I use Sexlivion... in particular... the version that allows female characters to have fun with male or female NPCs. However, while there are mods that have child in the cities ("moDems City Life" comes to mind), and while there are pregnancy "clothes", I've noticed that there isn't a mod that uses Sexlivion (or any other sex mod for that matter) as a means to start a family. Most people reading this might be thinking "WTF?" or "This guy is crazy!" or even "all I want is a 'hack and slash' 3D rpg". Offhand I can't see any reason why anyone would want this kind of mod unless they wanted more realism. Some modders have gone as far as... well, making Oblivion sexualized (I've seen realstic monsters... *shudder*), or adding a script of sorts that makes water drip off of your character when it rains. There's even a mod being made right now to make clothes animated, to be more realistic. I'd have to say, I'd be one of many people who'd want more realism in this game. And I think, aside from that small tangent of a paragraph, that a pregnancy mod of sorts were sex can procure more than just "H Skill", bottles of "poisonous sperm", and the "H Virus". I believe there can be a mod for pregnancy, a pregnancy for female characters and NPCs, and maybe even spells to speed it up (with the right skills in magic of course), poses and animations for birth maybe, and why not... even an infant to carry and nurse. If what I'm suggesting seems too much detail, too much modding, or too much to ask, then reply why it is too much. If not, then reply anyways. -Ashura, the Chimera