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Everything posted by rickgamer

  1. I'm using the latest version of Skyrim (1.9), also using SKSE, I've got quite a few mods installed but even after disabling them it doesn't seem to solve the problem. I'm also using ENBoost for better performance which is a life saver as my game runs like a slideshow without it but smooth as butter with it.
  2. Every time I load up Skyrim and click 'Continue' the loading screen comes up as it should, but when the game fully loads up it just crashes to the desktop, even if I go to load game (from the main menu) and load the last save I created it will still CTD, however if I load an auto save, the game loads up fine! Does anyone have any clue as to why this is happening? Even when I've loaded the game via an auto save I can still load up previous saves I've created without it crashing on me, it's just from the main menu it seems to CTD when trying to load a save I created! Any help with this issue would be appreciated. EDIT: I apologise for the typo in the topic title, it was supposed to say auto save not quick save.
  3. Anyone know if this would be at all possible? Also are there any tutorials online for this sort of thing, wouldn't mind having a crack at it myself.
  4. I've tried everything to alter the FOV in Skyrim from entering it in the console and tweaking the ini files but whatever I do it just does not save the settings and always ends up reverting back to the default view which I'm not too fond of. So I would like to know if this could be done via a mod? Would really help me and a lot of others out. By the way how hard would it be to create a mod like this?
  5. It is from Growlfs Hot Clothes mod My link Awesome thanks a lot, downloaded it and tried it, although for some reason the top seems a little 'off' as in the breasts look too small for the cuirass, this may be because I'm using a different body replacer than I did when I first downloaded it. Thanks again though really appreciate the help :thumbsup:
  6. Thank the nines that I found this topic, didn't think to look on the forums for this mod until now. I've been searching and searching through the mods on this site and I cannot find a specific type of armor that I desperately want. Thing is I've already downloaded the armor a long time ago but I've since done a clean install on my computer and re-installed Oblivion but cannot for the life of me find this armor again, I'm hoping someone here knows where to get it. Thankfully I saved a picture of my character back then with the armor on so at least I have this picture for reference: http://www.upload3r.com/serve/120811/1313188722.jpg I know it's mithril armor but I'm not sure if it was a replacer for the default armor or a new set of armor, my memory aint too good these days... Would appreciate any help with this.
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