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Lord Valarian

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  1. Played it on Game of the Year edition. Before that morrowind. I'm getting back into it soon. Waiting for answer to the 4gb patch, been a week with no replys. :sad: Skyrim requires internet to activate. I only have limited library and college access. So, Skyrim is unplayable. I'v waiting for it to come out on GOG DRM-FREE. I don't play any games that require activation BS. Also, I created this great mods years ago that has swords that drains you magicka to repair armor, recharge weapons. Nothing like it existed at the time. The quest is terrible, need to go back and make it better. Couldn't get anybody to come on join in on the project. Plus a few other fun features. Took me a days to get oblivion setup with all the mods and utilities. ;)
  2. duckduckgo search: tes nexus oblivion forums https://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?c=91,243,248 login duckduckgo search: tes nexus oblivion mods '?' not needed. logout. http://www.nexusmods.com/oblivion/? The extra question mark? not needed. login http://www.nexusmods.com/oblivion/ http://www.nexusmods.com/games/Error/?err=login_failed https://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?c=91,243,248 login - normal
  3. Hello all. I'v done this. Oblivion GOTY edition (2DVDs) installed DVD1 then DVD2 Oblivion official modules (spell tomes, wizards tower, etc DVD) not oblivion patch on it. Fighters stronghold (exe) official module installed. Installed OBSE Planning to install Menuque + oblivion reloaded (OBGE) Install unofficial oblivion and Shivering Isles textures I'v installed the 4gb patch before. Does either OBSE or OBGE have the 4GB patch already in it? Will there be any conflicts? Are there more modern 4GB patches available?
  4. OK, I'm getting off topic. So, I got the answer I needed. I'll read up on NMM.
  5. Clicking the mods links at the top of the page works fine. If search for "tes nexus mods oblivion", then try to use the mods login page. It says "username and password invalid."
  6. >Good luck and welcome back to the games. Thanks, it's been a while, many years. I did create this fun mod, but only 8 nods for it.. I made these great swords. When your magicka is full. It drains all magick. Refills your weapons and repairs armor/weapons(not borrowed from any other mod that knew about, all my idea). It keeps doing this over and over until all your weapons and armor are charged and refilled. It has cvars so you can you make it fair or cheat. Not to mention critical hits. The quest is way too simple. I need to go back one day do more on it. Ok, hmmmmm. I stick with NMM for now. This what i'll start with oblivion dvd 1 &1 knights of the nine (just additional mods) obse obge textures shiv and oblivion wrye bash, boss What about the 4gb patch? I have a lot more than 4gb. Is that included in obse or obge?
  7. Hello. I'v not used this forum or mods in years. So, I left private mail about this, but can't find it. I updated my email and password on the forums(system notice). I can login here forums. (not signed-in into nexus forums) --> If try to login into nexus mods: It says name and email invalid. I login into forums. I can click the link to login into mods. Sometimes, that doesn't work. If I logout of forums, then try to login to nexus mods ^ It says in name and password. Do I need separate account for nexus forums and mods? Else, what i'm I doing wrong. Thanks.
  8. Thanks, Oblivion patches, official mod patches OBGE and OBSE
  9. I got the answers for using NMM. archive invalidation? mod to fix that "archive invalidation invalidated"? Do I use this one or something else more up to date? For textures, you make a archive invalidation file, previously.
  10. OK, I'll post if I have problems with a script I'll post here. Posted message basic help on setup. Need help there too. Like textures need archive invalidation. Use the mod, "archive invalidation invalidated". If someone can answer, long series of question for startup. (see other message) in PM tell me. Else, please answer other post. Thanks for the assist.
  11. Hello. I don't have internet access often. So, does NMM require you to sign in in order to use it? That internet is slow as a snail. I have very limited time to do anything. I have a large library of mods already downloaded. Can it handle OMODS? For that matter, I'm used to oblivion mod manager. So, I can install mods already downloaded. It's been a long time since i'v played it. I'm going over my library and seeing what I want to keep. I'v posted another help post on basics. Thanks.
  12. Hello all. It's been a long time since i'v played. I need feedback on the most basic set of oblivion mods. Here's what I have for a basic set. I'm trying to remember the complex order I did all this in. ?? Oblivion DVD Nights of the nine DVD +fighters stronghold DLC installer exe QARL's texture pack I have a 1.7 gig file version 3 + patch out of date? So, I looked up this page. http://www.nexusmods.com/oblivion/mods/45666/?tab=1&navtag=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.nexusmods.com%2Foblivion%2Fajax%2Fmoddescription%2F%3Fid%3D45666%26preview%3D&pUp=1 archive invalidation? mod to fix that. Unofficial oblivion patch, shivering isles patch, DLC's patches UOP patch? Oblivion script extender: http://www.nexusmods.com/oblivion/mods/37952/? Oblivion graphics extender: Stops exit crash too? complex dependencies? Alluring wine bottles and potions http://www.nexusmods.com/oblivion/mods/33531/? http://www.nexusmods.com/oblivion/mods/34111/? Frostcrag reborn with cobol Kvach rebult harvest flora book jackets I was using OBMM. Need some startup help. Thanks.
  13. Hello all. Need help with the end puzzle with the tree of life. I'v read the offical walkthrough. I can't make sense of how to solve it. I need an image as guide with all the stumps and NPC mapped out. Can someone help me? Thanks.
  14. Hello. For my mod, "Archmage Quest - Sanctuary", I have all the functionality I want. The sancturary room is fast to access, easy to use, very handy(32 storage chests with a sorter and the stone), and a must for any adventurer. However, it's plain and dull. http://oblivion.nexu...com/mods/42564/ I need a designer for swords, armor, and the interior. Make it look like Archmages's break room. Most of the models and textures, I can't get in contact with the designer or I don't like the design. Still need to tweek swords functionality, not sure how. Thanks.
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