I'm trying to make a simple mod to change the appearance and outfits of some of the NPCs in the game. I already mentioned in another thread a while ago that this is the first time I'm doing something with the creation kit.
I'm using some different armor mods to asign the items from them to different NPCs. Don't worry, this is just a little private mod which is too unpolished for publication anyway, so I won't release it and take credit for something I did not make by myself.
In order to use items from other mods I do as explained in this section from a tutorial I'll link here: http://wiki.tesnexus.com/index.php/Adding_a_Follower_NPC_to_Skyrim#Make_your_plugin_dependant_on_the_other_mod
I basically says: Choose the mod you need, copy the .esp to an .esm via Wrye Bash, load the new .esm into the creation kit, make your mod, save it, delete the .esm and change the dependency of your own mod back to the original .esp.
This worked with most mods so far, but it got me into trouble when did this with Immersive Armors. Seemingly because IA doesn't only add new items to the game, but because it also distributes them to existing NPCs and has its own MCM menu.
Now depending on if I start Skyrim and my plugin with a dependency on IA converted to an .esm or with a dependency changed back to the original .esp of IA, I get different results:
1) With IA as an .esm: I'll get two copies of MCM menus for IA. I guess one is coming from the .esm of IA and one from the plugin I created. Any NPC whose outfit is changed by IA will wear this IA outfit, regardless of whether I used the creation kit to give him/her another one (which of course shouldnt be).
2) With IA as an .esp: The NPCs will wear the outfits I assigned to them, so this seems to be fine. But I still have two MCM menus and also the "Immersive Armors Configuration has finished" notification will pop up again and again.
If I just start Skyrim with my plugin but with IA deactivated, the items from IA will be there (maybe only the ones I used? Didn't test it), but they're invisible.
Yeah, so can somebody tell me how to fix it or what I should have done to avoid this in the first place? I still don't really know how CK works exactly and what consequences the things that I do will have. After all I'll load the skyrim.esm every time I'll edit my plugin, but that doesn't mean every vanilla content of the game will be duplicated like the MCM menu of IA was.