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  1. So how goes the progress? -Ashura, the Chimera
  2. If it helps, everyone involved with this topic should get informed on this all: Read the book in the game "Notes on Racial Phylogenie" (or however it's spelled) Get the Sexlivion mod (the one that allows females to have sex with males or females; it's hard to find) Consider the timeline and thus does research on medival times, but consider huge leeway for magicks and soforth That seems about it for now. Other than that good work/ideas people. -Ashura, the Chimera
  3. Since I've last been online, I noticed quite a lot of posts! Am I amazed that this little topic turned into a 5 pager? Damn skippy. *clears throat* Any ways... I also noticed that many of you thought kindly of the male and his "protection". Well, it turns out that over the past week I've done some research in terms of sex and old times. Women back in the days of castles, swords, knights, and plagues also had contraception as well as the men. It seems women either had anal sex or used natural and herbal remedies for stopping or preventing pregnancy. Some of these contraceptives involved half of a squeezed out lemon, completely devoid of juice, inserted into the *censored* like a cervical cap. Other methods included making a paste of sorts (I don't recall the ingrediants) that were very similar in the chemical makeup of spremicide. That having been said, I also noticed a post in regards to turning this topic into a team? Have at it! The more minds we have at this idea, the more likely it is to come to fruition. (Just don't forget to add me as least a foot note.) -Ashura, the Chimera
  4. It was the Druid mod I downloaded months ago. I just decided to not become a druid this time around... so problem solved. -Ashura, the Chimera
  5. Gertrude Eisenbrecht (hope that's the spelling). She shows up outta no where, and follows me around... creepy and annoying. -Ashura, the Chimera
  6. Okay, so I made a new character. A Khajiit. Nothing modded. Nothing special. But when I went up to my cell door... the jackass across from me said nothing and did nothing except stand there. What happened? I have mods activated, but none of them change the intro. Is there a way to use the console and start that sequence? Like "startquest mainquest" or something? -Ashura, the Chimera
  7. LOL Yes I think the reich wingers will stay away from this mod, at least I hope. But regards to the damage spell I think it would be better to have a form of abortion clinic in this mod. The only problem is who in oblivion would provide such services, at least in Fallout 3 they have docters who could Preform it. But who in Oblivion would able to, ..... the Mages Guild??? The churches perhaps? The religious belief system in Oblivion aren't the same as any other real religion, so churches heal and stuff... they could do it. As far as abortion goes, you'd have to do it in a certain amount of time... and speaking of which, how long should an Oblivion pregnancy be? -Ashura, the Chimera
  8. I either didn't see it, or there isn't a mod for males with vaginas. But on the offhand, thank you. -Ashura, the Chimera
  9. Yes, it is an iffy post, but hey... what's the point of this suggestion part of the forums if no one suggests something? Hermaphrodites. No one would want there character to be one... or would there? One of my friends (whom I shall not name, and whom was high at the time he suggested it) thought it'd be cool to have herms in Oblivion. At the time I dismissed it, but then my creative mind (unhinder by drugs or any other substance, unlike my friend was) got to thinkin'. There ARE individuals that WOULD play something like that. But the questions remains: whom would make the mod? And would it be fair and include all of the intersexes? (that of course means herms with and without breasts, and if you'll pardon the wording, women with penises and men with vaginas). That having been said, I hope my friend's high creativity, and my post are... um... well recieved. -Ashura, the Chimera
  10. In light of all of these new ideas, I've considered adding the following ideas as well: In addition to chances of becoming pregnant, what about the possiblity of twins or more? In regards to the race of the child, as there are no hybrids (except for the Grey Prince), the child could have a 50% chance of being like the mother or the father. (There's one book somewhere that talks about what races can have hybrid children, and no, I don't remember the name of the book, but we should take that into consideration.) One last idea for now in one word: contraception. -Ashura, the Chimera
  11. However, finding/asking a modder do to this is a task. I see one problem with this now: how do you script Sexlivion with a chance of pregnancy... no, how do you script Sexlivion period? -Ashura, the Chimera
  12. I use Sexlivion... in particular... the version that allows female characters to have fun with male or female NPCs. However, while there are mods that have child in the cities ("moDems City Life" comes to mind), and while there are pregnancy "clothes", I've noticed that there isn't a mod that uses Sexlivion (or any other sex mod for that matter) as a means to start a family. Most people reading this might be thinking "WTF?" or "This guy is crazy!" or even "all I want is a 'hack and slash' 3D rpg". Offhand I can't see any reason why anyone would want this kind of mod unless they wanted more realism. Some modders have gone as far as... well, making Oblivion sexualized (I've seen realstic monsters... *shudder*), or adding a script of sorts that makes water drip off of your character when it rains. There's even a mod being made right now to make clothes animated, to be more realistic. I'd have to say, I'd be one of many people who'd want more realism in this game. And I think, aside from that small tangent of a paragraph, that a pregnancy mod of sorts were sex can procure more than just "H Skill", bottles of "poisonous sperm", and the "H Virus". I believe there can be a mod for pregnancy, a pregnancy for female characters and NPCs, and maybe even spells to speed it up (with the right skills in magic of course), poses and animations for birth maybe, and why not... even an infant to carry and nurse. If what I'm suggesting seems too much detail, too much modding, or too much to ask, then reply why it is too much. If not, then reply anyways. -Ashura, the Chimera
  13. I've seen many mods out there for monsters as playable races, one mentionable one that I like is the Xivilai. But I noticed that some biped monsters still aren't playable (I.E. Goblins). Also other races that come to mind that should be centaurs (even though they aren't in the game), spider daedras (think about it for a second on how cool/popular they'd be), minotaurs (just a thought). Any other ideas? Or Mod Makers wanna add to this topic? -Ashura, the Chimera
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