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About tauempire

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    United States

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  1. so i found a pick of darth vader but with a medieval style of armor and a red sword obv. here it is https://cdna.artstation.com/p/assets/images/images/012/992/872/large/jens-kuczwara-medieval-vader-04.jpg?1537526296 though there are plenty on the internet. and i'm wondering if somebody would be kind enough to make one into an armor set. would be cool. hope someone agrees with me enough to make it. :D
  2. so i'm still trying to get the skyrim skill uncapper version for Skyrim special edition to work. buuuuuuut i can't get it to work. it shows up in the NMM and i'm able to check it but that doesn't turn it on. doesn't show up in the list of plugins nor does it show up in the list of mods ingame. what do i do? yes, i have the .dll file thing installed that it needs to work. this is my second post about this. i didn't get helpful help the first time. :(
  3. okay i found the problem. SSE has no SKSE yet. therefore problem is that.
  4. waaaait..... with the dll file i have to set the stuff MANUALLY? that's..... ugh.... work.
  5. I can't get the Skyrim Skill Uncapper to work on SSE. for reference that's this guy right here. ---> https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/8889 ] ANYWAY, it WAS working. i know i had a skill at lvl 101 a few days ago. but i now see that it's not working. NMM says it's enabled, but when i go ingame, it doesn't show up in the load order of the mods list. nor does it show up as a plugin on the NMM plugin list whereas every other mod does. so i'm stumped. I've tried reinstalling the mod, reinstalling the .dll that it needs to work. don't know what to do. help?
  6. so i know that someone was trying to make this game multiplayer. actually here's the link. http://csusap.csu.edu.au/~mloxto01/ but there are no updates past 2006. does anyone know if they finished the mod or if they stopped working on it?
  7. i don't remember how i did it or what version i did it on but one day i some how glitched oblivion to allow me to go past the limits on enchantment. i think the limit is like 105 or something. i had it going to like 300 and had i something 11 shots with a bow that had 100 dmg (of each type for the maximum time) in 100ft radius. like i said, i don't know how to replicate this and i would like too know if anyone else has seen this glitch or knows how to replicate it as i didn't see it in any of the forums i checked.
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