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About mrfunnyguy901

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  • Favourite Game
    Fallout New Vegas

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Rookie (2/14)



  1. So I'm trying to generate lip sync files for my mod but the issue is that it wants it to be both mono and stereo for some odd reason so for example say I use stereo it then says "Facial animations - Sound format error: Bits per sample = 16 (should be 16) Channels = 2 (should be 1)" But then if I switch it to mono it then says "Facial animations - Sound format error: Bits per sample = 16 (should be 16) Channels = 1 (should be 2)" Maybe I am stupid and missing something obvious but nonetheless I would appreciate some help or some guesses on why this is happening Edit: I've figured out the issue nevermind
  2. So, I'm trying to get into Fallout 4 Modding but its way of coding is way different from what I'm used to. I'm trying to enable an Actor Through a Quest Stage But it's not working I've checked the wiki but that didn't seem to help. Here is the simple little papyrus fragment I can't figure out whats wrong with it but maybe you can its probably very simple and I'm just being dumb for not realizing it sooner. Actor MinuteMenVengeance1REF.Enable() The Issue I'm facing is that when compiling it says " no viable alternative at "." I've read the wiki on what this means but I can't for the life of me see what's wrong with this line of very simple code Actor is also tacked on there because If I don't it says its an undefined variable.
  3. Edit: I've figured out what went wrong so just ignore this.
  4. Hey, I'm looking for a voice actor for my mod Restored Legion attack on Novac at Fallout New Vegas - mods and community (nexusmods.com) If you want to volunteer contact me.
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