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  1. The worst part is considering how easy the winner's silence was bought.
  2. https://www.reddit.com/r/nvidia/comments/4shv1j/nvidia_scam_contestmany_entries_violate_terms_and/d713jrg Don't even have the balls to be public any more. Bunch of rats.
  3. It's even funnier how you just say stuff with no evidence.
  4. A picture speaks a thousand words, and I think this picture is quite a decent one as a response Royhr http://www.bewilderedbug.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/11/donkey-and-carrot.jpg
  5. I'd also like to mention this was not done by 3rd party marketing, these people do work for and represent nVidia. The man they sent to that reddit thread Ethan or whatever, can be viewed in many nVidia contest videos for e.g. the Order Of 10 they are currently running.
  6. Accusing someone of illicit drug taking is both an act of slander and libel. Careful with your words when talking about someone, as they may only say something about you. Thank you for your opinion lelcat, it has been taken into consideration. As for those with half a cognitive functioning mind and a good idea of how corporations work; the most likely result will be along the lines of an attempted cancellation of the contest whilst still undergoing a coup of the assets people "gave" nVidia. They're just spending this time working out the legality to undergo this process whilst still being protected. I did get this in my inbox yesterday: Customer By Email 07/22/2016 03:31 AM This supposed agent you sent made one post. Removed one of the many incorrectly done entries. Then never returned. There are so many problems here and you have decided to ignore a whole community. We might as well be back in the Rosa Parks day. Well done on advancing humanity. Response Via Email (Ray) 08/01/2016 09:35 AM Hi Anthony, Sorry for the delay in getting back to you, I was out of the office. Unfortunately there is little I can do but to forward your feedback to the team responsible for the contest. They are aware of the concerns and informed us to convey to customers that they will be looking into this matter. I will certainly forward your feedback to the team. Best regards, Ray
  7. I think Nvidia is waiting until the voting is over to check who broke the rules and will then throw out the rule breakers. Hilarious to watch the Bethesda/Nvidia haters going into an epic hate spiral. Knowing Nvidia, they'd do that just so they don't have to give away as many prizes. That's exactly why I tried to emphasise unity in this matter. At the very least we should have made nVidia pay out in full. I'm pretty disappointed in people's reactions. Would have happily invested money into the legal proceedings but only under a unified commune.
  8. I'm inclined to agree with this statement. If you used the CK as a stepping stone and are now familiar with it, the winds are blowing and it's time to raise the sails. This contest has pretty much shown what we are thought of as a community these days. I am new to the CK, and the scene when I was invited into the beta. My eyes are fresh and my time proxy loyalties are absent. So objectively. Sorry. But this is an awful way to treat a group of slaves who basically make up ~25% of the allure a Bethesda game has. If you mod for yourself, I get it. If you're doing it in a never ending quest for validation from formless entities then you're in the right place. Any other reason has become null.
  9. Deadline for them is tomorrow, let's see what happens.
  10. https://community.bethesda.net/message/201559#201559 It's a response, which is good.
  11. Honestly I would take those numbers with a grain of salt. Consider it's so easy to use a proxy to change your IP and vote as much as you want. Nothing against her mod for having the most, but considering the backlash Pew Pew is getting, I watched it jump 50 votes in less than 5 minutes this morning, meanwhile every other mod didn't budge. Hard to believe that many people so early in the morning are all just voting for Pew Pew when mods like Faction Housing has a ton of support, especially on the Nexus. I voted for UFO4P before aware it was a fraudulent submission, now I can't vote in that category. Have I been robbed of my rights to freedom? Yet another nail in this law coffin Nvidia has climbed into. Not to mention the abandoning of members from the community, some emotional grievances arising from this competition.
  12. na let's save the 80 hours for the PEW laser mod...
  13. That's correct FlowerGuy, which is why they opted to provided the DMCA forms, as it's covering themselves from liability.
  14. I mean as I understand it there are still stolen mods being uploaded to bethesda.net and some that have been up for months. Also the users who are uploading the stolen mods have had little to no action taken against them but correct me if im wrong. If this is the case then bethesda might still be breaking the law. Its like if a torrent site removed a torrent link because of a dcma but then didn't ban/suspend the users account (clearly protecting them) there is still a copyright case to be made on that alone. Also Nvidia could just shut down the contest and not pay anything to the winners and you no longer have a case. Whereas, if the stolen mods produced any revenue whatsoever, even if bethesda completely shuts down beth.net you would still have a case. They can shut down the contest if violation of T&C's come from those who submit. Not if they violate their own T&C's. In the case of the latter, along with evidence which I have been documenting and screenshotting since day 1 they will not be able to "get away with it" so simply. Actually they can't, in order to do that they would need to fall back on their legal document. In this case the T&C's. Due to their actions they have voided their T&C's and thus, currently cannot end the contest, cannot distribute prizes and cannot use any assets gained from it.
  15. I mean as I understand it there are still stolen mods being uploaded to bethesda.net and some that have been up for months. Also the users who are uploading the stolen mods have had little to no action taken against them but correct me if im wrong. If this is the case then bethesda might still be breaking the law. Its like if a torrent site removed a torrent link because of a dcma but then didn't ban/suspend the users account (clearly protecting them) there is still a copyright case to be made on that alone. Also Nvidia could just shut down the contest and not pay anything to the winners and you no longer have a case. Whereas, if the stolen mods produced any revenue whatsoever, even if bethesda completely shuts down beth.net you would still have a case. They can shut down the contest if violation of T&C's come from those who submit. Not if they violate their own T&C's. In the case of the latter, along with evidence which I have been documenting and screenshotting since day 1 they will not be able to "get away with it" so simply.
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