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  1. What I've taken to doing any time I'm done killing a dragon, is blast it with a fireball. Those skeletons go flying like a baseball.
  2. Good job so far, lasere. If you could go ahead and try implementing the filter-out formlist like suggested before, then it might help with the issue of picking up enemy weapons/ammo. Then there's the issue of some activators not wanting to trigger (possibly due to cells with scripted events), and NCR money not being picked up. As I pointed out, both NCR and Legion money exist in 2 places in the item list(according to GECK): Items - Caravan Money - MoneyLegion... and MoneyNCR Items - Misc - LegionMoney... and NCRMoney It could be that the ones being held in inventory are the first one, Caravan Money, and because of that may need a different refcode. Also, I hope you don't mind, but I've spent a bit of time modifying the item lists for the DLC expansions. When done, if I actually get around to finishing, I could throw them your way for evaluation and you could add them as additional esps for people to use. I don't suppose anyone would know a good way to look at held inventory in a save, in order to be able to determine which items should be filtered out? It might be easier to figure it out based on what is actually picked up, than having to go through every creature type and find all weapons/ammo they might be holding, and manually deleting them from collection records (unless the filtered out list is implemented, then it might be just as easy to add them to that list, if one doesn't already exist somewhere)
  3. What I'd like out of a mod like this, would be a way to specifically decide if you want it only to loot "useful/valuable" items around you, or to loot "junk" items. I'd love to be able to walk into a room, and just let my character be a kleptomaniac and grab all the useless items, like cups, spoons, books, bottles, etc.. Basically, all the little garbage that just takes up the game world. That way, I'd be able to actually see what useful items might be around. Back in the days of Oblivion there was something like this, under the name of Auto Harvest. If anyone is familiar with how that works, they should be able to add something like that to this game.
  4. I'm looking for something that would allow me to auto-loot an area of all the bits and pieces just laying around. Something like the harvesting mod for Oblivion, that would automatically pick all the plants and whatnot that you come across within a given range, and add it to your inventory. Basically, I want it to either pick up all the unowned (non-red) items within range that are just laying about (so that I can take all those tin cans and melt them down into scrap to maintain my arsenal, for example), instead of having to click on each and every one of them. Even having it as a fallback trigger to the activate command would be good, so that when you target an object, it only interacts with that object, but activating without targeting causes you to pick up all the objects immediately around you. It would also be -really- handy for being a Rock-It Launcher marauder, since you'll be able to sweep in and reclaim your ammunition once you're done. :) If such a mod exists, please let me know. Otherwise... please? :)
  5. Here's a major suggestion for anyone using an ATi card(I'm using a Sapphire Radeon X1600 Pro 512, for instance): Grab and use ATi Tray Tools. You will NOT regret it! AA 6x enabled through Oblivion: getting ~30 frames in dungeons. AA 6x enabled through ATi Tray Tools(disabling the application-specific setting): Getting ~40 frames in the same dungeons. And it doesn't disable taking screenshots in the game! :) (sorry for posting some of this to the screenshot topic as well.. it applies to both, since I'm getting 10-20 frames more using the driver-level AA, compared to the game-level AA) Just did an actual performance test with the ATi Tray Tools software(Hardware> overlocking settings> bench) and the performance difference is absolutely freaking astounding! o.o Without AA: 1881.77 With AA 6x: 3476.85 And to compare it to other cards, the Radeon X800 Pro, which has far more graphics power overall than the X1600 Pro, scores 3558.41. The rating for the X1600 XT, which is the higher level version of the X1600, only scores a 2671.15 on the benchmark. Which means that by enabling hardware-level AA x6, you're almost doubling your performance. And no, I'm not overclocking at all.
  6. For those who use ATi-based cards, go grab ATi Tray Tools. Lets you take screenshots even with AA 6x enabled(on the card's hardware side, rather than through the game's decision to use AA). And it fixes a problem I noticed with chameleon as well(in-game AA rendered anything with any level of chameleon completely invisible. ATT-based AA had it looking like it does without AA enabled in-game). :)
  7. Just finished up a quest involving a Necromancer, issued from a small tavern north of the main city, when suddenly I hear a thief behind me being called on taking something from a bag. When I turned around, all chaos broke loose. I, of course, stood back and just watched, not wanting to get involved. As a consequence, the following happened... http://i20.photobucket.com/albums/b212/SilverStar1995/OblivScreen6.jpg First, the legion soldier took on the thief... but, in classic bar room brawl style, everyone else had to get involved... in the end, even the barkeep got involved with the last of the troublemakers... http://s20.photobucket.com/albums/b212/SilverStar1995/OblivScreen8.jpg http://s20.photobucket.com/albums/b212/SilverStar1995/OblivScreen7.jpg But, alas, the poor, innocent Legion soldier who was simply doing his job, lay dead, the barkeep and her sweetheart standing victorious over the troublemakers. http://i20.photobucket.com/albums/b212/SilverStar1995/OblivScreen9.jpg I'm just glad I didn't get involved. No bounty for me and I get to raid the corpses and add another guard uniform to my collection(I found another guard dead in another city, earlier. As best I can figure, the physics engine flipped out and sent him flying, because just as I entered the city I saw something fall out of the sky... then found a dead guard). Rest in Peace: Imperial Legion Soldier Rigmor S'razirr Brucetus Festinius And yes, at least 2 of those are related to a certain quest involving a collector.
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