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About corlagon37

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    United States
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    Skyrim, Fallout NV, Lotro

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  1. The way I see it a sword is a sword regardless of the material it's made off. Essentially an ebony sword is the same as a iron sword with the main difference being the ebony being made from a more durable material allowing it to cause more damage. The players skill is already accounted for in the game in such a way that using an ebony sword with low skill really isn't that much better then an iron one, it's like 3 points of damage difference or something. Where I see the problem is with crafting/smithing. It's way to easy to get smithing skill high at low levels thus allowing for tempering of armor and weapons and acquiring powerful armor and weapons such as ebony early in the game. What needs to be worked on is making smithing level required. One idea I thought of is instead of perks or even a skill number for smithing have the smithing tree removed completely and have it be quest based. Think about it in medieval times not just anyone picked up a hammer and started making things, they had to become an apprentice to a skilled smith. Skilled smiths kept there techniques closely guarded because it was how they made there living. Basically continue the quest that starts out with just crafting and improving a dagger and hide helmet from the beginning of the game to include more quests which unlock different smithing types (dwarven, ebony etc). These additional quests could be level based, like to earn the basic smithing perk the player would complete a quest and also have to be level 5 for example. Continue with the idea to include the differant item types ebony, steel etc and each would require higher levels to start the quest.
  2. You'll need some way to loot the bodies which brings me to an idea I thought off. Some kind of logistics NPC, a follower who doesn't fight just follows behind the player. Treat him sort of like a portable chest you could link him to the players horse so all items given to him will be on your horse for sale later on. Ive always imagined an adventurer might have an entourage of people who deal with the more mundane tasks such as cooking setting up camp etc, they deal with the logistics while the adventurer makes the money. The follower could be given a long follow distance behind the adventurer to keep him out of combat, likely he/she would want to be a ways back considering his/her job is simply transporting loot.
  3. A simple way of doing it would be to simply have a single weapon but it does double the damage of a single hand pistol and the animations would be different off course. Basically both pistols would have to fire together so no alternating or independent left/right hand pistol fire. The animation would show two pistols but essentially we would do double the damage and using twice the ammo because we would be shooting two pistols in unison.
  4. So essentially your saying the damage is double because we would be firing two pistols at the same time, but we wouldn't be able to fire the right and left hand pistol independently or alternate them. Sounds like a good solution to me. The meshes, textures, and animations seem like they could be done without too much difficulty in comparison to what stuff has already been modded. I'll be watching your new thread with anticipation. Edit: Truth is no one in history has ever proven they can fire two pistols independently of each other except for supposedly Bill Hickok and a modern day shooter who had to spend some time aiming both guns at there targets which is not practical in a real gun fight. My take would be either alternating fire at a single target with two pistols or firing both pistols in unison at a single target. Either way shooting down one man on one side of the room and the other on the other side would be a incredible gunmen feet indeed considering you have to aim each gun at the same time and our vision restricts aiming at two separate targets that are separated by a distance. Bill Hickok did something along those lines but he was said to be doing it as a showmanship situation and had some time to aim both pistols, though he is still known to be just as accurate with his left revolver as his right hand one which is a feet of skill all it's own.
  5. I need to learn to mod hehe. I was thinking about this idea myself would love to see double revolvers. I actually had an idea about this that involved a quest to achieve the perk. Basically somewhere in the game you encounter an NPC who goes by the name Wild Bill (Wild Bill Hickok, who was said to be known for his skill with double revolvers), Wild Bill takes the player on a quest to help him which at the completion he teaches the double guns perk and can also become a companion. Just a thought if anyone takes on this task feel free to use the NPC idea.
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