base weapon. What am I missing? I have search quite a bit to find a tutorial on making custom attachment mods, but all I found was how to change base stats. Thanks!
  6. Good idea! I can make an item for the requirements to check to see if the player has it. Should be a sufficient work around, but would allow you to then build as many as you want instead of just a 1 time use.
  7. http://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/20439/? Here is a link for you. Happy adventuring!
  8. I think there should be a merchant that sells craftable items from the workshop. Things that may otherwise need a perk to build. Select an item to buy, say 5 laser turrets or a fusion generator. Then select the settlement for it to go to. Then in workshop when you go to build that item it shows the quantity that you purchased (as if you built it and stored it in workshop). This would be a great mod in my opinion. If anyone knows how to pull this off I don't mind giving it a shot myself in creation kit. Thanks!
  9. I have done a similar mod for myself. I will attach it for you when I get home from work. Where did you get your weight values from? I tried to find some real life launchers to base mine off of, but o have the mini nuke, fat man, and missile launcher 2-3 lbs more than you have. I also didn't change the fusion core since I think it would be very dense and 4 seemed ok. I can tweak the numbers for you before sending of course.
  10. Thanks for the reply David and omerhart! I do retexures and re coloring of things but the gold and ruby are actually vertices colors. I only have nifskope and there are hundreds of vertices. Basically i would have to change 100s of instances of the gold color to another and I didn't want to do that. I did add so that when you approch the door if you are not wearing the necklace it shows a notification "only the one who wears the key may enter" then necklace is called the master of keys and fotifies lockpicking. I'm hoping with that notification it will make it straight forward.
  11. After killing the boss and finding he has his weapon and this nexklace(gold with ruby) and that's all then you see this door Would that be enough? Or do I still need to name it an obvious name?
  12. Thanks for the replies. Currently it is named "open door necklace" but that is just for testing. I have thought of naming it something that suggests it opens doors and have the enchantment be easier lock picking. I have also thought about a scaled version of the necklace be in the stone at the top of the door. Another solution would be when you approch and are not wearing the necklace a debug notification will say something like "only the one who wears the stone may enter". Hinting at the necklace. Also I do plan for the boss to basically have his 2h ebony sword gold and the necklace. Edit: just wanted to say great suggestions from everyone!
  13. Im working on my mod and I have this set up: The hall way to the room with the boss chest is blocked by the retracting spears. There is no switch. The boss you just deleted had a unique necklace. To open the door you must wear the necklace and when you approach it opens. Basically it opens when entering the trigger box and closes when you leave. Would you honestly have figured out how to get into that room? Or would you look for a switch and throw some fireballs and leave. If you think it is too hard to figure out the way it is now, what needs to be added? What clues or signs? Thanks guys.
  14. You can always use console commands to adjust weight. I did that for a while since I couldn't find a mod that started me with 50lb carry weight. Just be sure to use player.forceAv carryweight other wise it will be gone after loading a save.
  15. This is the mod you are looking for: http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/22791/?
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