Just finished up a quest involving a Necromancer, issued from a small tavern north of the main city, when suddenly I hear a thief behind me being called on taking something from a bag. When I turned around, all chaos broke loose. I, of course, stood back and just watched, not wanting to get involved. As a consequence, the following happened... http://i20.photobucket.com/albums/b212/SilverStar1995/OblivScreen6.jpg First, the legion soldier took on the thief... but, in classic bar room brawl style, everyone else had to get involved... in the end, even the barkeep got involved with the last of the troublemakers... http://s20.photobucket.com/albums/b212/SilverStar1995/OblivScreen8.jpg http://s20.photobucket.com/albums/b212/SilverStar1995/OblivScreen7.jpg But, alas, the poor, innocent Legion soldier who was simply doing his job, lay dead, the barkeep and her sweetheart standing victorious over the troublemakers. http://i20.photobucket.com/albums/b212/SilverStar1995/OblivScreen9.jpg I'm just glad I didn't get involved. No bounty for me and I get to raid the corpses and add another guard uniform to my collection(I found another guard dead in another city, earlier. As best I can figure, the physics engine flipped out and sent him flying, because just as I entered the city I saw something fall out of the sky... then found a dead guard). Rest in Peace: Imperial Legion Soldier Rigmor S'razirr Brucetus Festinius And yes, at least 2 of those are related to a certain quest involving a collector.